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Chapter 3 starts. Supergirl still lives!? No censoring necessary this time. My drawing screen somehow shows colors less intensely than other screens. I am always surprised by how saturated the page look on other screens. It's pretty annoying. I have been busy with rl but I will try to pump out more stuff in the coming weeks. Thanks for your support!!




I'm having trouble downloading the page off Mega. I followed the instructions from your previous post about it but it's asking for a "decryption key" and the password "2`$p{E%UZ9T=+CQ:y&$"ck;Hj" doesn't work.


The colours look fantastic on my phone. Maybe it's less saturated on my screen too though.


Hm... neither the Mega or Google link work for me anymore? Is it just me?


Looking good. Always happy to see more supergirl.


Remove the KUF written in the link beforehand. It should work then.


Do you mean the zipfile with sketches batgirl 10,sdwreaper 50-53? The password was for that file.


Yes. I tried the password from the sketches batgirl 10, sdwreaper 50-53. The password doesn't work for the Decryption Key


Both links on profile for mega and google does not work anymore


So for the link issue, if you use copy link, pixiv will modify it. Rather, select the link manually, copy, then paste in search bar. Then you can remove the KUF written in it and go. Sorry for all the trouble! Fanbox doesn't allow me to post links to uncensored stuff and mega seems to be hunting down extreme content, which is why I have to go in such a roundabout way! :((((


Nehocb, I uploaded another version of the zipfile, all info are on that post (sketches batgirl 10 etc). If you are having anymore issues, don't hesitate to pm me.


Very good, female super, he is still alive, I will continue to sponsor you