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Hi all! introducing storm who will make an appearance after supergirl. For more 'clearer' images, visit my regular pixiv account, then click on view-profile for the mega link. From there, look into the folder 'sketch' and download the file named "sketch-shadowreaper 47, xmen concepts" You will need this: 6$\N>z9sU\e?r*ae^;VV I am doing a little poll here: 1.Which Storm hairstyle do you want? A or B? 2.Small or very small boobs(almost flat) for X-23? Going for teen look. She is still OBVIOUSLY 18, of coouurse! 3.If you cut X-23's head, does she regenerate from her head or body?




I was never a huge fan of the mohawk hairstyle on Storm so my vote would be for style B. And bigger boobs on X-23


Style B for Storm, and smaller boobs for X-23 but not flat, she regenerate from head.


Style B for Storm. Smaller and younger boobs for 23. I agree with Halfdan that she regens from head.


1. Style B 2. Smaller Boobs 3. Regenerate from her head


I think I might be the only dissenting opinion, and vote for hairstyle A because I think its unique. Definitely agree with most every else about the smaller boobs for X-23. Nearly flat suits her. As for her regeneration, I suppose from the head makes the most sense, though it might be a bit tricky to portray it without looking silly.


1. Style A, agreed with grandleader. It gives her a unique look compared to the others. 2. Almost flat look. 3. I guess from the head.


1 I am fine with either hairstyle, though Style A looks more familiar because of the movie adaptation 2 Smaller boobs for X-23, flat is acceptable 3 Regenerate from body


Have you considered the idea that maybe X-23 is still alive and conscious as a separated head? It would be quite the humiliating fate to spend her final moments mounted on a cock unable to do anything but watch the cockhead pump in and out of her mouth for however long it feels like letting her live.


1. More a fan of style B 2. Small 3. From the head


1. A please 2. Small but juicy 3. From body, repeat a few times, so everyone gets a head! ^0^


Yes. The part that regenerates would remain alive and have limited mobility and consciousness.


1. Hairstyle A 2. The size in the sketch looks perfect. 3. Regenerate from head. Cause otherwise she'd lose her memories like wolverine did.


1. A or B is fine 2. Nice full perky tits 3. Body


1) Style A 2) the bigger the better ;3 3) from her head in the comics wolverine regenerate from his head (https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-519ae8e6b2833942a5bd9a136db452f4-c)


1. B 2. C-cup if small then B not too flat chest. 3. Head- more realistic consciousness/memory-wise. Bodies can then be used for good deepthroats and playing by multiple actors.


x23 would be small sized tits and itd be great to keep to og head alive while you let parts keep regenerating and being used while she watches/experiances


Storm Hairstyle A X-23 small From the Head?