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I think we penetrated all her holes now. Achievement unlocked? Chapter 2 is near the end. Some of you predicted the ending in the comment section. My father hurt himself (nothing too extreme) and I am helping manage his business while he recover. This will sadly impact my drawing time, but I will still try to draw as much as I can. For the 'clearer' image, visit my regular pixiv account, then click on view-profile for the mega link. From there, look into the folder 'shadowreaper' and download the page. You will need this: FH#$F6,]\c;bkC(e Unzip with 7-zip to avoid issues. Thank you for your support!




I don't know if you take suggestions from silver tier members, but it would be pretty satisfying to have all of her limbs broken and then torn off so she is nothing but a torso before death. Hope your dad has a swift recovery <3


I wanna eat her eye.


Welp farewell, Kara. You lived as you died, bursting. Now I’m wondering who actually has plot armor…..


Brutal. But yeah, seems like we are coming to the end for Kara. A shame, she was really goddess material. Also, don't see who else would even stand a chance when Supergirl couldn't survive this thing.


There is something about seeing a mighty heroine like supergirl reduced to nothing but a helpless girl. And then further reducing her to nothing but flesh and bone.


Who's to say he can't switch universes ;) that would be something.


Im pretty sure now that I think about it, no one in this series is gonna have plot armor……. So Everybody Dead .-. I honestly thought she was gonna get possessed or impregnated (then die), but whatever……..