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今日は正月。うちの地元は他では珍しがられる寒中神輿がある。 ご丁寧にわざわざ寒い時期に法被姿で神輿を担ぐという内容だが地元の男達は皆血気盛んでやる気まんまんだ。 そんな中の楽しみは俺の好きなおやっさんの褌姿が拝める事。そんなささやかな楽しみだったはずなのに、寝坊で遅刻しまった俺に幸運が舞い降りた。 男達の着替え集合場所の民家におやっさんも遅刻してきて二人だけで一緒に着替える事になったのだ。 「お?タロウ、おまえも遅刻してきたのか!昨日は俺も酒を飲みすぎてな、この有様だ。ガハハハ!!」 「おやっさんも?俺、大して飲んでないのになぁ・・・酒弱いから・・・。」 そんな話で笑いながら二人とも狭い個室で服を脱いで裸になり、褌と法被に着替えていく。 俺は反対側を向き、さっさと褌を締めて法被も着たがおやっさんは少し手間取っているようだ。 おやっさんは特に隠そうともせず、ぶっといチンポを揺らせながら褌を締めていってるようだが、やはり途中うまくいかず俺に手伝いを求めてきた。 「タロウ、ちょっと悪いがこっち引っ張ってくれねぇか?」 「OKおやっさん、ここ?」 「そうだ、・・・よっと」 身体を動かすおやっさんのチンポに俺の手が軽くぶつかり、おやっさんが一瞬ビクッとしたように見えた。 手伝ったおかげかようやく綺麗に褌を締め終わったおやっさん。 「タロウは一人でできたのか、すげぇな!・・・ん?」 俺は気づかないうちにおやっさんの体を見て半勃ちになってしまっていたのだ。 「ガハハ、おめえの体もココもおっきくなったなぁ~!」 「い、いやこれは・・・その・・・」 おやっさんは勃起しかけていることに気づかずに、単なる成長と思ったようだ。だがそんなことよりもおやっさんの股間も半勃ちになっている事に気づく。 「おやっさんのチンポも、なんか大きくなってない?」 「ぬ、これは・・・さっきおめぇの手が当たったから・・・生理現象っていうヤツだ、ワハハ!」 笑いで照れ隠ししているおやっさんのチンポに無意識に手が伸びてしまった俺。心臓がバクバクと鼓動する。 「こ、こらタロウ、どこ触って・・・」 我に返った時には時すでに遅し。しっかりとおやっさんの膨張したチンポを褌の上から握ってしまっていた俺はもうどうにでもなれと傍にあったベッドに押し倒し、せっかく着たばかりの法被をめくり胸を露出させた。 ぷっくりと膨れたおやっさんの乳首を見ると益々自分を止められなくなり、倒れたおやっさんの褌の上から舌を這わせた。 「おやっさん・・・俺・・・俺・・・前からおやっさんの事が・・・」 「お、おいタロウなにしてんだ・・・・こ、コラ」 「いいから俺の好きなようにさせてくれよ、独り身のおやっさんは祭り前だししばらく抜いてないんだろ?俺が気持ちよくしてあげるよ」 「バカな事言ってんじゃねぇ、そんなとこ・・・・おうっ!!」 おやっさんの褌を軽くめくってキンタマを露出させた俺は唾液をたっぷり出してアリの門渡りから舐め上げていく。舐める度におやっさんの大きいタマが左右交互に波打ち、いやらしく唾液で光った。 おやっさんの体は舐める度にビクリと動き、更に大きくなってきたチンポが遂に褌からはみ出て力強く天を仰いだ。 「こ、こらぁ、年上をおちょくんな!そんなことされたらこうなっちまうだろうが!」 「いいんだよおやっさん、俺がしたいんだから。もっと気持ちよくしてやるよ!」 ターゲットをタマから血管の浮き出る肉棒に変え、俺はおやっさんのチンポの根本から亀頭の先まで巧みに舌先を動かしながら舐め上げる。おやっさんはいい反応でシーツをギュッと握りしめ、体を震わせた。 「おうっ!おう・・・!!く・・・タロウ・・・気持ちよすぎて・・・・ダメだ・・こんな事・・・!!」 俺はおやっさんの言葉に相槌を打つこともなく、懸命に、丁寧におやっさんのチンポを隅々まで舐めあげる。鈴口からは大量の我慢汁がどんどんと竿を伝って流れだし、それを舌先で掬い取っては裏筋やカリ に塗りつけながら刺激した。 快感で時折仰向けになるおやっさんの下から見上げる胸の隆起した乳首も触りたくて、唾液でぬるぬるになったチンポをしごきながら、下腹部から腹筋を撫でるように手を這わせながらおやっさんの乳首を摘まんだ。 「うあっ!!」 ビクンと大きく痙攣したおやっさん。チンポと乳首に同時に走る快感にすでに限界のようだ。 「や・・・やめ・・・タロォ・・・!!」 ビクビクと震えるおやっさんの乳首を問答無用に責め立てる。指先に唾液を付けて乳首の先端を撫でまわしながらチンポをしごき、亀頭を口に含んで唇で上下にカリを舐る。 「タロゥ・・・・だ、ダメだ・・・!!」 そう告げるとおやっさんは大量のザーメンをチンポから吐き出し、毛深い胸をボトボトと音を出して汚していく。射精時に力強く動いた極太のチンポは俺の顔やおやっさんの顔まで精液を飛び散らせ、その温かさを感じさせた。 「ハァハァ・・・き・・・気持ち・・・よかった・・・でもタロウ・・・こんな事してどうすんだ・・・」 「エヘヘ・・・おやっさんが気持ちよくなってくれれば俺は嬉しいの!また溜まったら俺に言ってよ。でもこのことは誰にも言わないでよ?」 「言えるわけねーだろ・・・でもおめぇうめぇのな・・・」 おやっさんはまんざら嫌そうにはしてないし思い切ってよかったかも。またできるといいな・・・。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 正月に法被?となったけど寒中神輿というのがあったw タロウ君はまたできるのかな・・・?時間がなかったので少し雑でゴメンネ。 Today is New Year. In my hometown, there is a type of cold weather mikoshi that is rare in other places. The local men were all enthusiastic and enthusiastic about carrying the mikoshi in their happi coats during the cold season. The fun part is being able to see my favorite guy in a loincloth. It was supposed to be a simple pleasure, but luck befell me as I overslept and was late. Bro was also late at the private house where the men were changing clothes, so it was decided that the two of them would change clothes together. "Oh? Taro, you're late too! I drank too much yesterday too, so this is what happened. Gahahaha!!" "Bro too? I've only been drinking a little...I'm not a big drinker..." Laughing as they talked about this, they both took off their clothes in a small private room, stripped naked, and changed into loincloths and happi coats. I turned to the other side and quickly tied up my loincloth and put on my happi coat, but Bro seemed to be taking a bit of time. Bro didn't really try to hide it, and seemed to be tightening the loincloth while shaking his big cock, but it didn't go well and he asked me for help. "Taro, I'm sorry, but could you please pull me over here?" "OK Bro, are you here?" "That's it,···" My hand lightly brushed against Bro's cock as he moved his body, and Bro looked startled for a moment. Thanks to my help, Bro finally finished tying his loincloth neatly. "Taro was able to do it all by himself, that's amazing!...huh?" Before I knew it, I had become half-erect as I looked at Bro's body. “Gahaha, your body and here are getting bigger!” "No, no, this is... that..." Bro didn't realize that he was about to get an erection and thought it was just a growth. But more than that, I noticed that Bro's crotch was also half erect. “Isn’t your dick getting bigger too?” "Mmm, this is...because your hand hit me earlier...it's a physiological phenomenon, wahaha!" My hand unconsciously reached out to Bro's cock, which was hiding his embarrassment from laughing. My heart is beating rapidly. "Oh, hey Taro, where are you touching..." By the time I came to my senses, it was already too late. I had a firm grip on Bro's swollen cock from above his loincloth, so I pushed him down onto the bed next to him, flipped up the happi coat he had just put on, and exposed his chest. When she saw Bro's puffy nipples, she couldn't stop herself anymore and ran her tongue over Bro's fallen loincloth. "Bro...I...I...I've been thinking about Bro for a while..." "Oh, hey, Taro, what are you doing...?" "Okay, just let me do what I want. It's just before the festival, so you've been hanging out for a while, right? I'll make you feel good." "Don't say something stupid, like that...Ouch!!" I lightly flipped up Bro's loincloth to expose his balls, and licked them up with plenty of saliva. Every time I licked it, Bro's big balls started rippling from side to side, glistening with saliva. Bro's body twitched with every lick, and his ever-growing cock finally protruded from his loincloth and looked up at the sky. "Hey, don't make fun of older people! This is what will happen if you do that!" "It's okay Bro, that's what I want to do. I'll make it feel even better!" Changing my target from his balls to his cock with prominent veins, I skillfully move the tip of my tongue from the base of Bro's cock to the tip of his glans while licking it up. Bro reacted well and gripped the sheets tightly, shaking his body. "Oh! Oh...!! Taro... it feels so good... but I can't do this...!!" Without responding to Bro's words, I diligently and carefully licked Bro's cock from top to bottom. A large amount of precum flows down his cock from the tip of his glans, and I scoop it up with the tip of my tongue and pour it all over the back of his cock. I stimulated it while smearing it on the skin. I was so excited that I wanted to touch the bulging nipples on his chest as he looked up from under me, so while I squeezed his dick, which was now slippery with saliva, I ran my hand down his lower abdomen to caress his abdominal muscles, and touched his nipples. I picked it up. “Aaah!!” Bro twitched and convulsed. It seems like the pleasure that runs through his cock and nipples at the same time is already reaching its limit. "No...stop...Tarooo...!!" I continue to tease Bro's trembling nipples. I put saliva on my fingertips and stroke the tips of his nipples while squeezing his cock, taking his glans into my mouth and licking it up and down with my lips. "Taro...no, no...!!" With that said, Bro spits out a large amount of semen from his cock, staining his hairy chest with a sloshing sound. When he ejaculated, his extremely thick cock moved powerfully, splattering semen all over my face and his face, making me feel the warmth of it. "Haaha... it... felt... good... but Taro... what am I going to do after doing something like this..." "Hehehe... I'll be happy if you feel better! If you feel it again, please tell me. But please don't tell anyone about this, okay?" "I can't say that...but you're a technician..." Bro didn't seem to dislike it at all, so it might have been a good idea to take the plunge. I hope I can do it again...







