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My pc started having blue screens loops again and i took it to a tech supp place close by, the SSD was the problem, currently trying to get a refund on it or something since i bought it on September. Currently have a better SSD with even more space and i had backed up most of my works before this shit happened again, i was pretty fucking annoyed that the thing i bought and was the newest was fucking up my pc but whatever, as long as the one i have now doesn't do any more weird shit it's fine. I've been edging some awful anxiety attacks so i'm resuming work tomorrow, sorry for having you guys in the dark for a few days on it, i was having it hard to update everywhere from my phone, also i'm currently having some real shitty issues with my card and i wanna get them resolved too.



It's all cool, dude. Hopefully the comp situation is resolved easily. Take care and be well :)