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I apologize for the lack of content on the past couple of days, i've been dealing with anxiety attacks that have been hard to put under control. I don't like making excuses and wanted to inform you guys that if content is lacking for a couple of days it's because i'm not mentally or physically well. Hopefully everything get's back to normal soon.



That’s all fine, take time for yourself. You make great art and I for one would love if you were in tip-top shape!


It's fine man, we all go through our own battles and if you need to take a break to fight the good fight then more power to you. I'm not going to pry but whatever it is that's getting you down I'm sure you can get through it. I'll support you no matter what.


Take care of yourself and get a well deserved rest people push themselves too much for their own good


Take care of yourself, man. It is all right get the rest you need and hope you feel better.


Health comes first, take all the rest that you need or want, we will wait all the time that It's necessary for you to make great art.