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Mysterious tentacles have entangled Aang, and have dragged him away into their hive. Being forced into a humiliating position, Aang has no choice but to endure whatever torments the tentacles have planned for him. If you're interested in the uncensored images, please send me an email including your Fanbox username at: gopherartwork@gmail.com




Oh, great work as always and based on my favourite cartoon as well! I especially love the autofellatio part :3 Just how humiliating for the young avatar this whole tentacle stuff must be... also, not getting hopes too high, but I do hope, that someday it'll be Cat Noir's turn :) Best wishes and thanks for your art!


Thank you! Aang is a character I've always wanted to do, and I love putting him in humiliating scenarios! Cat Noir would also be a fun character to do someday!


I love it! Poor Aang neing tickled and fucked by those naughty tentacles! 😈Can you do a scene where Azula captures Aang and uses her lightning bending to tickle/molest/fuck Aang? That would be so hot!


Thank you! Unfortunately I'm not taking requests or commissions right now.