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I’ve decided that I need to change how I’ve been handling polls. I really wanted to do one each month, but the reality is that I always fall behind because of other projects. To stop this from happening again, I need more time to work on other projects before I work on the polls. So starting now, all the polls will be two months apart instead of one. It’s not how I want to do things, because I really want you supporters to have more control over what I make, but this needs to happen.

To make it up to you all, I’m going to keep all my finished work on here and SubscribeStar for two months instead of one month before they go public. This way, my work will remain exclusive to you longer.

My plan right now is to work on two more commissions, and then focus on the remaining poll winners I haven't worked on yet.


Polls will be every two months starting now.

All finished work will stay exclusive on here and SubscribeStar for two months instead of one.