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おかげさまでPC治りました! ただ、既に10年くらい使っているPCなので、いつ完全に壊れても おかしくなく、買い換えは視野に入れておかなかればならないので ご支援は非常に助かります。 元々支援してくださってた方も、今回支援してくださった方も 本当にありがとうございますm(_ _)m 皆さんのおかげで、まだまだ頑張って描いていけそうです。 描くのが遅いので、更新ペースを上げるのはなかなか難しいのですが それでもよろしければ引き続きよろしくお願いします! (Translation tool) Thanks to you, my PC has healed! However, since it is a PC that I have been using for about 10 years, no matter when it breaks completely It's not strange, and I have to keep in mind replacement by purchase. Your support is really helpful. Those who originally supported and those who supported this time thank you very much. Thanks to everyone, I think I can do my best to draw. It's slow to draw, so it's quite difficult to increase the update pace. If you don't mind, please continue to support us!