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As the title says, follow the instructions on the picture to get the permanent link to an archive with all my animations released in the last year plus all the new ones I will release from here on. The link is protected with a password, I will post the password in every new release post. タイトルにあるように、写真の指示に従ってください。 リンクはパスワードで保護されています。 リンクはパスワードで保護されている。 このパスワードは、新作発表のたびに掲載する。 The reason for this change are the rules Fanbox added a couple of months ago, took me awhile to finally decided on what I wanted to do about it. I hope you guys will still support my animations~ これからも僕のアニメーションを応援してくれると嬉しいな。 Let me know if there's any issue! Also, my works will still be available on my Pixiv and other sites as usual. (´・ω・`)ノ 何か問題があれば言ってくれ!私の作品はこれまで通り 私のPixivや他のサイトでは、通常通り公開されています。(´・ω・`)ノ DeepL.




i hope you manage to expand the archive to include all of your older works at some point, its great to have what you made now, it makes it much easier to self-archive so i dont have to gamble on catbox data rate


pixivに掲載されてるリンクに飛べません どうしたらできますか?

Zack Hills

same cant go to the link


only past that link ? not working , i try it many times but , nothig


the link only has access to content until 2023? How can we get content from previous years?


Here are two very important things to consider: #1: Pin this post so it can be more readily accessed from your main page. #2: Include all of your older works in it so we can view them all in one place.