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Doing some competition-training with May :D :P Image-set including all uncensored Pics, as always, in the attached ZIP :) If you just want it comfy and easy, I highly recommand my Mega Folder with all works. -> Check my 200¥ Plan and/or this Post: https://darksider93.fanbox.cc/posts/3358507




I love your Pokemon work! Often, you provide a POV perspective that invites me in. So in this image with May/Haruka, I can pretend I'm having sex with her rather than the actual guy. And with other images with no sex, the POV view makes it so the girls are wanting me. Great stuff! Any plans to add Lana/Suiren and/or her mom to your art collection?


Thanks for your Feedback, and nice to hear you like my works :) For Lana, for now I don't have a Model of her. I could take a Look for a Model of her out there :)


Wished you'd made a version of the last scene without the heart eyes, everything else about your May art is perfect!