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<あらすじ> ある日男はウイルスに感染して身体が縮んでしまった。 そんな中、彼女が家に遊びにくる。 彼氏の身体が縮んでしまったことなんて知る由もない彼女は、椅子の上で小さな彼氏を踏み潰しそうになる。 男はなんとか彼女に気づいてもらおうと一生懸命彼女のジーパンに登るが、彼女が立ち上がった瞬間に床に振り落とされせっかくの努力が台無しに。 ようやく彼女は床にいる彼氏に気づくが虫と勘違いしティッシュに包みトイレに流してしまう。 <Synopsis> One day, the man was infected with a virus and his body shrunk. Meanwhile, his girlfriend comes to visit the house. She doesn't know that his body has shrunk. So she almost tramples the little guy on her chair. He tries his best to climb into her jeans to get her to notice him, but the moment she stands up, he is thrown off to the floor by her. She finally notices her boyfriend on the floor, but she mistakes him for a bug, wraps him in tissue and flushes him down the toilet. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfovirusshrunk/




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