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<あらすじ> 男は突然同僚に身体を縮められてしまった。 目覚めると彼女の部屋にいた。 彼女は身体が縮んだ彼氏が部屋にいることなんて知らずに帰宅した。 男は彼女に助けを求めるが男の声は届かない。 そして男は彼女の知らない一面を目の当たりにする。 実は彼女は小人たちをジャム瓶の中に集めていて小人たちを丸呑みすることでストレスを発散していたのだ。 身体の小さい男はなんとかして彼女に丸呑みされないようにはたらきかけるが彼も彼女の餌食となってしまう。 <Synopsis> Suddenly, the man was shrunk down by his colleague. When he woke up he was in her room. She came home without knowing that her shrunken boyfriend was in her room. He asks her for her help but she doesn't notice. And he sees a side of her that she didn't know. In fact, she had collected a large number of dwarfs in a jam jar and was releasing stress by swallowing them whole. He tries his best to keep her from swallowing him whole, but he ends up falling prey to her as well. https://minimums-asmr.com/ws360ppfohyohenvore/




This is really really good. Thank you! You are the best