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こんにちは! いつも応援していただきありがとうございます! 10,11,12月分の動画リクエストを受け付けます。 一つ前の投稿でもお伝えしている通り、体調がまだ回復しないので10月の投稿はお休みしますが11月からの始動に向けて早目に準備したいので動画リクエストがある方はぜひコメント欄にご記入ください。 動画リクエストは有料会員様を優先しているのでなかなか無料動画を作れる時間が取れないのが現状ですが、もし無料会員様の中でも動画のリクエストがありましたらコメント欄にご記入ください。 (リクエストはシチューエーションや台詞など具体的に書いていただけると助かります。内容がアバウトなものは台本が書きづらく動画にできないこともございますのでご協力宜しくお願い致します。) ※水着や下着など肌の露出が多い衣装での撮影は控えさせていただいております。予めご了承ください。 Hello! Thank you for always supporting me! I will accept video requests for October, November, and December as soon as possible, although it is a little early. As I mentioned in the previous post, I will be taking a break from posting in October because my health has not recovered yet. However, I plan to resume making videos from November. So if you have any video requests, please write them in the comments section. Since the priority for video requests is given to paying members, it is difficult for me to take time to make free videos, but if any free member has a video request, please let us know in the comments section. (I would appreciate it if you could be more specific about the situation, dialogue, etc.) ※I will refrain from filming in swimsuits, underwear, and other revealing outfits. Please understand this beforehand.




- Formal office outfit (shirt at least) - Location-wise, doesn't matter (don't have to use green screen) - Tiny people size: smallest possible (whatever you have. But must be actual physical figures) Main character has an adorable girlfriend. She is a very nice and lovable girl. One day, our main character got pranked by his other friends. As a prank, he got shrunken and put in his girlfriend's room. When his girlfriend came back to the room, he tries to reach out to his girlfriend for help. But his girlfriend is actually very cruel and mean to tiny people. She was keeping many tiny people in a container as stress-release toys. She was very stressed after returning from her workplace, and also pissed that her boyfriend didn't pick up any phonecalls. She ridicules tiny people in the container as if they are some kind of bugs. (like, "you missed your goddess, you pathetic bugs?") She refers to herself as a goddess, and says that she's very stressed today.


Our main character was shocked by this new side of his girlfriend. He tries to climb on her feet to get her attention. He suffers from the smell of her high-heels lying down nearby her feet since she weared it all-day. As he climbs, she notices something is on her feet. But since he was too small, she didn't notice it was her boyfriend. She refers to him as a stupid bug trying to escape, and mocks him saying that "Are you that stupid that you think I won't notice you escaping?" and throws him in a container. (Possibly with a POV shot of tiny people inside the container looking up the girlfriend,) she says she's gonna punish all of them since one of them tried to escape. Her stomach growls, and she says that her lunch might be digested by now and she's getting hungry. She picks one of the tiny people up with her fingers, and asks to other tiny people that guess what she's gonna do. She giggles and says that they might be too stupid to think so she's gonna show them as an example.


She swallows a tiny person with a loud gulp, and moans as she tracks down the tiny person from throat to her belly with her finger. She rubs her belly, saying that the tiny person might be splashed into her waiting stomach acid by now, and adds that they are all going to be sent inside goddess' belly today. She put out a gummy bear, and compare the size between tiny people and a gummy bear. She mocks them that they are smaller than this tiny snack. She swallows the gummy bear (with lots of saliva if possible), mocking the tiny people saying "How do you feel like watching your goddess swallowing a pathetic gummy bear with ease, that is larger than you? Yet, it was so small to me that I can't even feel it filling up my huge stomach. Well, time to fill it up with you. Get ready to be digested" She starts swallowing them with loud gulps. Our main character was the last one to be swallowed. He was shocked by this circumstances. She picks him up, saying that he's the last one.


She burps on him while she's holding him in front of her wide open mouth. She says it's an air from this goddess' stomach. She burps again and says that other tiny people must be digested inside now, adding that since they are very small they tends to be digested quickly. She burps yet again and giggles, saying that he must feel honorous inhaling this divine smell. He was so terrified by this torturous, monstrous side of her. He was dropped into her mouth that filled with saliva strings, and finally got swallowed. She rubs her belly with satisfaction, saying that she loves this dominant feeling of melting tiny people inside her belly. Her phone rang, and she listens to her other friends asking in a joking manner if she found her boyfriend that they shrank and put in her room. -End-


If the script is too long, or too complicated, or disturbing, you can change whatever you want. I don't mind changing stuff. I know I might have to wait long, but that's ok. Be healthy, and cheers.

John W

An aerobic dance workout. A tiny person wants to workout so he reserves a room for himself. A Giant woman walks in wearing sneakers and leggings asking if anyone is using the room. The tiny person calls out telling her the room is reserved but the woman doesn't hear him. She walks into the room almost crushing him. She thinks she is by herself and is completely unaware of the tiny person. She gets ready to start her workout by turning on loud workout music. The music is to loud for the tiny person and hurts his ears. She starts marching in place almost stomping him. She starts jogging in place almost crushing him. She decides to take a rest after her long workout and sits right on top of the tiny person with her buttocks. She gets up and leaves the room with the tiny person stuck to her buttocks


You are sleeping on your stomach with your bare feet on the bed. A blanket slowly uncovers your feet and you start to feel magic hands or a tiny man tickling your feet. You laugh and scrunch your feet for a while but do not wake up because it feels good and you think you are in a dream. After a while you suddenly wake up to the magic hands or a tiny man that tickles your feet. You can only scrunch and wrinkle your feet and toes as you struggle to get out and laugh but are held down by a magical force. *You cannot move your legs, hands, or upper body. You can only scrunch your feet and wiggle your toes. The tiny man or magic hands say they will stop tickling you if you beg to be tickled. You beg to be tickled more on your feet and tell them it feels good so that they will stop, but it was a trick and they keep tickling you. As a final resort you beg them to stop and tell them they can tickle you again whenever they want. They agree and let you go after tickling you a bit more


この間家の中に巣を作った小人を駆除する母親とJKをリクエストした者です 続きの新規リクエストです 家に住み着く小人に仕事帰りの靴の中を掃除させる母親 お母さん:性格は気弱だが虫嫌いなので基本虫には容赦ない エプロンにジーンズ 足元は白靴下 掃除させる靴はパンプス→スニーカー→ブーツの順 以前小人を退治してから小人退治が趣味になった母親 パートから帰ってきて家で両足伸ばしてくつろいでると3匹の小人が足元で靴下を履いた足の匂いを嗅いでいます 母親の足をくねくねさせたりストレッチをしたりと何気ない動作に何度も足裏に潰されそうになる3人の小人たち ふと母親が足元に目をやると小人達が自分の足で参ってるのを発見して「虫…いや小人ね?」と3匹の小人達を手のひらに載せます 「ちょうど貴方達にお願いしたい事があるの」と言い、仕事で使っているパンプスとスニーカー そして出かける用のブーツを手のひらの小人達に見せて 「これから貴方たちにはこの靴を掃除してもらいます」と言います 小人達は悲鳴をあげますが母親はそんな事無視して一匹ずつそれぞれの靴の中に入れます そして1時間後、母親がどうなってるか見にくると三匹とも母親の靴の匂いに耐えられずに気絶してるではありませんか これには母親も怒り、「使えない小人達!私の足の匂いが臭いなんて失礼しちゃう!」と罵声を浴びせながらパンプス→スニーカー→ブーツの順に靴を履いて小人を退治します 三匹の小人を踏み潰した母親は「ふー小人も退治したし夕飯の準備しなくちゃ!」と言ってその場を後にします


Thank you for your video request! I'm still not feeling well so it's taking some time to shoot. Sorry for being late. I will post it once the shooting is complete, so please wait for a while.


Thank you for your video request! I'm still not feeling well so it's taking some time to shoot. Sorry for being late. I will post it once the shooting is complete, so please wait for a while.


Thank you for your video request! I'm still not feeling well so it's taking some time to shoot. Sorry for being late. I will post it once the shooting is complete, so please wait for a while.

