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こんにちは! 有料プランにご参加いただきましてありがとうございます^^ 8月のWebサイトのパスワードは個別のDMにてお知らせしています。今月のお支払いの確認ができた方から順次メッセージを送っていますのでメッセージが届くまでしばらくお待ちください。 (有料プランに参加して2日たってもメッセージが届かない場合は恐れ入りますがこの投稿のコメント欄にメッセージが届いてない旨をお知らせください。) Hello! Thank you for joining my paid plan. I will give you the password for my website in August. The password for the website in August will be sent to you via individual DM. I am sending messages one by one to those who have confirmed the payment for this month, so please wait until you receive the message. (If you haven't received the message even after 2 days after joining the paid plan, please let us know in the comment section of this post that the message has not arrived.)




Hello Ms, I joined a couple days ago and am still waiting for the passwords. Kind Regards,

思聪 尚

please send me the password


I already sent you a message with the password on August 3rd. Please check your message box.


Hello, i joined here but i need the passwords. Thank you!


i have joined but not gotten password yet.