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<あらすじ> 治験で身体が縮められてしまってからすっかり小さい身体に慣れた男。 妻もなんだかんだ小さい夫のお世話を楽しんでいます。 そこへ妻のママ友が遊びにやってきました。 男はまるで犬のような扱いをされ腹を立てますが小さい身体では抵抗できないため、受け入れるしかありません。 やがてママ友の股の間に挟まれ男は具合が悪くなります。 男は体調を回復させるため妻に「お尻のにおいとおならを嗅がせてほしい」とお願いします。 妻は快く受け入れますがおならが出ません。 そこへ申し出てきたママ友。 男はママ友のおしりのニオイをおならを嗅がされ地獄を味わいます。 <Synopsis> The man was shrunk in a clinical trial in the past, but got used to a small body. His wife also enjoys taking care of her little husband. One day her friend came to their home. He is treated like a dog and gets angry, but he can't resist with a small body, so he has to accept it. Eventually he gets caught between the crotch of his wife's friend and the man gets sick. He asks his wife to "smell the butt and the fart" in order to recover. His wife is willing to accept, but she can't give a fart. So his wife's friend proposes to flatulence. The man is sniffed by his wife's friend's ass and tastes hell. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/9b70b22e-f036-451d-ad17-ecb7cde3db0f?token=cdf3f8b041e0a137d71d5cea342508ad



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