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<あらすじ> ある日母と姉は部屋で小さい虫を見つけました。 虫が苦手な2人は男に虫退治をするよう命じます。 仕方なく退治する羽目になった男でしたが虫に噛まれ、身体が縮んでしまったのです。 そんなことを知らない母と姉は足元にいる小さい弟を虫と勘違いします。 そして彼は気づいてもらえず、手で叩かれたりおしりで踏みつぶされるのです。 <Synopsis> One day the man was ordered by his mother and sister to get rid of the insects. He had no choice but to accept it, but he was bitten by an insect and suddenly his body shrank. Mother and sister who do not know such a thing misunderstand the little brother at their feet as an insect. And he goes unnoticed and is beaten by their hands or trampled by their buttocks. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/0d3b45b9-1ef5-4ce4-8a2f-87713b83cc99?token=31d74c08666bf0b7cf7a74a1e6d9305c



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