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<あらすじ> 家事も手伝わないだらけた旦那にストレスをためていた主婦。 主婦はついに旦那の身体を縮めて風船の中に閉じ込めました。 そして風船を足で踏み圧迫して旦那を脅します。 反省した旦那はきちんと妻に謝り身体を元に戻してもらう約束をしましたが 途中で電話に気をとられた妻は旦那の身体に空気を入れすぎて破裂してしまう。 <Synopsis> A woman was angry with her husband. Because he is lazy without helping with housework. So she shrank his body and trapped it in a balloon. And she squeezes the balloon with her foot and threatens him. She was going to forgive him and restore his body because of his remorse. But suddenly her phone rings. Enthusiastic about her conversation, she inflated his body too much. Then his body burst and disappeared. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/b62ebd45-3680-42ee-8dfd-958201f7e165?token=df7e92a6165e8e976fe44194a13b18aa



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