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<あらすじ> 治験に参加したリストラ男は身体を縮められたまま帰宅した。 しかし小さすぎてなかなか妻と娘に胃気づいてもらえません。 大声で助けを求めなんとか気づいてもらうことができましたが 彼女たちは彼を救うどころか彼が小さいのを利用してもてあそびました。 そして彼女たちは彼を小さなペットとして扱い、おしりのニオイを嗅がせたりおならを吹きかけて楽しみます。 男は威厳をなくし、ただ彼女たちのいいなりになるしかありません。 <Synopsis> The man who participated in the clinical trial returned home with his body shrunk by a female college student. But he is too small to be noticed by his wife and daughter. He called out for help, and they finally realized his existence. But they played with him. And they treat him as a little pet. He sniffs their buttocks and flatulence and agonizes over the intense odor. He loses dignity and he has no choice but to obey them. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/9a7189d7-95ba-427a-ba4b-fc4fb16f808b?token=4d42d34c65c0847a8ea7671e43e220c4



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