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<あらすじ> 休日にも関わらず学校へ向かおうとしていた女子高生。 彼女は出かける直前に休日だったことに気づきます。 休みだと分かった途端に気が抜けて家でダラダラ過ごす女子高生。 そこへ足元に小人がやってきて女子高生の足裏をマッサージすると申し出ます。 気分をよくした女子高生は小人に足裏をマッサージさせます。 <Synopsis> A high school girl who was going to school despite the holidays. She realizes she was on holiday just before she went out. As soon as she finds out that she is on vacation, she loses her energy and spends her time at her house. There comes a dwarf at her feet and he offers to massage her soles. She is in a good mood and has him massage her soles. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/fbba91d7-2e2d-475b-8b1f-f5b65217c4ec?token=fb68089ea0700b678d5b3610b3bb21de



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