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<あらすじ> 体育の授業を終えて汗だくで帰宅した妹。 スニーカーを脱ぐと靴下が汗で湿っています。 すると妹は小さい兄を呼び出し汗で蒸れた靴と湿った靴下を嗅がせようとします。 小さい兄は臭いと思いながらもうれしそうに靴下を嗅ぎ続け… The story features a huge younger sister and a tiny old brother. She came home sweaty after finishing her physical education class. Her socks are damp when she takes off her sneakers. She then summons him and tries to sniff her stuffy and damp socks. He is happy to sniff her socks. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/57aa1a1c-e3b1-464b-b123-55fa560fbcfd?token=e275fdf5c3cc77691d50ee6326158355



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