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<あらすじ> 小人がソファの上でくつろいでいると、ショートデニムを履いた巨大娘が小人の上に座る。 小人は踏み潰されそうになりながらもなんとか生き残ろうと必死です。 巨大なおしりが迫ってくる試練になんとか耐え抜いた小人でしたが最後にはおならを浴びせられて… As the dwarf is relaxing on the couch, a giant girl wearing short denim sits on top of him. The dwarf is struggling to survive as he is almost trampled down by her giant hips. The dwarf manages to endure the ordeal of the giant hips coming at him, but eventually he faints as she farted on him. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/9dcf8623-6cf6-4bb7-9e04-61b0ce46590a?token=2430daebcec9667d98939b4fb35a04fb



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