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<あらすじ> ある日突然身体が縮んでしまった男子学生はクラスメイトの女の子の鞄の中に忍び込みました。 そんなことを知らない女の子は学校から帰宅。 鞄の中に入っている小さい男子学生を虫と勘違いして踏み潰しそうになります。 しかし男子学生の存在に気づき彼女は翌日先生に報告。 先生は小さな男子生徒を守ってくれるはずでしたが… One day, a male student's body shrank. He hid in the bag of a girl classmate. The girl who didn't know that came home from school. Then, she found something in her bag. She mistook it for an insect and she tramped it many times over. But she realized that it was him. Next day, she imformed it for teacher. Theacher understood it and she protected him. However, he fell out of the drawer and was trampled by many teachers and friends. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/6a7d2490-41f7-4c63-ba74-1f0e10bef679?token=8d50a7b2fdac1f27efcb1d3caa160423



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