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<あらすじ> 巨大娘は部屋の中に隠れた小人を次々に探し出します。 そして見つかった小人はみんな巨大娘の口の中に放り込まれ丸呑みされます。 仲間を助けるため、一人の小人が巨大娘の足裏に噛みつきますが彼もまた巨大娘の餌食となり… The giantess searches for the little people hidden in the room one after another. And all the dwarfs found are thrown into her mouth and swallowed. One of the dwarfs bites and resists the soles of the giantess. But he too becomes a prey to the giantess and is swallowed by her mouth. https://store.hacosco.com/movies/c067d5e8-f3c0-41aa-923a-7d3b796189b4?token=f22fb54b2da30e9d0905acc166c5ae13



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