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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/7BRxtN

poll - https://forms.gle/d5HS2owLynMHKUrc6

Poll animations with a little bit of something different, since why not. Nothing too special about the animations other than the bodystocking, but that's special in its own right.

As for the poll, kind of funny that I rolled Chun-Li and Nina in the same poll. Should be an interesting matchup, either way. Curious how this will go. For all I know, both lose in the end. Hard to say, really.




Meh, I'll go for the 3rd party on this competition. I'm not into pointless conflicts. So I'll go with the mass murdering wars.

iAN CooG

Excellent Jihl anims as usual <3 I don't care to vote as I don't like particularly any of the 3 but do whatever you prefer your anymations are always super.


This option has me worried that I'll be committed war crimes tho...


you know the drill people it started with Cammy so now we gotta go with Chun Li so that we can end it with Juri


sensing some evil plan in this reply 🥸


Bro why you do this to me ? Putting Chunli in a poll is a cheat. There's 4 Horsemens of Poll Apocalyse : Tifa, Chun Li, Jill Valentine, Lara Croft. Putting one of them in a poll, We all know the results 😩


Nahhh im still fumming 😤 About Jihl, its been 3 year in a row Jihl been in your table. Im not sure its intentional but i want this streak alive for next many many years. I can't ask for many of her thanks to Square Enix for screwing her in XIII. 4 minute total of screen time ? Lord have Mercy 🤣


Holy shit you actually kept the stocking


I actually went out of my way to make my own custom body stocking. I think I sufficiently fulfilled your request. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Not gonna lie, when I suggested it, I had absolutely zero idea how it would work since I never really pictured what was fully underneath her suit. So my suggestion was more of a taunt than anything. But you're a freaking madman so of course you figured it out But I gotta ask, how? Shrinkwrap breaks so easily when trying to make form fitting stuff...


I knew her in save hands since im following you in 2019 Thanks to you 🐐🐐


I kind of doubt she's actually wearing something like this underneath, but who knows. I have a feeling the boob window just has some stocking over it. Still, this sort of outfit is nice, I think. As for how I did it, I just took her body mesh, duplicated it, made some adjustments for the sleeves, and then deleted faces in between the breasts and then filled it in so it'd stretch over as opposed to being tight to her body. Kind of a mess in general, but it worked out. Then I just used a Surface Deform modifier on the mesh to attach it to the body tightly, then I could fuck around with a vertex group to make some parts not be applied and what not. As for the boobjob, that one I used displacement modifiers and animated those to get it to move with the D. Took a while to figure out the best method for that, as a Surface Deform removes the ability to use shape keys(unless untargeted by the vertex group, but that caused other problems).


It’s been a while since , made a final fantasy character. Can you create a new character for Rebirth? Ex:Elena Mai Priscilla Kurin


The Surface deform is just to deform the body underneath along with it right? Also dumb question, since the stocking was already fully casing the body, couldn't you have just masked the unexposed parts of the body (I'm assuming all of it is still underneath)? Or would something have looked weird there


Well, the surface deform is on the stocking so it deforms along with the body underneath. You could go either way, I suppose, but since the stocking doesn't have arms, you'd have to add weighting of the arms with a vertex group to remove it from the surface deform or end up with some wonky results, so it's simpler to deform the stocking to the body. As for masking the body, it wouldn't work, since the stocking was made into a transparent material to give the stocking illusion, so all the mesh underneath still needs to be there or you'd be seeing right through her. x)


I ain't gonna sugarcoat it: the body stocking is hot as FUCK. That is all, thank you for more Jihl content. I don't have much to say in the way of the poll. I've always kind of liked Chun Li, but she's so second fiddle to Cammy for me that honestly she's just kind of okay. I do find it funny that her and Nina show up at the same time. I would pull for Nina, but I feel like Street Fighter is always going to beat Tekken. Just like in real life lol!!


It's pretty nice, innit? We'll see how it goes, I suppose. I wouldn't be surprised if Xiahou Ji ends up a spanner in the works and come out on top.


I guess the masking would be possible if you could make a material that already simulates that black semi transparent on skin sort of look. I've been considering making my own customs clothes for some characters, but man, the whole ordeal with shader nodes, texture painting and UV wrapping still terrify me lol


I can apply a 'stocking' material to the skin, of which I have done for other characters(like 2B, for example), but then you'd have it completely attached to the skin. Which isn't quite right, as when something is tight against the boobs, it doesn't go in between the boobs without outside pressure. So that's why I did the mesh, so I could have it stretched between them instead of just adhering to all facets of skin. And there was no need for texture painting or UV wrapping in this case. There are things that do require it and I'm the same. Anything texture related is my nightmare. No need for it? I'm happy. Get out the texture painting? I'll run for the hills.


Oh what I meant is apply the stocking material to the mesh, which gives it a simulated solid look, then allowing you to mask the body underneath (no more Surface Deform), thus giving you back access to shape keys (to the mesh). But yeah, not sure how feasible this all is, since I don't even know how to get a material to get that simulated solid stocking look in the first place lol


Oh, I guess there's that. But it'd probably take a lot more work, and also not sure how feasible it is. I mainly did the Surface Deform so that I could copy the base body mesh's shape keys onto the stocking without having to do it twice, or copy the keyframes twice.


I mean whatever you did worked in your case, so it's all good x) Just thinking out loud on my part since I use shape keys quite extensively


Yeah, I do too. Shape Keys are very useful. And for a mesh over another mesh, Surface Deform will automatically deform to those shapekeys, hence why I did it this way. Since I did use shape keys for the breasts and the butt and what not. Rather than have to make two shape keys for two meshes trying to get them aligned perfectly, Surface Deform just does it on its own. It just prevents me from doing independent shapekeys on the mesh that is deforming to another mesh.


Welp, I gotta test out your method just to fully understand it's limitations and such. As always, thanks for the generous insight LazyProf o7


One thing that may happen is you may run into some errors, depending on the mesh. There are some things you'll have to try to fix them. If it's concave polygons, best way to fix that is to select all the vertices, go to mesh drop down > clean-up > Split Concave Faces. That usually clears that one up. There is another one, forget the exact message, but it's about two faces or two vertices or something. That one is trickier. But Select > Select All By Trait > Non-Manifold and uncheck all the boxes except Multiple Faces. Then hit V. If it says "Rip Failed", my usual solution is to P > Selection, then attempt the Surface Deform again. If that doesn't work, do the same steps as before and hit V. Usually it works by that point. A mess, I know, but that's Blending.


Wouldn't be Blender without 5 different things breaking for every new trick you're trying :') Also that's early for ...Halloween?


I feel like that's life in general, though. :') I was just having some fun. This is one of my hackneyed 'OCs', not anyone in particular. x) And, speaking of custom clothes, the dress Jessie's Mom is wearing in my cover is hand made by me. Quite proud of it, honestly. Not the jacket, just the tiny thing that can't really be called a dress. x)


Lol I thought it was vampire Genti Also geez, nicely done. How long did it take? I've been going back on forth on whether to try making a underwear akin to this https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?scode=FIGURE-141864&page=3066 But watching tutorials on it has me frozen by the hell that is actually sculpting semi complex shapes :')


Chun-li and Nina are both fine for me. I’m just curious who’s the new avatar girl?


Looks very similar, I will admit. Honestly, I'm no artist. I can't draw or sculpt to save my life, so my 'dress' was just a bunch of circles extruded to shape the body, with some Smooth and Snake Hook sculpt brushes, and some classic proportional editing to get it to 'fit'. The silver loops are just toruses. And the 'ropes' are just cylinders. Whatever you can make work, works in my book. And if not, you could probably find an existing underwear mesh that's similar you could modify. I've done that as well.


Oh, and it took about half an hour to an hour, I think? I didn't time it, but since it's pretty simple it wasn't too bad.


How bad was it to get those circles to fit the body shape lol? Also was the texture / material done by you as well?


Not too bad, honestly. With the proportional editing, it's pretty easy to get them to line up roughly, then adjust the individual ones as needed. Same deal with the Snake Hook sculpt brush. And yeah, the material was done by me. Very basic. Just a magic texture in a bump node, lol. String has a wave texture in a bump node. x)


Alright so from what I understand, you're clearly a pro at this. I'll be sure to bother you once I give clothe sculpting a fair shot ¬‿¬


Hardly a pro, but before I started animating, I did fuck around with converting outfits and stuff from game-to-game, so I have quite a lot of experience fitting clothes from mesh-to-mesh. And sure, feel free. Can always hit me up in the pixiv messages, since you can send images too.


Thank you very much for the great execution and for providing two versions per scene (one with bodystocking, one without). I didn't know it could look that good!


Poll should have extended the Mommy's Day theme with Nina, Michelle and Jun


Bodystocking - Hot Jihl - Hot The standing anim in particular was spicy, great stuff LP!


I dont want you to do Marisa either, but you do have that troll gene in you 🥸
