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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/BJo80t

So the results are in.

In the end, it was a pretty big gap. It wasn't at first. Cammy was losing after the first day, so I wasn't sure she was actually gonna win lol. In the end, she pulled ahead in a way that put her far ahead. Don't think this is the biggest landslide, but it's up there.

Anyway, not a whole lot for me to talk about at the moment. Not sure when the next release will drop, hopefully next week but I can't promise that. Cammy's stuff will drop on the 1st, along with the next poll. DD2 releases today, so I'll be playing that soon enough and dunno how much that will consume me. Hopefully not too much to slow the animation progress down too much. I imagine it will a bit, but hopefully not a full stop.



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