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gofile(public release of poll animations) - https://gofile.io/d/uk1Yr4

Is it just me, or does something seem... off...? Hmmm, probably nothing.

So, Yukino won the poll by a pretty large margin. Wasn't really expecting that, since I felt her reception was pretty lukewarm when she was initially revealed to be the newest Venus, but I guess that's just how it happens sometimes. Still, I had no gal in this race, so whoever won was fine by me.

Anyway, in regards to my schedule right now, I may or may not skip this week's normal release in order to give myself some extra leeway to build up more future stuff. Been hopping between a bunch of different projects, and I want to make some headway before releasing the one thing I have finished. What I have is more DOA stuff, and I was hoping to space things out somewhat instead of just releasing a bunch of DOA stuff back-to-back-to-back, but whatever. Don't think I'll finish anything else in a week's time, so it'll release next week. Still gotta do some touch ups here and there, but that shouldn't take too long.

I mostly just haven't been able to settle down on any one thing, and currently have a bunch of ideas and projects at my table. Picking one to focus on is hard, since I don't have any one project that I really want to do RIGHT NOW. Just been taking things a little bit at a time, and mostly just laying groundwork and what not. Either setting up scenes, doing some rough poses, or just rigging up characters in general. I had actually written up a list of ideas I wanted to tackle this year at the end of last when I was making my Christmas animations, and that has helped a lot in terms of rekindling motivation when I'm lacking it... but not enough to just pick something. I've mostly just been hopping between them to start them up for when I get the motivation bug. Have about half of them worked on in some capacity, but only one finished. I had some lofty goals for this year, and while I would still like to get to a lot of them, sometimes life likes to kick you in the balls and go "no". C'est la vie. I'll bounce back, and am doing better as of right now but it does fluctuate a bit. And I'm also prepping the next poll, which will happen for sure. Not gonna skip it. Here's a sneak preview of one character.

I almost think I don't need to host a poll if she rolled onto it, but sometimes you gotta go through the formalities. And I'm also prepping the poll after that, which... well... look at the calendar. That poll is gonna be fun. What do I mean by that? You'll see. Something of an in-joke around these parts. There will be some joy and rejoicing, and there will be some soul crushing despair. ;)

And, this just in, but I'm being told that the poll winner model above isn't actually Yukino? What's this? I'm getting word that there appears to be a confrontation going on behind the scenes...

This is getting out of hand... now there are two of them. (´-ω-`)



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