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Apologies for the clickbait title, but the limited time offer is true actually. This is an incredibly impromptu post. Had no real plans to make a post before the poll animations, but I got it in my little noggin to make one. Namely because I'm sort of 'ahead of schedule' in terms of animating. Patty is done(only three animations still, which I think is going to be standard for polls starting next year for my own peace of mind), Christmas Box is largely done(have a few more poses in mind, which I should be able to hammer out by the time of the Patty animations releasing), and while I'll be getting more busy next week with Christmas stuff to do, I will have some free time to do stuff and I started thinking of other Christmas ideas. I honestly started getting too many ideas for different characters and scenarios, and there may be one I just do, but I decided to make this impromptu post for another reason. Since there won't be a mid-month poll, and last year I did hold a public poll... I'll host a short poll for fun with some of the ideas I had. It'll go until the Patty animations release, which will be a few days from now. It's kind of funny, since I decided to skip the second poll this month since I wasn't sure if I'd have time and what not, and here I am having a poll for fun. I figure it was better to not have it, though. Led to me being a lot more relaxed while making stuff and gave me this impromptu opportunity.

I have a feeling it might not be the most exciting of line-ups for some people. But my first two ideas were Miyoshino and Queen Jayne. I did Jessie's Mom already, but I haven't forgotten about the Queen Jayne dislike either. Regardless, I didn't want it to be a poll between just Queen Jayne and Miyoshino, so I threw in another character. And since Miyoshino and Queen Jayne are MILFs, I had to make the third another one. I originally was gonna just do normal Kazumi, but for the sake of a more interesting 'scenario', I threw in Devil Kazumi. It wouldn't be a split down the middle like that in actuality, rather it'd be a transition between the two. Some normal animations, some Devil animations. For funsies.

Essentially, the options are as follows.

Queen Jayne - Mrs. Claus

Kazumi - Ghosts of Christmas

Miyoshino - Santa Home Invasion

With that said, here is the link: https://forms.gle/FqjYcnEqX7XBpGSp6

Merry voting.



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