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I figured since today is the Crin- I mean Game Awards, I'd honor it with a beautifully crafted image to premiere the results of my own award, ie, poll result. Don't think about it too hard, I just felt in the mood to do some paint shitposting. Anyway. Poll results. Can you guess who won?

Patty, who I will call Patricia so I can make a joke about how she's the Patrician's choice. But seriously, I was rooting for her out of the three, since I've done exactly one animation with her and was feeling like changing that. Elise would have been my second choice, though. Despite Kasumi's OG status, I've never been a big fan of her myself. She's alright, but I prefer Ayane in regards to the OG poster-girls.

This is one of those rare instances when the winner didn't win both the points and the votes. It was surprisingly close in votes all things considered, but the "heavy hitters" voted overwhelmingly in favor of Patty over the other two. Pretty pleased about it in the end.

Anyway, beyond the poll stuff, the next release will be this weekend. I went lazy with it, and it's gonna be Tig ol' Biddies that I showed off a while ago and is in my banner. I had made some animations back when I first rigged her so I went for the easy option of just releasing them as a set instead of scrambling to make something new. Since I am in the process of making something more elaborate for Christmas and don't have any other ideas at the moment.

What's in the box? What's in the bo~ox?! Or perhaps, who is in the box? Because that's a big box... big enough to fit even Big G. Wait... there couldn't possibly be Big G in that box, could there? Or a comically large dildo? I wouldn't troll people on Christmas with an elaborate dick in the box joke, would I? Certainly not. I'm no Grinch. Or am I? Hmm...

Feel free to speculate as to what or who is in the box in the comment section below.



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