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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/hHNKq2

So here is my "rigging process" video. Nothing too fancy, just me walking through the steps I take, or rather the steps needed to take. I have a lot of this stuff pre-setup so I can cut things down like 10-15 minutes worth of work from the whole process these days. There are some things I gloss over, like the importation of the models, but I didn't want to get into that because it'd just drag the video on for even longer. You can find various tutorials on that subject anyway, ones that are likely better than what I can do. I also didn't cover textures that much, in the sense of the body textures. You can just find those one various models on smutba.se or even sfmlab. The body used in these videos is the same basic body used for a good number of models in the general community.

Anyway, beyond any questions you might have, I won't say anything more on that subject. The video says basically everything I needed to say anyway. Instead, I'll talk a little about my upcoming schedule. August is almost over(my god), and with it comes September. The month before Spooky Month. I've got the next two releases all lined up, and it's some varied content. At least in terms of IPs. Beyond that, I... think I'm going to skip the first poll of the month. Lianshi will still get animated, but I've just been feeling really demotivated, tired, and been bombarded with all sorts of seasonal allergies. As I type this, my nose is dripping and I'm sniffling like I've been crying and coughing like I got bronchitis, but it's only because I had a very painful sneezing fit last paragraph. While this might clear up in the next few days and I feel fine, I don't want to push it and have to half-ass a poll winner's animations. Already, Lianshi might be kind of half-assed just due to not feeling great, and I don't want to extend that to more. Just gonna take it easy for now, and likely end up skipping that first poll. I did roll the characters already, but I'll just wait to have that poll after October if everyone's okay with that.

This is mainly just so I can prepare better for October proper. I've got some stuff worked on, but I've been procrastinating a lot. One set is almost done, the other set is about a third done. Have another set I'm gonna work on soon, and I may have one more project lined up for the month but I won't make promises. Especially since I'll be doing some polls, including one public poll. I have a general 'draft' of what they will be, and I'll go ahead and discuss them so I can see what people think of the ideas.

Next month, for the mid-month poll, I will have a 'Halloween' sort of poll. It's gonna be a one-on-one poll. I'll let you stew on what that could mean. It'll release the first of October, and kick-off the Halloween stuff, along with the first proper release(which I haven't decided which one it'll be as of yet).

Then, that 1st of October will have two polls. One supporter poll, and one public poll. The supporter poll will be a "Duo" poll. Basically, I came up with multiple ideas for stuff to do this October, but some of them just kind of fell through the cracks and are in 'limbo', so I'll let people decide what they want to see between a selection of three different duos. There will be a slight 'twist' to this poll, as it'll go on for a week, but then release on Halloween. This is just to give me extra time to work on the threesome animations. A week alone would be kind of rough, so having two extra weeks will make my life a lot easier.

The public poll will be a "Return" poll, in the sense that it'll feature a handful of the characters I featured last time in an animation(or two) who will get a chance to return for a small pack. Haven't fully decided on who will be in it, but I'll figure that out at closer to the start of the poll. This one will go for a week, and release in the middle of the month.

There will be a second supporter poll. This one will go up when the 1st supporter poll ends and go for a week before releasing a week before Halloween. This one will just be 'cosplay', which just means various characters in other character's costumes. Think Iris as "Lady" or Luna as "Trish" that I did a while back during the Anniversary stuff. Who knows, they might even show up.

Now, these are subject to change. This is just my tentative plan for now that I hopefully will go through with, at least in terms of content - I'd like to do all three of these, but we'll see. Scheduling is very much up in the air, however. And the preview image is something I'm working on regardless - it isn't going to be in the Duo poll. It's some of the other ideas that I've had that I haven't really progressed on that will end up there.




Everything sounds good. Just with the polls, Halloween is looking hella good. And I guess no problem about Lianshi. At least on my end, I'll probably forget she has a pending pack. It'll probably catch me off guard. I'm hoping that one of those main packs coming next month is what I think it is. And also what I don't think it is. For surprises. As for the video. It says that the page can't be found.


Yeah, the first time I uploaded it, gofile spat out an error that it didn't upload properly. I reuploaded it twice, but it seems that it didn't fix itself from that first time, so now I have to re-render it and reupload it. Bleh. Gotta love gofile sometimes. Anyway, do some (≖ ͜ʖ≖)


Yo dude, nice! What is the cause of this fucking around with hair? What are you practicing for? Or perhaps working on Mitsuru's godly hair awaken a new power within you. The power of hair!!! Oh, and thank for that one specific pic. Kinda needed this... BECAUSE I'M SO FRUSTRATED WITH THIS DEVIL PRIEST DUDE!! I'M SO DONE BEHOLDING THE POWER OF THE SAVIOR!!!!! FfffFFFFFfffff!!!! ٩(╬ʘ益ʘ╬)۶


Boredom mostly, but also just hating dealing with her hair in general. Using physics on her hair results in 1GBs worth of physics data and hand animating it is just a nightmare. It's a nightmare in general, so I wanted to try something that was nightmarish. Also, not really my first time doing some hair edits. Sanctus is a terrible bossfight. Honestly, DMC4 only has three good bosses - Credo, Berial, and Echidna. Bael/Dagon, Agnus, Sanctus, Dante, and the Savior itself are just... bleh.


I have a solution... give her short hair you coward... ❬¬ω¬❭ But dang tho, my balls keep getting bluer by the minute. Blue as the moon! The outfit ideas I got for some of those hairs.... Hope we see these nightmarish hairs around a certain time. Had 10% health, already used my L star. He had 2 bars for 5-8 "Do it now!" Moves. Used 1 of my holy waters. Fuck it! DT Bustered his ass. Now if what you say is true. The nightmare has only just begun.


I forgot a "less" before that nightmarish. Gotta Buster the Savior punch move. He'll be insta-vulnerable then. I just always screw up the timing, though. And Dante isn't terrible if you know what you're doing, but he can feel very underwhelming at first.


Buster? Oh... see when I'm struggling to nit get hit. How the fuck would I know there was a buster potential there?? This is were streamlining this type of stuff with some sort of visual isn't such a bad idea. ((აꐦʘѽಥ)) gonna give our boy Dante a shot before getting sucked back into 14. I played that nonstop last weekend. So yeah... nothing to comment on till the tutorial is up... But I gotta say... my Abyss folder is looking mighty fine... Only 3 people have downloaded the last batch tho... that's sad... Unless they're to shy to download and only saw through gofile.


Okay, it's reuploaded and should be working. Ended up bigger this time around, but I'll see about uploading a smaller file-size version later. Gotta re-render it. Again. x)


There are a lot of counter buster opportunities. Berial charge, Assault's aerial charges, Echidna's flying around charges... I've always found them pretty intuitive, personally. If they're doing a big, windup charge move, they can be countered. Viewing it on gofile counts as a download, too. Either way, out of simple curiosity, which hair is the best? I have my own preferences, but curious to hear outside opinions.


5, 6 and 7 call to me. The others could fit more with different outfits perhaps. I like the innocence of 5, I can't see much of 6 but it looks like a fancy ponytail. And 7 looks better than 2. For Luna's personality in the LCU. I think that 6 looks the best for me as an alt. Second best is 7. 5 is innocent and pretty looking. But she's... anything but innocent. And, I gotta say, she's starting to look a bit too close like Himikoi Toga from My Hero Academia in some of these. Mostly her smile. Again Luna isn't innocent....


I do like 5 and 7 too. 6 is just Nyotengu's bun. Another one I really like is 3, I just need to make it more voluminous and add some stray strands here or there to sell it, though. I did that one myself, and it shows. x) Might make more later, hard to say. Also might do the same for someone else, just for funnsies.


Yes, I was holding myself from saying 3. She looks great with a single ponytail. But just like you said, needs to be a bit more fancy. Even 2 could work as well. I can also see her having Amy's hair from Soul Calibur. Surprised you didn't give her the older hair.


I have before, but I don't like the way it looks. I've also given her a bob cut long ago and it also looks a little weird.


Ok, so I'm saving the tutorial to go to sleep tonight. But I skipped through it a bit. That persona 4 music tho... gotta give it a re-listen. My motivational music at the moment is FF16 music. Helps to fight for your life under the burning sun. But, if I was modeling too. I'd definitely use pop music like Persona 4 x3. For that girl fashion feel. Not much for me to question here. But right in the beginning I noticed something. How detailed are the insides of the vagina and anus??? Was surprised with how much shape they have.


Eh, there's a lot of geometry, but they're not terribly detailed. Just there for the occasional peek to sell that there's depth to them, as opposed to going into a tiny bit and having nothing else.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Seems pretty well plan for me so besides all the polls for October anything else set up behind the scenes or just the polls for now? I have high hopes that The doll wifie will be in the Return poll, definitely going to fill the jar this time. Also while I'm pretty sure you're talking about cosplaying as DMC Trish but it would be funny as fuck if you meant Jojo Trish lol


I meant characters that appeared last Halloween would return in the poll. Ranni didn't appear last Halloween, so she isn't going to show. And yes, I have stuff I'm working on behind the scenes, as shown by the image up top.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Nooooo I meant kinda saw it's coming but still noooooo. Aight just making sure the banger is here to stay not just a one timer beside anyway to get the image subscribestar not working with this one for some reason. Still why Yuffie and Kyrie tho, they are a good match not gonna lie, but it just weird that she never get to pair with Aerith aren't they friend?


Yeah, I was having issues with SubscribeStar and uploading the image at all. I'll throw it here at the bottom of the post. Because they're both bratty thieves. Kyrie is bootleg Yuffie, straight up, so there's a little more fun that can be done with them I feel. Aerith tends to go with Tifa, because it's been the eternal question of "Aerith or Tifa" for the past two and a half decades. Yuffie doesn't really come up in that equation, so pairing them together doesn't gel as well as Aerith and Tifa. That said I will, one day, do something with Aerith, Tifa and Yuffie, though. Just not yet prepared for it.


Relax, if you are too nervous, it will make your body worse

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

That last part sounds like a fever dream even just mentioning it doesn't seem real, hey but who knows what will happen next, maybe waiting for another year or 2 we might finally FFXV's dream team like that one imagine.


I'm actually not too stressed about the upcoming Halloween stuff, though I have some minor stressors in the real world so that could be contributing.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

You might need to add more fire power to that kind of work but then again you're the only one who's working on it, I can imagine it would take away your life for a couple of months at least wouldn't want you to just wander off like Spizzy does sometime XD


I understand you finally getting away from Bald Kyrie, but still her and a Hat can't be separated. Oh wow a big one, maybe i should watching at my relax time (i guess its a long-ass video 🤣🤣)


Are most models bald with their hair separate like a wig?


Yep. There might be a few exceptions, but they're usually lower quality models that are trying to be as optimized as possible.


I wasn't, but I now am!! Sort of.... Now 2 and 3 look much, much better. 4 is somehow an idea you've never used in your animations. I doubt you could do a lot of editing to that... costume?? But even if stuff is covered. It could work with just movement. I do get 9 is a bit weird, but without editing her body, it actually serves as a nice transition from the 2 versions. She just needs an appropriate costume for it, maybe. 8 looks the weirdest. Perhaps just giving her Noctus hair will work X3. 2 looks great. And the clothes were just re-colored. I would imagine an actual costume will make her look even better. Same with 3, with some sporty gear.


I could edit the model some, or even make my own. It's just two different planes with two different textures layered on top of each other to give the illusion of a bunch of bubbles. Could be changed as I need, I was just lazy and copied it as it was and didn't even bother 'fitting' it properly. Pretty sure Noctis's hair would look even weirder. Even Iris's would look weird. I will say it is funny how a little more volume for the hair just made things look a lot better. Didn't really add much, either. But yeah, twintails and ponytail work surprisingly well for her. Would need to look around for appropriate costumes, but I'm too lazy right now.


And I must return to the dream realm. Usually not a good thing though... But yeah the bubble armor must be used in an animation somehow, even for FBs. That twintail one is great, is amazing how much that cheeky expression fits this character so well. Iris has a new rival for best "bad girl" title here...


It will get used some day. Just don't know when and where and who or what or why. To be fair, twintails add like +10 to cheekiness. Just how it be. That said, I've noticed her cheeky potential for a while not. I should try putting Iris in twintails and have them both be cheeky together.


LazyP, my props to you and artists like you. Great video. My goodness… the technical aspects of all this is mind boggling to a layman like me.. Very fascinating to see behind the scenes stuff like this. I don’t normally or would not normally look for this type of topic on you tube but it’s already interesting. Would I dip my finger into trying something like this? Probably not but it’s damn interesting.


Thanks for the video! Once again, great commentary and music. And whoof, how long does your seasonal allergy usually last until?


Finally, some hope for Yuffie and Kyrie animations.


Personally I’d like to see some Yuffie and Nayo animations…but yeah these two work great…


So I finally watch the video. And I'm surprised that someone like you was willing to do thus with 64 characters (excluding the ones you already had ready) You did mention you have presets to that makes things quicker. And I'm guessing you didn't bother fitting some of the character's bodies to their OG clothes.


I spent all of December working on them on/off. It was my 'setup' phase. I can generally do a character in 30 minutes or less. For some characters, like the Type-0 girls who share the same body across all of them, I can streamline the process and get it done in like 15 minutes per character(provided I don't make a mistake somewhere). It really isn't hard, just tedious, but there are times when I actually enjoy doing them. It's almost meditative and can help with stress and what not. Other times, it only leads to stress. Was going to rig someone the other day, but I just noped out of it real quick. Currently not in the mood for it.


Yeah, I can see how it can be meditative. If it wasn't for the text I had to read or the heavy metal. I actually would have used this to sleep. X3. I love seeing things slowly fitting in place. So you use that molding/sculpture tool here mostly as a softener. But how crazy can you go with it?


Season lengths do vary everywhere :v But I guess since you're usually more amped during October, that's when you usually feel better huh


I was just wondering if it was more of an editing tool than a creation tool. Like something that just stretches and shrink stuff that is already there. But I guess my dumb idea of giving a girl a 2nd set of boobs is actually possible! Huh....


Most modern day models are made with sculpting. Characters, monsters, etc. It can create new topology with its sculpting, but that sort of topology is very messy and isn't useable on its own. You have to go in a retopologize the sculpted model to get something more useable. But just the small editing of stuff without adding new topology is useful on its own. That's how I make my "OCs" and what not.


Eh, October usually isn't that much better for my allergies than other times. I just really like spook month. I think the only period of time when my allergies aren't completely terrible is like late-winter. But I don't really have a 'set' period where things are good or bad. Just random intervals where something is in the air makes things worse, and there was something that blew in the past few days making things real bad.


It was also fun seeing the head attachment process and the blending of it. I'm assuming the third leg is added the same way. The amount of time you spend imon them feet working properly is appreciated. Before I would have said that it surprises me that you don't just say "Fuck it... they don't need to move." But with the healthy amount of feet you're showing these days it makes sense. Has the naked body ever looked weird after fitting it in with their costumes?? Speaking of feet. The naked model's size will never fit on those boots. So I wonder if there has ever been a "badly designed character" that will have questionable propositions after the fitting process.


I typically don't do the feet fix until I need to. Probably like 85% of the models don't have the weighting fix. I just wanted to show it for the video since I'm aware of the problem(since it shows up in every model I've rigged) and so it'd be covered for those that care. Ignoring it is one of those reasons I can get a model rigged in thirty minutes or less. A lot of my older models had the issue, which is why I've redone my models so many times through the years. I've long since given up on being 100% accurate and just get it to where I think things look good.


Aw, I think it being unpredictable just makes it all the worse. I used to have a similar problem at the place where I used to stay. Moved to a dustier and more polluted place since but never really built up much of a sniffle. Never knew what was the cause. Pollen? AC quality? It's been neat being able to smell again though lol


Air quality here is always pretty bad. It's humid, too, so that doesn't help. I'm also allergic to various pollens that are common here. Honestly, a stuffed/drippy nose isn't that bad. I can handle it, and if that's all that happens, I'm perfectly happy. It's just usually pre-emptive to the real problem. Sinus headaches. Which, unfortunately, I have one today. It's thankfully mild since I've already taken stuff for it ahead of time, but it's kind of a dice roll if it'll actually take care of the problem or if it'll get worse. Because sometimes, they get really, really bad.


My old place was pretty humid too. Never quite knew how or if that factored into an allergy Sinus headaches are rough but what I find sort of soothes it is applying a hot, damp rag to the face on top of medication. The one thing I dread the most when it comes to allergies is the rapid sneezes. Eventually that leads to all sorts of fun things like a puffy face, wrung out nose, headaches and sore throats. *shudders*. I do miss the prettier vegetation, but I'm sorta glad that I can at least escape the worst aspects of allergies lol


Usually results in more molds. For me, it's a cool damp rag, lol. But I usually only do that if it gets real bad.


WOW I literally just tried to bruteforce Blender into my brainhole and seeing you do this is otherworldy holy shit dude, that was the best 20 mins ive spent


Yo! You see the new P3R trailer? That game is really looking amazing. New S.E.E.S uniforms too, it seems.


I’ll take the threesome but I’ll leave the futa stuff alone..😅


Yeah, looks good. And of course "BABY BABY BABY". Looks like I'll have to release my Mitsuru animations on February 2nd, 2024. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Nnnnoooooooooooo!!!!!!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Only if you switch her head for the new Kawaii Mitsuru. But man, I love the look of the in-game cutcenes. I wish the entire game was that smooth looking. It was announced that the female vocalist was new. And in the bit we hear of BABY BABY you can already notice it. With the big difference being "BAY BEE" instead of "BAY BEH" gotta give it a cleaner listen when the game comes out. And the game already has costume DLC. Phantom Thieves costumes.


Gotta maximize the clicks, my guy. People are gonna be searching Mitsuru day of, and if my stuff is the first thing they see, the clicks will roll in! (I'm just joking). And to no surprise, it has multiple different 'deluxe' editions with various DLC included. Atlus... Atlus never changes. On an unrelated note, I was looking at the new Tekken 8 stuff... is it just me, or does Leo look like Hope? Leo always had that sort of look before, but this particular new render really looks like Hope and it's freaking me out.


Leo is one of those characters that people don't know if they're a boy or girl. But yeah they do. Perhaps a bit prettier since they could be a girl. And because of more modern graphics. What you think?? ❬¬ω¬❭ Also here's a curve ball. I dare you make anime Mitsuru look like her Reloaded model. So then people be like "How does he have this!?" ❬¬ω¬❭


I'm aware of Leo's "Schrödinger's Gender" situation. Just trying to make sure I haven't been huffing too much Hopium and seeing shadows where there are none. Then again, you may also be huffing too much Hopium... (๏д๏) Nah, anime models are too finnicky and easy to break. I wouldn't be able to do it.


The question is. Is your Hopium stale meter back down?? ❬¬ω¬❭ I did think of something funny with Leo tho. Suddenly, one day, without notice... A Leo pack appears. BUT WAIT!! A public pack!!?? "Lazy, what are you doing!?" But hold up... Something fishy here... all the poses are angled and frame in such a way, you can't see the nether region... "So... what are they...?? Show me...! where's pussy!?" Says the comment. In the abyss?? Well, alt angles showing us the answer. ❬¬ω¬❭. Fun experiment I say. Or even a good April fools. I'm liking the new gear they get in the game. That must be mid/end game combat gear they get after shit starts to hit the fan. And they chose a cheeky last line for the trailer... Hmmm... Me wonders....


Honestly, I've been kinda itching for something Hopium related again. It may be a real problem of addiction. Could be funny, but probably not something I'd actually do. It's kind of a landmine that I'd rather avoid than stepping on, you know? It feels like something they'd do for the end game when they're going into the final battle for the maximum cool, but the lack of some characters makes it feel like it's more just mid-game which feels a little weird. And I give it a 50/50 shot that they've changed the ending. (Also, one final (≖ ͜ʖ≖) to get some opinions)


Wow, such wow. Opinion: It's perfect. The darker colored hair of Iris makes that style look a but better on her. Or perhaps is just her noticeable eyelashes. Perhaps Luna could use a bit of an eyeliner to sell the cheekynes more. But extra stuff aside. It is quite perfect. My head cannon gets some good confirmations with those images. But since you got the Duo feel as of late. How about finally doing that Iris and Luna 4some remake that you only have in image form on the abyss. Heck, do it with these versions. ❬¬ω¬❭


I actually feel Iris looks a bit weird with the twintails, personally. Prefer the messy, long hair punkish style, which is why she has it in the 2nd picture. Might just be me, though. It may happen at some point. I considered adding this duo to the upcoming duo poll, but let's be honest... it wouldn't be a competition if I did that.


Is a neat one-off thing. Could even make an "extension for the 2 Iris animations with this costume. The first one is already a double handjob, let's be real. And no, it wouldn't compete. So either do it for the XV Grand Return. For Halloween if 'that' idea is still a thing. Or some Extra animation for some random pack. And while you still have the drive for it. Just "remake" all the duos you did in SFM. There's some Gentiana X Luna poses that weren't recreated on your big L x G animation. But again, all XV. So maybe just save it.


Yeah, I'm gonna save it for now. I still need to redo the bodies of the XV characters, so I don't really want to do anything too much before that. Besides the Halloween stuff. Too much work and not enough time(or rather will) to redo the bodies before then.


Gotta say tho. These 2 images gave me an idea. #1 could be a double handjob, sure. But if we go by #2 being before #1. And if we go by their cheeky faces looking at the camera. Then the obvious continuation to this would be non other than headless-chan with twintails! Does fucking follow it? Or just having fun? Who knows.


They're all slowly getting infected with the T-Virus(Twintail Virus), huh? How diabolical. The problem is, from where do the twintail sprout for headless-chan? His neck hole? His nipples? Balls?


Now you really hit me with a hard question.... If you still did pubes I'd say his balls. But I can't possibly imagine the horror of the other 2 version....


I GOT IT!!! POV Twintails!! They constantly get in the way of the shot. Problem solved.


Okay, I know I said final last time, but this is final-final(at least until next post anyway). Yea/nay on the costume changes?


Pls, never feel bad about sending me to the abyss. There's no such thing as final. Only beginnings. ❬¬ω¬❭ So I don't know if you uploaded the same Cheeky for 01 but 03. Yea... YES. While Iris is the more punkish grill. Luna should be the more sweet and popy one. Cheeky Girly. Maybe even something cute for her twintails instead of the basic bands. Painted nail...maybe?? You're heading in the right direction here.


Cheeky01 is just in 4k. Made the changes to a separate file and didn't feel like changing it for that one. And back in the day, it'd be called bubblegummy. The hot pink and cutesy sort of look, anyway. I could accessorize and make things more cutesy I suppose. Though I kinda want to start messing around with another hairstyle or something. Do something with the ponytail or what have you.


I think a better word to describe them is Luna being the rich bratty girl that probably smells like -yes- bubblegum. And Iris is the punk troublesome girl that smells like.... idk... the girls bathroom???? I think you nailed this hairstyle and costume. Wonder what you'll do with the ponytail. Stick to the sporty look?


I've not been in one, but contrary to popular belief, girls do excrete the same things that guys do so I don't think it'd smell pleasant. I imagine her smell would be just... musty, maybe a bit smoky depending. Either the sporty look or do something preppy to contrast the bratty.


I didn't want to mention smoke x3. Don't want to think ma gurl smokes. So let's just say she hangs around the bad boys and girls. Iris, tho a punk. Doesn't smoke or drink. A good girl in the inside. But even deeper inside, she's a cock eating demon. Great idea. In order to not get kicked put. She must act like a good, studious girl. Keep me.... posted. ❬¬ω¬❭


Smoke can come from other sources than cigarettes. Could be she enjoys burning homework assignments behind the school. Never know what it could mean. I'll dick around with it later or tomorrow. I did finish Lianshi, so I don't have anything immediate I need to work on. We'll see how this next week goes and maybe there will be a new poll, who knows. Maybe do some experimental poll...


Quick opinion before going to sleep. Nice!! Further discussions on next post. Can't wait.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

The banner looks so cute and cursed at the same time. Also why can't I be wrong for once in my life about the game's price, well I guess it's just Atlus being honest to themselves and at least the game looks promising can't wait to play Persona5 3 Reload.