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Just calling the poll a bit early, because as is... it's not even close.

Like, this is what I'd expect if it was Tamaki instead of Shandy, but I guess even diet Tamaki is still Tamaki-enough. I was honestly expecting Amy to win it, just because she has performed well in the past, but yeah Shandy bodied her. It was pretty free. I was fine whatever way this poll went since none of these are among my favorites anyway. Anyway, later in the week I'll probably have a long-winded ramble of lighting and camera stuff, so look forward to that. Or not, whatever floats your boat.




I'd be interested in reading about your methods for being lazy, how you implement shortcuts or workflows, etc


Don't really have a favorite here, but it seems lots of people do... damn. Ok, we'll see what you do. As usual, probably won't go crazy for her unless you do something very unique. But in sure it'll be of good quality either way. You told me you don't like drunk girls. So that's not an option. But I see a lot of "Hot springs Nyo" variants in this pack. If you decide to use that there drink. If you could somehow figure out a way to show she's giving us a sip while riding us or something it would definitely be something "unique" I was hoping you'd explain your famous..."bland lighting"... was it?? But looking forward to the camera topics. You watching EVO?? I missed MvC3 because I was returning home. Gonna watch Tekken 7 now while 14ing. They just announced Coffee Girl.


I've already got a few ideas. We'll see how they pan out. Caught the tail end of MvC3. Not surprised it was a Zero May Cry Grand Finals, but it was an absolute blowout. Bit anti-hype compared to many previous years, but I was genuinely impressed with the winner's defense. Most ZMC players can put you in the fucked up mixups, but can't block it for shit.


I'm make sure to watch a vod of it later. Stopped watching for now be a watching streams, especially long ones like these make me feel like I'm wasting time. And I can't concentrate on 14 or any game with that hype energy. I'm constantly looking at my phone. I'll watch the archives later. Also, our Tekken Smut God just posted, so it's a pretty good day. And now I'm about to eat some Burger King. Then maybe some DMC3... today, is a good day.


I'll probably try to catch a little bit of SF6 when it rolls around if only to see if the JP can win it. Just gonna try to work on some stuff today since yesterday I didn't get much accomplished since my allergies were killing me.


Amy lost ;_;


Damn, I was completely wrong on my guess. I thought Sayuri was the most likely one to win of the 3. And then she gets absolutely mogged by the other 2. Shows what I know! But woo, Diet Tamaki! Maybe we'll get some actual Tamaki in this set as well? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oooo, lighting and camera ramble incoming, exciting! Always nice seeing how you do things behind the scenes really, or what your thought process is when working.


I remember when I first meddled with blender after your last tutorial video, the one thing that confused me to no end was lighting. Like yea, there are a bunch of videos on lighting online, but they seem way too complicated for what I was trying to do lol


What was giving you issues? Knowing what is a problem for someone will help me in better tackling the issue and/or articulating myself, which will hopefully let me give some help on that subject.


Keen to see Shandy, her and Amy don't have much snuff out there IMO


Just waking up real quick to find out that AKI is a crazy bitch. That is all.


I guess it's just basic lighting logic and trying to understand Blender's lighting parameters. Plus, I was doing it in a pretty stupid way because when I was testing out lighting, I was still doing it in the blender void since I haven't set up an environment yet lol. But yea, I think that brings up another question - where do you usually get your environments from?


I don’t have a girl in this fight so any of the three was a plus. She looks hot so it’s a win for me.. Nice to see you will be posting some technical stuff! I like it when creators lay out processes to their work and for me adds extra value in the creator! Seriously though being able to interact in any kind of way with a great artist/content creator is to me a great treat! It kinda reminds me of the days when I would go autograph hunting for comic books back in my early comic book collecting. O can only imaging what heights of animation you would end up on if you went pro (which you might already be doing but that’s a side that you deserve privacy on). As a digital artist I think your a world class talent.


I also watched the MvC3 Finals while playing DMC3. Luckily wasn't that distracting, because I just don't understand MvC3 X3. Every time I'd looked, the screen would be full of effects, what seemed to be move spamming, lots of flashing. A robot guy people called Zero and sometimes I saw a blue and a red guy. I gave up on following the game when I saw a character with full health get hit once and people saying "He's dead"... When you can follow something like that is no wonder you're Diamond in SF6.


You can find a lot of models for XNA/XPSLara, which you can import pretty easily into Blender but do require some tweaks and stuff to the materials to get looking right generally speaking. You can also find a lot of stuff built for Blender on open3dlab.com. Lot of good stuff there.


Nah, no desires to go pro. All my stuff is very simple in terms of animation, and anything more complex makes me want to pull my hair out, so that's never happening.


Could have told you AKI would be crazy just by her design. Zero is a fuck. I knew Zero was THE best character in the game from day -60 of UMvC3 when I saw the Buster buff they gave him, and there were so many people telling me I was wrong. It took like three years before everyone was going "okay, maybe Zero is the best". And you still have some saying Morrigan is better, but it's Zero. Seriously, I used to play so many good Zero players in the past, and in my prime I could actually block his incoming way better than most top players. I also knew his neutral really well, and while you can never truly avoid getting "Zero'd", it was a matchup I was actually really good at at one point in my life. MorriDoom, too. Dante got nerfed pretty bad from MvC3, and a lot of top players consider him bad, but if you know what you're doing... he has the tools to beat any matchup with the right assists. It just requires you to be on point with your plays, execution, and matchup knowledge.


She clearly didn't look like a good girl, but I thought she'd be a composed bad girl. People keep saying that they can fix her... But why would you fix her?? ❬¬ω¬❭ I could never get into team based games after watching matches like these. KoF might be the closest I can get. It's just all this assist stuff that blurs the screen that takes entire health bars, that is my problem. Games like MvC and DBFZ aren't very beginner or outsider friendly. And I understand not all that is easy to do and is probably impressive. Those games played casually are probably less confusing to watch. I saw this Evo was the Mirror match frenzy. Still gotta watch GG and SF6. And Kunimitsu seem to be the Tekken 7 champion. She and her player have won a lot of either past EVOs or other tournaments. Now.... putting games and tournaments aside. The idea of mirror match segs came into my mind... And the desire for.... DSL??? And I also finally beat BEAT DMC3. Thus finally uninstalled. Along with 1 and 2. ❬¬ω¬❭


Such a lazy ass..😂😂😂 Lol..in all seriousness, gotta respect that. Sometimes the things we like to do become a “job” and then it stops being fun.


Honestly, back in the day even though SF4 was the most played of the fighting games, MvC3 was the most watched of the bunch, at least before MorriDoom, just because it was so frantic and exciting. Even if people didn't know what was going on, shit was happening all the time so it's just more exciting to the casual viewer than the back and forth footsie game. And the game is volatile, so it can swing back and forth like crazy, increasing the hype. I will say top 6 here was very... clinical and not that hype compared to the past ones when people were dropping their spaghetti and what have you. GG was kind of a wash from my perspective. SF6 was good, though. Some very tense games there. I'm mostly just amazed that it's 2023 and Tokido is still out there robbing people.


Is just when I'm having enough difficulty being good at a "simpler" game like SF6, seeing all the fireworks in MvC3 makes no sense, I can't even process it. For people that don't even play fighting games, it must be very hype just because people are getting hyped. I don't even undesirable when you attack in that game and when you don't block or how you get hit. Is a constant bombardment.


It's definitely one of those things you gotta start out simple with. If you compare the first MvC3 EVO with the latest UMvC3 EVO... it's like night and day. The game evolved into the high speed slugfest it is now, but it was played slower before. The current MvC3 didn't really come into play until like 2014-5 or so when plink dashing became normal. As for knowing when to attack, block, etc... that's just knowledge you get from match after match of playing. You see where characters are on the screen and you more or less know what they want to do in that spot, so you do something to avoid or counter it. You also don't typically want to block, because blocking usually leads to a mixup which leads to death. It's a hectic, bullshit game, but it's addictive and fun.


tatted pixie vs vanilla and vanilla... I didn't vote, but I could see this outcome a mile away


So I decided to start DMC4 in LDK mode, from scratch, to spice things up. And oh, were they spicy. Took me an hour to grind the first mission. I say "grind" because by the time I got to the first lion statue after several deaths. I was able to unlock every Red Queen move. Feels good to be back on the exceed addiction with a little bit of challenge and madness.


Now you're just making me want to try it myself and prove my DMC prowess by not dying in the first mission. x)


As much as I'm trying to get to DMC5 as fast as possible. I saw the opportunity to give DMC4 a proper shake. Because if a play on normal... Boy I'm not replaying it again anytime soon. It was a fun challenge. Aaaand I kinda took longer to beat mission one because I was getting hella distracted with abyss stuff... Man, you blue balled me with that Luna stuff. But the sexy exceeds will keep me going for a while. Just gotta unlock that sweet MAX Exceed...


I got to Berial without dying, but I died on Berial. Too used to Enemy Step and Air Hike against him. Was basically able to buy everything after that, and I had a cool ending of beating him with Shuffle as he did his full screen charge. Been a long ass time since I've played DMC4. It's fun, even if I have my gripes with the game as a whole. Very snappy, which I feel DMC5 kind of lost with its transitional animations and all that. Funnily enough, I did something with Luna yesterday. And I have some plans for a great XV return next year. Probably gonna redo the bodies of all the XV girls, since they're a bit on the older side and have some Rigify glitches that have been fixed in newer Blender updates.


A lot of exciting things on that last paragraph. And thinking what that Luna thing might be will drive me crazy. But how would you redo the bodies?? Just in a technical level, or appearance too?? Please give Luna Aerith's abs. To BOTH the version!! X3 Damn... you actually played it X3. So that's why you were taking a bit to answer. So wait you played in LDK mode???


I plan to make some adjustments to the appearance. Nothing too huge, but some adjustments. My biggest plans are with Gentiana, funnily enough. Gonna try to modify her outfit. Not sure I'll be able to, but gonna try. Yeah, LDK mode with the dozens of scarecrows, mega scarecrows and Angelos. And I guess on encounter with some Mephistos.


The moment I saw late game enemies I started to doubt my decision. But luckily once you find their weakness they're manageable. Still, the game's checkpoint system is a bit brutal. But it helped with the unintentional grinding. Managed to suffer through it with only one combo learned until the boss. I know DMC shouldn't really be played as a muso the first time. But is feels really fun to plow through enemies. I caught myself having my mouth open being concentrated on not getting hit while hitting as many enemies as possible, to stop their attacks. Fun. Let's hope Dante, Vergil and the grils are as fun in LDK Mode. IF it's avaliable for the grils.


Dante kinda sucks in LDK mode, since his attacks are largely single target as opposed to sweeping attacks like Nero. Makes things take extra long. Vergil, Lady and Trish are all designed with LDK in mind, so they're more than equipped to take it on. Even more than Nero, honestly.


Then it seems I have a long DMC4 journey ahead of me. A good send off for it, I think. Till DMC6 gets announced X3. Once I get to DMC5 I'll TRY to beat it in all difficulties. Just try. I remember having some tough times in the PS4 version when I did it. But I think I'm finally back into the DMC groove, so it should be "fun"


Each game gets progressively easier, so just work your way backwards for the optimal difficulty curve. And you can skip DMC2 if you want. x)


A small mercy. Yet I barely had patience going through 1 and 3 on normal. But if I perhaps watched speedruns of the games, my interest in trying would probably increase. When it comes to hard difficulties like DMD, you're playing the game wrong if you're not cheesing.


The thing is - and why I like DMC so much - that you can beat it any way you want. It might not be Speedrun optimal, but when you reach a certain skill level, encounters and bosses aren't the issue. It's figuring out how much you can style on your enemies without screwing up. Like if I played "optimally", I probably could get those SS ranks in DMC3 DMD. But I want to play how I want, so I always end up getting hit trying to style on some demons. Because that is what sets DMC apart from other action games. You can play it how you want to play, the game won't stop you. A lot of other action games aren't like that. Their difficulty forces you to adopt certain strategies, but DMC is just so freeform you can do whatever.


I'd be styling myself if getting hit didn't erased a good chunk of my health. There were some bosses in 3 that had many ways to be defeated. But there are some so annoying that you just go for the fastest way to kill them. The whale is one of them, the weird flying worm thing, the horse. They all have their weakness, and I went for them on my 2 playthroughs. But the cube platforming around the end was the biggest boss for me with Vergil... No double jump.... no double jumps man....!!


The cube room is pretty easy once you understand the quirks of the controls. After 2k hours of DMC3, it's a non issue. x) Gigapede and Leviathan's Heart are pretty bad bosses, but the horse has a dozen ways to optimally kill it. In fact, the most optimal doesn't even use the elemental weaknesses, iirc. It uses Real Impact invul frames to loop it to death, I think.


I understood, Lazy. I understood... that's what made it worse. But honestly, getting lost was my worse enemie. If you're not paying attention, you'll somehow walk for 10 minutes to the very beginning of the game and 10 minutes back, when all you had to do was switch the door a second time at the end.... DMC here trying to be metroidvania. Elemental weakness....? Right... that was a thing.... I just got on top of the carriage and smacked it. Hey...! It stops the missiles! Just make sure to get off before it gets hot.


Yeah, see, I've played the games so much that I know the whole route well enough I could probably do it blindfolded. And DMC1 was the only truly good 3D Castlevania game, btw. That's the basic intended strat. There's a strat to smack him in the face as he runs to knock him over and you can loop that repeatedly a number of different ways. I usually just Spiral RG spam him, myself, with a royal release when he charges if I'm feeling ballsy.


You have me on the verge of challenging you to post a full playthrough of DMC3. Just compress the hell out of it or put it in an animation X3.