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This is gonna be a small update and a post on the survey results, just because I enjoy analyzing data. By update, I just mean a small update on my part. I tend to get seasonal summer depression around this time of year, so I'm not terribly chipper at the moment. Very lethargic, with no real desire to do anything, so this post won't be quite as long as some in the past. I'll gloss over some things here and there, but I'll try to keep it entertaining at least. If nothing else, you can scroll through to get various pictures I've made. Like this one.

I'll be posting summer time pictures of various FF gals that are in the top ranks of the survey, as well as my own top 10. And maybe a couple of the least favorites for giggles.

I’m largely going to gloss over some of these results, just so this post isn’t huge. And because some of the questions aren’t terribly interesting in general. Like the first two questions. It’s kind of what you’d expect, especially after the last survey. Instead, I’ll hop right into the favorites and least favorites, since that's kind of the most interesting thing in general. It's always interesting to see people's likes and dislikes in these kinds of things. At least, it is for me. Might not be for everyone, but I enjoy this stuff.

This was honestly a little bit annoying to get a graph of since there's so many characters, but I wanted it just for my own ease of conveying the results. I will say once again this is less a poll on favorite "animation" and more favorite "character". I'd probably say about 10-20% of people actually voted on their favorite animations over their favorite characters. Just how it is. Aerith, once again, takes top spot. Then, a little bit of a gap we get Luna, and with almost no gap, Tifa. Tifa actually was second place for the majority of the survey, it's only been the last couple of days that things swapped, and it's a 'barely' thing. Could easily change in a few days as more results come in, but yesterday(which is when I got the graph and wrote this) with 805 submissions, this is where it stood. Figured it was a good place to stop it, and I didn't want to do further adjustments for a small handful of extra results. 800 is a good number to go out on, anyway. That's the number I figured I'd get by today anyway.

Still, 2B gets fourth place, and I'm not upset by that. 2B is in my top ten animations, just because I did put extra effort and time into those than a lot of the others. I am actually quite proud of the final animation in her set, so her getting fourth place is fine by me, even if it is mostly just a character contest.

Iris comes in next, with a single point difference with the "Other" Tifa, followed by the other Luna. Then we've got A2, who is also another character I would rate highly(which I will rate after I get through the survey results of the best/worst animations). Then comes Gentiana, who - while not in my top ten - is in the upper twenty. After that, some slightly interesting results. Kyrie, Yuffie and Nayo are all pretty close together, which I find mildly amusing. Bootleg Yuffie(Kyrie) is actually higher than Yuffie, which I would agree with. Both on an animation basis and just being more attractive. Character wise, she is Bootleg Yuffie, so not that interesting, but a nice character design all the same.

Obviously, Y'shtola is in between Nayo and Yuffie, but still. I just found it kind of funny these three were all more or less together in the results, since they're all kind of tangently related in a way. Nayo first appears in Yuffie's DLC and of course Kyrie is bootleg Yuffie, so the fact they're so close to one another in results is just funny to me. Still, the interesting thing is that - barring the Nier characters - Y'shtola is the only non-VII and XV character in a long string of them. It isn't until after Aranea that we start seeing great varience in the characters. Such as Lulu and... oh no... no... hrrrggh.... nnnghh...

Sorry, I threw up in my mouth a little, but this picture sure was a palate cleanser. Where were we? Oh, right, Cindy. She's actually below Aranea this time, interestingly enough, but higher than Serah. Admittedly, I forget the exact number the previous survey was at, but I think I called it around 420 responses, since that's a funny number and that's where it was at after a week. We're almost at double the amount of submissions this time, so I would expect the 'middle results' to be more switched up than the top results. Just a general expectation.

Obviously, with this many characters, I'm not going to do a complete play-by-play, but I'll comment on a few additional characters. Jessie's Mom is in the upper half this time, instead of the lower half, which I'm happy to see. Queen is the best performing Type-0 character, another thing I'm happy to see. I did put some actual effort into her final shot, after all. Though I don't have her in my own top ten, go figure. Edea lost six votes from the last time, which is a big RIP. Alyssa has the exact same amount of votes this time as last, which is funny to me. Nora is a major RIP moment, but I will admit I did her dirty. Guess I'll have to do something with her at some point to make up for it, but that'll be some time from now. After all, I did say I'd be doing Jessie's Mom again if people kept voting her as least favorite...

The overall best Favorite to Least-Favorite ratio is definitely Iris at 235:8. Good job, Iris, proud of you. Admittedly, once again I noticed some people vote the same characters in both categories, so... not the greatest objective judge, but still. However, once again Jessie's Mom tops the chart in terms of normal, non-troll character picks. And at this point, I don't know if it's because you're aware I threatened to do more of her after last time, or if some people just have abhorrent taste and don't like a really good MILF. Considering some of the other characters up there - and the likes of Ultimecia... I'm just guessing some of you have abhorrent taste. Sorry, I couldn't hold my fingers any longer, I'm afraid. SMH.

Hope has quite a few more least favorite votes than Alphinaud, where last time they were tied. Maybe because he showed up in the Strapon video, so people were as butt hurt as he was? Who knows! Either way, the Lightning Strap-On video is up there too, right next to Jessie's Mom, which is another sour spot for me. I think that video is pretty good, overall, but I guess it's not to everyone's taste. Fair enough, I suppose. But Jessie's Mom...

I'm judging. Judging hard.

(I just thought this idea would be funny, btw)

Anyway, since we're on the subject, I'll go ahead and give my own Top 10 for the both.

Top 10

#10 – Ultimecia

Despite my post after her release not being terribly happy with the remake animation, I will say that overall I think Ultimecia’s set was pretty well animated overall. It is the only one with something other than the finisher that has a more in-depth animation with the slowdown on the blowjob. It’s hastily done, and not terribly impressive, but that alone is more effort than most of the rest. For that, it gets a spot in the Top 10.

Additionally, I had to put more effort into her just because I kind of screwed up the rig somehow(genuinely don’t know what I did – the rig for the non-Maiden version is fine, but I didn’t realize that until after I’d animated everything), and she had some severely broken legs. I managed to salvage it, for the most part, but that did require more (unnecessary) effort on my part.

#9 – Gentiana

I think the sideways, crossed-leg animation remake is pretty good as far as remakes go. It’s likely due to the fact I didn’t actually reference the original, and just went off memory so I wasn’t sitting there spending time trying to get it ‘just right’ and only making things worse. Beyond that, solid animation work overall. I mostly just like how everything came out, even if it isn’t anything amazing.

#8 – Cinque

Kind of an odd one for some, probably, but I really like the ‘on-the-back’ animation. I’ve actually tried to do that pose before, but this was the first time it not only came out looking decent, it came out looking good in my opinion. While the rest is pretty bog-standard stuff, I managed to impress myself with how easily I managed to do that particular animation, so it gets risen in the ranks just for that. After all, this is a list on who I think have the best animations, not necessarily who I think has the hottest animations, and definitely not who I like the most(see my tier list for that).

#7 – Lightning(Strap-On)

From a purely technical level, they’re nothing special. However, I don’t typically do three or four characters in a shot, and while they are pretty low effort and stiff, just for the fact I did them without any major issues cropping up… they’re alright in my book.

#6 – Scarlet

To be honest, there isn’t anything particularly special about these animations, but the reverse shot is the best rendition of that particular shot in the whole series. It’s used a few times, but this is the one that came out best in my opinion. Beyond that, the rest are all solidly done, nothing too glaring in terms of low effort, outside maybe the blowjob.

#5 – Nayo

Just a solid overall set, albeit with nothing too interesting. I don’t really consider her reverse shot to be the same thing as Scarlet’s, since Scarlet’s is thrusting and Nayo’s is grinding, but while Scarlet’s looks better and is better animated, I do find Nayo’s hotter. I also had somehow forgotten I didn’t animate the blowjob until a few days before release and had to throw it together really quickly. For how quickly it was cobbled together, it came out better than I would have expected.

#4 – A2

Technically not an official character, but I do like how her set came out overall. Just a solid set overall, with only the hair being a particular issue. But that’s less an issue with the animations, and more my weakness with making long, loose hair work in general. Especially when it isn’t the highest quality model to begin with.

# 3 – Jessie’s Mom

While her set is fairly bog-standard in terms of the poses and what not, she was the first one I did with those poses, so I find that her animations are better than the subsequent characters that are essentially the same. I also just find her very attractive – and far superior to her daughter – so this is a bit of a biased spot. Couldn’t help it.

#2 – Kyrie Canaan

To be honest, there isn’t anything particularly special about the Kyrie set, but I do find that it’s overall very solid. The only weak-spot is the reverse shot, and I’d honestly swap it with something else if given the chance. Possibly a doggy-style shot of her on the table with her wrists held behind her back, in the way the missionary shot had her wrists grabbed. It’d be more fitting, and would make it four-for-four in terms of having some of my favorite animations. As is, it’s only three-for-four. Still, it’s the one my brain always thinks of when I try to think of my ‘favorite animation in the whole series’.

#1 – 2B

Overall a solid set with no major animation issues. Additionally, the final shot had more effort put into it than a lot of character’s four animations combined, which I think shows. It was an idea I had back when I was making the 2021 2B set, but wasn’t quite comfortable with my skills to pull off how I wanted. I will say I tried back then, but I couldn’t even get the static pose to be what I wanted, but it all came together seamlessly this time. So, for just the fact I could get it done in a particularly hectic month of animating, I’m quite proud of it. So much so, I had to ‘tease’ it with the Banner/PFP that I used for most of the project.

Bottom 10

#10 – Jessie

Animated after Jessie’s Mom and Fran, who she shares a lot of positions with, and the result is – in my opinion – trash. Very poor work overall, and was just numb routine as I went through the motions in a figurative and literal sense.

#9 – Cater

The last character I animated period. And I feel it shows. I did the Lightning(Strap-On) version before Cater, because I wanted to animate those. I just wanted to be done while doing Cater. I also just have no real interest in Cater, so she turned out poorly. Apologies on that front.

#8 – Rinoa

Another character that was one of the last finished, and much like Cater, I just don’t have much interest in Rinoa. The Dissidia NT model just isn’t that good, so I can’t really find attraction in anything I animate with it. Is what it is.

#7 – Lightning

Phoned in as fuck, since they were gonna be Lotinging April Fool’s stuff. Only semi-decent animation is the blowjob.

#6 – Nora

The poses were just copied from the Hope animations for giggles, and the animation work was phoned in because of it. Just not great all around.

#5 – Lebreau

Not much to say about these, other than that I spent less time on these than even Cater. They’re phoned in AF, and I don’t like them.

#4 – Cissnei

I’d really like to be as into the ‘remake’ Cissnei as others seem to be, but I just find her to look very strange. I was looking forward to a remake Cissnei, but yeah… they didn’t do a good job, and I don’t expect it to improve even if she ends up in Rebirth. But that general dislike/apathy of her looks resulted in me not wanting to work on the animations and phoning them in. I do genuinely think they’re poorly animated. Perhaps not the worst of the entire thing, but I have issues with all of them.

#3 – Ryne

This is more a cautionary tale for people: heavily requested characters/things are a weak spot for me. The more they get requested, the more I psyche myself out, since I know people are really expectant of me and I want to deliver… but delivering under pressure is difficult. Ryne is the most requested character from XIV(outside Y’shtola in general, but that was only a request that saw a spike after I already did some animations of her), and so I wanted to try to do something good and/or special… and I failed, personally. I do not like these animations.

#2 – Gladiolus

Now these are animations I struggled with. Gladiolus is too much man for me. I managed to get them done, but it caused some mental damage. Not much, but I did seriously question my life decisions and choices and had a mild existential crisis. I now look at time in a different way. There’s BG(Before Gladiolus), which was a simpler, more innocent time when I had never animated Gladiolus. Then there’s AG(After Gladiolus), which was everything AFTER animating Gladiolus. For better or worse, things have changed. Irrevocably.

#1 – Scrapped Stuff

While there isn’t much scrapped stuff from the project, there’s a bit here and there, so this is a bit of a cop-out. But, if something got scrapped, it’s bad mmkay.

Anyway, moving on from the Top/Bottom 10, we'll head into series discussion. I could have filled out the list a lot more than I did, but I was already making this damn thing a bit too long, so I wanted it to be brief. But I really should have had a Nier/Drakengard option. Only reason I didn't was because I included Nier in the project, so my brain was like 'can leave that off'. C'est la vie. My brain has been kind of mush for a while, and even now that I'm 'on break' it hasn't really been getting better. I should honestly redo this portion at some point, with several additional series that got mentioned. Admittedly... stuff like Overwatch is basically a no-go from me. I started animating because I was sick and tired of Overwatch and knew that the FFXV girls would get basically zero content, so regardless of the circumstances... I have zero intention of EVER doing Overwatch content. I typically try to 'never say never' in regards to that, but Overwatch is one thing I will firmly say "never ever" on. Just how it be.

Anyway, DOA wins, which I suppose I should have expected. Probably shouldn't have included that one, really. Resident Evil comes in second, which is mildly surprising since it's not something I've ever done, but it is popular so I suppose it makes sense. Tekken got 3rd, interestingly enough. Might be because I did Kazumi right when the survey dropped, since other polls did not really indicate an interest in Tekken. Who knows, though.

Not gonna go over each any every result, but it's kind of interesting. RIP Samurai Shodown, though. Regardless, I'm not gonna take this directly as my 'what I plan to do after this' sort of thing, but I will probably add a few more characters to my poll pool for this, and I will be dipping my toes into various series going forward. FF is gonna be taking a break, but as the summer images imply, I'm not exactly done with it forever. It's my bread and butter, after all.

Gonna just kind of gloss over the rest of the stuff, not even gonna include pictures of pie charts and graphs for most of these just out of laziness. For the question regarding wanting higher than 1080p, it was a 451 "No" to 325 "Yes". Which I'm a little surprised about, but then again there are still a lot of people with devices that can't really handle 4k as of yet. And it isn't exactly the standard, but more a 'premium' thing. The next question is more or less along those lines, with 1080p being highest, 1440p being next, and 4k being last. Well, the additional "other" option makes the graph annoying to read, so that's why I got no numbers. The next is about clothed v nude, which - perhaps because I loaded the question some - has clothed take it over nude at 419:375. Narrow victory, admittedly, and there were several dozen ending comments with the caveat of "clothed, but with the important parts exposed", or "clothed, but by the end nude" as I did with the project as a whole. Fair enough, I suppose.

Gonna breeze through the next few, no vote count because the margins are pretty much 75% to 25% in all of them. Variants over higher resolution, camera variants over no camera variants, POV over third person camera, and finishes over loops. Which that last one is something I very much dread. I really do hate making finishes. I might go a bit hyperbolic at times with it, but seriously... it's something I do not have fun doing. Posing, making a loop, lighting a scene, composing a scene, etc. are all things I have fun doing. But animating a finish is just such a slog, honestly. Largely because I don't even like them.

There was an early comment from an early survey that went "Loop bad climax good. Climax is the goal to everyone who faps." And I'm like... yeah, sure. Your own climax. But by that point, you're barely paying attention to the screen, so the onscreen climax is moot. Maybe that's just a me thing, and it's tied to how I process the post nut clarity, but seriously they don't do anything for me and never have. There have only really been a small handful of climaxes/finishes that I've made that I actually set out to make and enjoyed making. Off the top of my head, it's the Irelia titjob, the Nayo blowjob one, and... that's kind of all I can think of. I enjoyed making the dumb Gladiolus ending of the SuccubIris Secret Time far more than the finish. I dunno, I just don't get them, and I don't enjoy making them. I imagine that disappoints a lot of people, but despite the overwhelming victory of climaxes, I'm not really going to change things up going forward. Otherwise, I will burn myself out and stop enjoying animating, which could very easily lead me to quit. So yeah, it'll be a sporadic thing when I feel like it. The quality will be better in that case, too. I think the project as a whole showed that if I don't personally enjoy something, the quality will suffer.

And lastly, we'll go over the "remaster" selection. Technically at the start of the survey, but I wanted to get to the characters first. I'll also say that the result of the costume is basically the same as last time, so I just didn't feel like going over that one either.

Nothing really to comment on here. Coincides with the finisher results, and then there's a basic even split between canon clothes and nudity, along with some pose/animation revamps. Which I basically take for improving the lackluster animations for some of the characters. This is stuff I will get to eventually, likely in the order of the 'favorite animation' results, but it'll be a while.

Also, I do plan to upload the individual animation videos for the characters at some point. I mostly just don't feel too motivated to do that since it's tedious. But it will happen, even if it's one or two characters at a time. If anyone's got any requests, I'll try to prioritize them. Anyway, with that said, that'll be just about it. Have this one final picture.

P.S. Probably gonna call the poll tomorrow or Monday, just because it's a landslide victory.




Seeing all the FF girls in the last image has to be some sort of new feeling transcending reality and ascending to Godhood


Now we must ask: Whom was Headless-Kun's fave and least fave? Clearly the fact you dislike Jessie and felt so poorly about her animations yet they were so popular and acclaimed simply proves the superiority of Midgar's thirstiest - and your talent, since I think you're putting yourself down there. But you do that a lot anyway so it's not surprising. Seriously though I thought you captured her personality quite well, as I recall. Ah yes, minor Aerti content. I take it whenever I can get it - I am insatiable it's never enough MORE. Also I see you got Noctis' wife and mistress together which I approve of. Nice to see Kyrie with hair. Was that hard? Getting a model with hair on her? Oh nice, Cissnei in her Crisis Core summer outfit. Nice. I dunno I don't see the creepiness. My eyes must be blind to the uncanny.


I like Seven and Sice because they are girlfriends I look forward to a potential Yuri there. One day... my slightly niche ship from a slightly niche game overshadowed by others in the franchise will get a hecking good anim. I like climaxes because I like three act structures. Also I like seeing pleasure for the men and women in these. Alright. OK. So when's the poll for Penelo? You know, as a prelim for when I find her in your most secret harddrive?


Oh and Neon's and Sophia's. Because I have a lot of fondness for CHAOS.


Hard to really know his fave, since he has no head. Can't hear our question, can't read our question, can't verbalize an answer... it's a hard life, being headless. The Kyrie hair is someone else's work, so it was easy(for me). x) Who knows. When and where Penelo will show up is a mystery, even to Penelo. ¯\_( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉)_/¯


It's the most ambitious crossover of all time: The LazyPro Cinematic Universe.


Considering how nothing Penelo is that makes sense she wouldn't know. I suppose I'll come clean - I'm not actually into Penelo. I started pushing for her because I couldn't think of a character someone else hadn't suggested, and I was confident at least one of them was right - don't remember which character that was. So I figured I'd go for someone very unlikely that no one else would guess. And I decided to keep the bit running because I thought it was funny and this IS A LIE! HAH! YOU REALLY THOUGHT I'D KEEP THIS UP AS A JOKE!? ALL HAIL PENELO! HER WEIRD BODYSUIT THING IS THE ENVY OF YOUR WAIFUS - ALL OF THEM! ALL HAIL THE heck I can't think of anything cause she's so bland I MEAN SUPER HOT SHE... MAKES MY BRAIN... NOT... WORK... BECAUSE PEE PEE SO HARD IT... hurts. But honestly, the day a good model comes out for her I'm laughing my butt off. Even more so if you actually did her.


[heh heh my plan is working perfectly... she is... inevitable now... reverse psychological subliminal messaging mixed with liminal and superliminal conditioning mixed with psycho linguistic programming and nanomachines son.... all according to cakeaku.]


This might be the biggest twist of the century. I am completely shook, I don't know what to say... it's as if my whole life is a lie, wtf.


Queen Jayne is very underrated


Oh yea I remember seeing her in SoP and going "oh no the queen's a milf she's in danger" and enjoying the animations. I also enjoyed Princess Sarah herself of course, whom I was hoping for a good anim for for a while because I found her cute, endearing, attractive etc. I was patient.


My eyes are tired. The images are nice at least. The most popular girls are expected and so are the hated ones. Haven't had time to make my own rank. To busy coming back from work late and trying to play SF6. Might take a brake watching the remaining anims tonight and give them a quick rank. But a lot of your top 10 is mine too. Some are lower in my top15. 2B though??? Hmmm we'll see what I decide. Some of your dislikes are in mine too. Most of them... some I gave them the C rank and some are in my top 15-25. The finishers results are indeed sad. But you are you and you'll do what you want. My biggest problem... is DoA. Oh boy.... Can I make a guess??? Those are all Pixiv enthusiasts... perhaps a lot of Japanese people. People that get turn on even by a boring DoA girl in a SFW bikini. They are all around Pixiv. Not a fan of those results. So much so, you should keep DoA away from mixed polls. But always having a DoA exclusive poll once a month. Because those results are dangerous.


Grats on completing the project. Damn, I remember when it was first teased in October with the ominous (canceled) princess dress... Not only was Jesse's Mom done dirty, but also Samurai Showdown...Shiki, Hibki, Iroha...quality gals only plebeians would ignore. D: Final image is pure bliss.


But what is the best image. I actually split the survey into three, one for each site. Which is partially why I didn't do images for everything, because it's obnoxious to combine them all. But Fanbox had 30 less responses than Pixiv, but 15 more DOA votes. So, not really pixiv enthusiasts. x) But again, this isn't going to be a 'set in stone' thing. I'll be tackling what I want. And I already more or less am doing the DOA poll and then misc poll each month, which is what I'll continue with. Except maybe this upcoming poll, where I might do some losers.


Ah, I was getting to that. Might save any rambling and ranking for the poll results. And you'll probably have a lot of people givin opinions in this post. Don't want to mush your brain even more. You know my opinion of some of them already. A2- Cute, your A2s have been very cute thus far. You're yet to show her "Kaine" attitude. She's grumpy and I die of cuteness overload. Scarlet- Scarlet's bare feet, what can I say? Gem bikini has been underutilized on your part. But you gotta work on the fitting of it. "Jessie, do you want to be a big sister~?💖-- 10/10 would relate. Cissnei- Can see you don't care about her. Aranea + Gentiana- Gentiana's bare feet, what can I say? Dark mistresses. Y'shtola- As a future Cammy main, I approve. But you gotta work on your model's PiTs! Ultimecia- does she even need a bikini? Should have been a feathery bush. The three main Avengers- much better. 2B- you see? 2B has nice bod without leotard. Or her boots!


Yeah I figured favorite "animations" turned into favorite "characters" instead. Wasn't really fond of Ultimecia but she stood out for some reason; same with Queen Jayne. Definitely Scarlet's reverse shot was really well done 10/10. Even though that's not her iconic ASSet. Gentiana is always a solid animation (glad you like her). Like you say, nothing spectacular or nothing bad; just all-around good set. I'm on the same boat with Finishes vs Loops. Knowing how much you hate animating them as well, figured the quality of said character set might be diminished. Thanks for the Aranea and Gentiana summer shot. Arenea's swimsuit matches her so well. Are these swimsuits from DoA? Some look familiar...


A2 is kinda grumpy in that picture. But I just like putting her into situations where she really shouldn't be. It's the gap. It's funny. Ultimecia is going for the same sort of vibe that her normal outfit has. That v-shaped opening that ends near the crotch. Didn't want to deal with feathers. 2B has a nice body, but she doesn't really evoke 2B vibes without the outfit, y'know? A2 is honestly more distinct due to her unruly and long hair, compared to 2B.


I will still most likely dip my toes into Samurai Shodown, since I've already done it before. Even if it did get done in dirty.


Yeah, vast majority are from DOA, with only A2's being my own abomination. Can't find such a classic swimsuit in this day and age. x) Aranea's swimsuit is one of Nyotengu's. I was definitely running a bit dry on appropriate swimsuits for some characters.


Oh boy, let's not get into the " The leotard is actually 2B" argument again. She looks great 2Bs hairstyle is also her. And her facial features, the nier features. But yes, the last picture. Lots going on. If I knew anything bout rendering and shit. This kind of things is what I'd be doing. Multiple characters interacting with each other. Very nicely composed. But maybe it could have used someone on the bottom right. It feels very left heavy. But speaking of left, let's start from there. Drunk Aerith being hold by a Tifa with naughty intentions and Nayo... "Holding her beer..." drink to stronk for flower girl. Next to them, A very serious conversation between Iris and Luna. Whatever Iris is talking about Luna and Gentiana seem to be not taking it seriously. Gentiana's bare feet, what can I say. And Luna will drag those heels to her grave. It's ok, her feet are to sacred to be damaged by wet, wood floor. Right under them. Kyrie giving Yuffie a footjob... Seems they got close....

Chanko Stew

Well it obviously was a popularity contest in the end, but thats interesting in its own right. Especially since Luna beats out even Tifa, which would be unthinkable if you polled a general ff audience. This really is a case of an audience seeking out an artist. I was kinda suprised that the costume/nude people seem to be pretty much 50/50, didnt know what i expected tbh, both camps are quite vocal in the comments (bring back nude variants pls). Also good job with the pictures, slapping DOA costumes on FF characters works everytime.


The Stranger of Paradise girls were vastly underrated.


Honestly, I considered adding more characters, but let's just say things were already starting to feel sluggish with 12 characters on screen. And I just kind of lost interest in adding more at that point. Well, we already know Luna dragged her heels to the grave. RIP. And I imagine it's a conversation about Noctis. Probably. And Yuffie about to drown from getting kicked by Kyrie. It's no laughing matter. ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )


I haven't checked the latest ten or so responses since I made the post, but it could very easily swing in Tifa's favor. But yes, a lot of the fanbase I've built over the years are big fans of Luna. x)


There are clearly evil intent there, but you can kind of see Kyrie love for Yuffie on her face. Could be her gentle eyes and smile, she has fun seeing Yuffie get grumpy at her. They seem to.... mess around a lot... To the dead center of this scene, the GOATs they're doing absolutely nothing special, other than looking fucking amazing. There are clear groups in this image. And some action with that center mature/experience group is something I'll wish from now on. Lastly my baby girl. Too scared to jump on the water, even though she's clearly moist on a previous image. Who could have been the last character you say?? Fran. On the water looking at Y'shtola with slight frustration, about to pull her leg to toss her into the water. Or behind her, about to push her into the water. With the aftermath of such a splash being left to the viewers imagination. Btw... is that a GTA environment?


Is Scarlet's swimsuit even a swimsuit? lol Other than that, they all seem fitting for their characters. Sad to see my fav FF girls going on hiatus but glad to be introduced to characters I don't know from you. Looking forward to more Nyotengu though. Also gonna be weird getting used to the usual weekly posts instead of the daily posts for five months. Lol


It's that buddy-thief combo I talked about. She's just checking the water before getting in. Can't be too careful. I was actually gonna have Ultimecia in the background spot, with her wings spread wide, hovering off the ground, and doing an 'evil pose' and what not, while the rest of them ignore her entirely. I also considered adding Jessie in since her mom is there. Yeah, pretty sure it's a GTA environment.


It's allegedly a swimsuit, but hard to really call it one lol. Yeah, it's kind of weird for me, too. Gonna take some getting used to, but it'll certainly be less chaotic for me at least lol.


Well, this group shots are a fucking treat. Hope to see something similar with other IPs. IF you ever feel like it. While reviewing these I did some progress nominating more animations... should be done tonight. I'm all alone for today and most of tomorrow, so I can... review them more comfortably. Also I was surprised with your Cinque pick, it does not get my top 10 but that last pose is the one reason I didn't put her in C rank. Her split and Headless-chan's natura big thick gives the impression she's getting spread and stretched... So, about your question of who should get the individual anims first. A reasonable answer: All the ones that has gotten audio. So Aerith, Lulu, Serah, Cindy, Fran. So that anyone can upload the individual loops sounded in any Rule34 site for convenience. I've seen some sites do that. My request? Well... The strapon one, Scarlet, yOuR pReCiOuS 2b, and... my actual personal pick.... Alphinaud. For more than one reason....


I had a few other ideas. I was actually gonna do the Hojo at Costa Del Sol recreation. Maybe even put him in a speedo for maximum eye damage. Also considered a Ryne and Gaia swimsuit pose together, but I got lazy and had made enough as is. I'll consider those. For today, though, I feel like just sitting on my arse, so it'll be a day or so before I upload anything.


Take yer time. I'm out of space in Mega my Google drive is just for sound edits of your anims. And I'll soon have to manage my phone space. As for why I want Alphinaud. It is possible for me to add sound for the boys animations by myself for myself. Mixing clean sounds from other stuff x3. Alphinaud VA? Just change the pitch of any girls voice and it's pretty good. I just need some patience. X3 If no one will give love the the boyz then I'll do it myself. Not that you care. But SF6 is pretty fun! I played some matches after training sometime with Cammy. And I actually landed full combos I made by myself without looking any up!!! It felt so good. Now if only I had a fightstick.....


Ah, the joys of storage. I need to go through and prune some things, myself. I'm just lazy and never sure what to delete. x_X Maybe one day I'll pick up SF6, but not now. Lack the patience at the moment for such a game. ( ᴗ˳ ᴗ )


Ultimecia supremacy! Also rip, looks like I can't escape DOA dominance anywhere. Oh well. Only character I liked from that series was Nyotengu anyway. Nice seeing Tekken get some love.


First of all, congratulations on getting this done. I think you can tell which animations were done with a bit more motivation, but the overall quality of the project is impressive for the sheer size of it. Absolute madlad, thanks for the smut. On another note, and I feel like I should ask since it came at 4th in the poll. How are you feeling the Persona stuff? Judging by your pfp and the poll I guess you're at least testing the waters. I'm going to be honest and say that I've seen very talented animators work with the models available and there's always something off; they're all really lanky to be precise. Like the animation quality is super good but the limbs are just kinda flapping about because the characters have noodle arms and legs and it is just a bit distracting. Guess it won't be that much of an issue for you since you usually do clothed stuff, but I'd really like to hear your thoughts. Might just be me.


Thank you. I'm doing some adjustments to the character models so they're not quite as lanky. To be honest, even the Final Fantasy characters are very often extremely tall and lanky, with sticks for arms and legs, but I adjust them so they're a little less so. I'm not really a fan of the wacky inflatable tube body-type, so I'm definitely toning down the lankiness.


Questions though. Would the individual loops be group with the full versions in gofile?? Even when I win my blood pressure drops. But goddamn it felt good knowing I have potential. I just need patience to get used to 2D FGs and not loose my mind over DP motions that my thumb and my controller can't possibly do. And for the first time, I didn't make my usual game OC in this game. There was a last gril I did in SC6 that since I stopped playing I've fleshed out in my "other world" fantasy to be a master of all fighting styles. Not knowing SF6 would have a mechanic perfectly fitting for that character X3. It's definitely a change of pace. Because somehow, my OC always end up looking very similar between games. X3


Honestly, I'm really surprised to not see any character get 0 votes on both charts, unless you scrapped them And Kyrie having green hair in daylight was not something I expected


Luna only on second place is blasphemy in my eyes, but overall very interesting. Also the pictures are really nice. Thank you.


They'd be in their respective folders. DP motions will come with time. It's hard at first, but after a while doing them, your brain learns to auto-pilot the motion. Just a matter of practice.


All characters had more than one vote per category. With ten possible slots, and 800+ responses, someone is bound to hit at least one of those characters. Law of averages and all that. Yeah, her hair has a weirdly green tint to it. Not sure why, but it's there.


Sometimes I notice the problem is I'm holding the controller at an angle. When I look at my controller and do the moves properly they come out all the time. And you know... drift and all that.


Drift is definitely a killer, but it's got worse problems than messing up inputs. Drift often kills the neutral game, since you can't go back to a neutral position as easily. And then sometimes the down-back motions will freak out and cause you to miss a low block and what not. Hate that.


I'm using my controller with drift on the right stick. Not a problem for fighting, it is for the SP mode. Sometimes I jump by accident so something myst be going on there but is not as bad as my other controller. And I'm not touching my fresh new 3rd controller for this game x3, no sir. But really if it wasn't for the DPs I would be so much better at these games. My 2nd problem is that I find hard to do Supers after DP or QC motions. I have to twist that stick so fast and I can't X3. And let's not talk about being on the right side....


Could definitely tell you had a MILF thing with the animations I thought were the top like Jessie, Cloud and Aerith's moms. Not my favorite characters if I had to pick but definitely some of the best animated.


I will admit I'm not fond of the double-motions for supers in SF. I got used to the MvC3 method of just pressing two buttons. x) Though these games tend to have fairly lenient buffer systems these days, and you should be able to do them during the startup of other moves. Usually, anyway. But hey, at least they're not as bad as some older games with their pretzel motion bullshit. It's like they wanted people to get carpal tunnel.


I mean there is buffer, but some timings are just so short. For example: I'm playing Cammy and I want to do a DP special to then connect with a double QC super. At that point I'm fiddling the stick like a mad man and mashing buttons praying it comes out.. It gets worse when the QCx2 motion is backwards. My thumb just doesn't know how to react. I'm sure there are tricks to execute these easier. Most fighting games have them. Like Ivy's crazy command grabs in SF6 being doable with just twisting the stick like 3 times.


All that words and paragraphs, i just wanna say : Finally, Kyrie without her hat 🥵🥵 Since its Summer theme of contents, i wish you bring some swimsuits from Tekken 7, like Diva bikini and others, also from Tekken Tag Tournaments 2.


I think with a DP, you only need to do one more QC to get the super to come out, provided you did a full QC during the DP. I think, anyways. Most of these games tend to let you roll those types of things over, but some are more persnickity.


Trust me, I've tried and sometimes that works. But not consistently and it sometimes happens by accident. I'll try my best to keep playing for a good month even if I don't win to get better at it. I started SF6 knowing nothing to then become a very good fighter. Just gotta get used to it. Looking forward to tomorrow's "results" and to talk about naughty things to help your mushy brain get some ideas.


Probably a timing issue. Just keep at it, really. My mushy brain isn't necessarily lacking in ideas. It's lacking in motivation. I'd fail Vergil's motivational class rn.


Gracias, sounds promising I mean, the design is too good to ignored by time. Like Kunimitsu's Watermelon, Jun's black and white, Nina and Anna hot stunning one pieces, and Eliza's red blood. Call me a dickhead but i prefer them over any XVV set 🤣🤣🤣


Very enjoyable pics, wouldn't mind seeing more of this kind of content. I imagine it takes a fraction of the time an animation would. I imagine Tekken got a boost in popularity since people are hyped for Tekken 8. I agree on the Climax thing, I think it's a waste. People probably don't realize how much work goes into them, I imagine in the time you make a climax animation you could've animated an entire new pose. Also I'm not sure how much at face value you can take the character votes. I enjoyed this entire project on a daily basis but it was hard to remember individual animations so I just voted for the characters I liked.


I kinda want Young form and Adult form animations now like Lunafreya and young Lunafreya, Tifa and Young Tifa. Or Daughter and Mom animation like Aerith and Ifalna, Jessie and her mom, Tifa and Marle(since there no Tifa mom and Marle is like Tifa mother figure). And also hoping for Yuffie and Kyrie.


They definitely are easier to make. Especially when I've got little-to-no-motivation to animate. Much like the gym stuff I briefly did last year, there might be more summer pics on the horizon, at least until I'm more 'normalized'. And yes, I am taking it more as a popularity contest over being an actual critique over the animations themselves. But in regards to my own, it's more on the animation side of things since I've already made a tier list of the FF girls(admittedly lacking some of the characters that appeared in this thing... guess I'll have to update that at some point).

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Luna W so big this small box can't contain it. Not gonna lie seeing your long ass essay that used to come out sometime has finally returned make me realized that we finally returned to normal schedule. Also 2B at the top is nothing surprising in term of quality alone that one fly by other for miles.


Normalcy is returning for sure. I'll probably ramble a bit this coming week, if I can figure out a topic. Each day I'm starting to feel a little bit better, so hopefully I'll be back in form in a week or so.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Good to hear that although I think it find too if you actually plan to you know laze around and procrastinate. Also people can wear cap while they're in swim suit so where is Cindy.


There's a lot to unpack here, but also not really a lot of surprising things. The popularity/unpopularity polls went about as I thought they would. I think the most shocking thing on the popularity is that young Tifa beat young Luna by a decent amount, while Tifa and Luna were neck and neck. Wonder why the disparity there? Hope getting more than his mom is extremely amusing to me, who knew you had more shota enjoyers than MILF fans? I also salute the 6 people who have Lotinging in their Favorites list :^) As for the least favorites, I see a lot of people can't handle the absolute unit that is Gladiolus, sad!! And all the salt over the Lotinging animation set, and the strap-on set, just chef's kiss there. The trolling worked out. I'm glad Kyrie both polled high, and that she's high on your favorites of the sets. I think that one was possibly one of my favorites, up there with Lulu. She's so damn hot, and it's incredibly weird seeing her with no hat here :O


The funny thing about all these FF images is how many of the bathing suits I recognize from DOA. They're never gonna make another actual DOA again huh? Just milk the volleyball for the rest of existence. Anyways, hope you're feeling better in this downtime. Start the herb garden!!!


What a festival of hot summer girls! Please get us more of these wonderful wallpapers! No one could ever resist such gorgeous beauty for eyes. Also, appreciated very much for your creativeness and kindness again, and again!


Wasn't in the top 10 of FF characters(sans dupes) nor in my top 10 or bottom 10, so she doesn't get to join the party I'm afraid.


I think it's just general Tifa popularity over Luna. Luna was losing against Tifa for most of the week, but only kind of came around at the end, and just barely. I haven't checked to see if it's still the case, but I wouldn't be surprised if Tifa is back at number 2 again. Not enough MILF appreciation 'round these parts. (。•́︿•̀。) Honestly, Kyrie without the hat is half the character. Just feels wrong. They'll try to make a DOA7 when the gacha money stops coming in. Which could take a while. Feeling a little better, but still rather tired. Didn't sleep great last night. x_X


If people were picking by random, then yeah it wouldn't be all that abnormal. I'm just wondering who are all these people voting for unknown characters like Monica and Alyssa. Have they been ok all these years? I always saw her hair as gray but tinted with FF7R's slightly greenish filter. All the models in that game kinda look way different in broad daylight when I think about it...


I mean, I had a few people thank me for the Monica stuff over the years. And if the Alyssa post was anything to go by, she has at least a couple fans. Even if they are few in number, there's bound to be at least one or two people pumping their fists at the fact I finally did "random niche character x" somewhere. x) Yeah, 7R's characters are very particular about lighting. If they aren't lit just right, they look off, at least to me. Some are less so, like Scarlet, but others like Tifa or Yuffie... needs really specific lighting setups to get looking right.


That's true, Tifa and Luna just battling neck and neck. I'm kind of not surprised Tifa would be that high, the FF7 main 2 girls get so much exposure in the smut scene. They're probably on par with the RE girls, and some of the OW ones as well. It's sad really! Granted, I draw the line at GILF's, but MILF's are some fine pieces of work. I'm still just as shocked as you are at Jessie's Mom getting all the hate. Are they all staunch Jessie defenders, or are they really trying reverse psychology? :^) I don't see that happening any time soon. In fact they just keep adding new characters like every other month it feels like. I'm not sure how many we're even up to at this point. Glad you're feeling slightly better! I dunno what it is, but I sleep bad on weekends too. Maybe it's just too hot here at nights now, I dunno. Lot of light sleep and waking up periodically. Sucks.


Tifa is the queen of FF smut. Aerith lags behind still, honestly. It's like five pieces of Tifa for every one piece of Aerith, it feels. I definitely prefer MILFs, but there are some GILFs that ain't bad. But yeah, I don't know what it is. Maybe some people think it's in poor taste, what with her husband? But then again, Ifalna is dead. Isn't that in even more poor taste? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's been a good four-ish months since the last one. Which was that really uninteresting Gyaru character. Not sure when they'll release another. I had stuff to do today(and I have stuff to do tomorrow... yay), so I slept lighter than normal. Very fun.


Tifa is definitely the queen, she's easily the most recognizable. If it wasn't for your fanbase being more Aerith-focused, I would have definitely seen Tifa winning the popularity contest. Especially since she was probably the big heavy hitter in the 2nd half. I don't really know, maybe you'll get some people who feel that way, but then again does anyone really care about the husbands that much? Heck it might even bring the NTR enjoyers into the fold. Also you know what they say about dead girls ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Dang, was it really that long ago for her? Feels like I'm out of touch. I'm here trying to wonder which of the original DOA girls isn't in the game by this point. Is it just Christie? Lisa? Ugh, weekend plans. Sometimes fun, usually awful. Nothing says a good Saturday to me than just being able to chill at home with my own vibes. Alas!


It is still pretty funny that despite being known as a Final Fantasy animator, I've actually managed to attract and foster an audience that doesn't overwhelmingly vote for TIfa. Just partially. x) I'm all about those ghost jobs. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖) Christie, Lisa, and if you want to count the newer characters, Mila and NiCO. Out of all of them, I have a hunch NiCO would be the first to get added. The rest... aren't really that popular, tbh. I'll get me some chill time after I've taken care of it, so it's not the worst thing in the world.


You got all the castoffs who knew you weren't going to animate Tifa that much, so they stuck around while all the Tifa enjoyers left, obviously :) Dead FF girl animations with translucent skins when? I'm still shocked Christie isn't in. I know Tina took a long time to get added, and Japan is pretty down on Christie in general. Just wild that she's from the OG games and still won't get added into their little volleyball game. NiCO definitely is the most likely of those 4 though, if they ever add any of them.


Jessie's Mom being that low is awful and I hate everyone that voted for her. Aerith being that high is amazing and I love everyone that voted for her. And you can't just post a picture with Aerith, Luna, AND Iris. That's just cheating, man. You're gonna give me expectations I don't know will ever be followed up on. >:( I was already expecting DOA to win the poll since, as you say, if it's not FF, most people come for your DOA stuff. But it does make me wonder how the poll would've looked like if DOA wasn't included. Would for example Tekken have gotten more votes to fit in with the fighting game theme? Or maybe King of Fighters? Is there even a major overlap between fans of each series characters? But considering your new avatar, I think I know what content we will see in the future, and I'm all for it.


Jessie's Mom is a chad's choice. And the fact you made some very good points about her being a fine specimen means you are a chad. A gigachad, even. Keep up the good work my fellow milf enthusiast. :D


Is that Kyrie in some of the pics? I thought she was bald underneath her cap.


Hello Lazi. Thank you for your work and your lazy attitude. I don't think you like some gay shit but one day I hope to see a feminine Bartz (NT) or Kuja (NT) even Sephiroth take it like Hope and Alphinaud. i Hope a response from you Good or bad (:3=]


So what I'm getting from this is: We should all be doing Jessie's mom.


I really hope after that pic of the other Luna and Tifa, you will eventually do an animation with both of them


Maybe this Halloween, who knows. x) I have a strong feeling they're probably not lucrative enough. Gotta get that gacha cash, and people that obsess over gacha usually aren't into characters like Christie and the like in general.


Can't promise anything in regards to an Aerith, Luna, and Iris potential thing. Gonna go on a hunch and say there wouldn't be much difference in votes if I removed DOA, since I did let people select multiple series. And considering the rest of the non DOA options are all over the place, there probably isn't a ton of overlap.


I've mentioned it a few times, but there was someone who gave Kyrie proper hair under her cap. No such model exists for Cindy, as far as I'm aware.


We getting results today?? Or tomorrow wich could be today for you...


No problem, saw you answering stuff and wanted to quickly ask so I'm not refreshing for the rest if the day X3.


Just gonna poke around in Blender today. Maybe try to pose some stuff for the winner if I can muster up the motivation.


Today I mustered the motivation to finally finish nominating and ranking the BDP animations. Took me 2 hours, but I finally have my picks. Will share tomorrow. I'm ready to move on to greener pastures x3


How big does a project needs to be, to be dumb?? Cause I'm down for something like the DoA Cowgirl Festa. But with other themes. Remember when we thought THAT was amazing and crazy???


Damn... I'm thinking of options for something similar but I can. I'm somehow chanelling your feelings while thinking of ideas and I just go "Nah...." So yeah, just don't do something like this again. Granted, I'm sure your limit to POV, certain positions like BJs and finishers were the reason why you got destroyed.


And doing a bunch of characters I don't really care for. You can only keep your focus so much when you've got to do a string of characters you really don't like or even find attractive.


Perhaps it was a bit overboard doing 4 animations for everyone when 70% of those you didn't care for. However, doing one animation for all the "important" characters in an IP might be useful to find someone you didn't care for, attractive. I mean, it happened Sophia. I believe you decided to do this with your most famous IP with the most grils. But in a fighting game it wouldn't be that many. Maybe whenever you decide to do a new IP and moving on with it after. A send of just like the BDP but with just 1 animation could work. In a distant future, of course. But doing a lot of model work just to do 1 animation to then forget they exist isn't worth it... Nope... nothing I can think of is any better X3. I'm sure the anniversary helped you find one of those uninteresting characters interesting. So it wasn't all worthless.


I get a lot of random FF character requests for characters I don't care for and have pushed aside for years. Doing one animation typically only increases the requests. While I can be a snarky asshole, I do try to be polite to be and typically go "maybe" or "could happen" or the like. This was my attempt to wipe my hands clean of all those requests so that I can say that I've done it and not have a bunch of looming characters I've said I'll probably do at some point only to never do them. By going this far, I can at least say I've done the character and that I have no interest in doing anything more instead of just saying "no" flat out on the request.


And it definitely worked for me. A lot of the girls I wanted to see from you got either a great treatment or a low effort treatment. Be it good or bad, I'm satisfied for different reasons. But desire for other characters like Jessie's Mom, Scarlet, Gaia, Ultimecia, the boyz, Ifalna, and your usual bangers increased dramatically. I guess my rank tomorrow will give you an idea of who I want to see more of and who I'm fine with for the moment.


It's true, Christie, Lisa, and Mila really don't fit into the mold of what the other VV characters are like. It's a shame, I used to really like Christie back in the day, maybe cause I'm just into those bad bitches. But she gets no content, since she's not in VV and nobody cares about the actual DOA games anymore. Oh well! At least I got Tamaki


I'll definitely get around to more of some of those eventually. I will say that out of the non-Y'shtola XIV models, Gaia is my favorite, so she has more chance of showing up again than some of the others.


I feel like Christie kind of lost a bit of her charm from the older DOAs to the new DOA, but that might just be me. She just seems less distinct, somehow, which is funny since the DOA games before 5 were very basic in models and textures, but something about her was lost. Might be the eyes are a bit too dull now, I don't really know.


Oh hey, I just realized. No bird legged gril... Shame, she could have been an interesting character.


Yeah I agree, something about her didn't quite hit the same way in 5/6 than she did in the earlier ones. I know the earlier DOA's were very samey in their faces and models, but I think Christie peaked in 4 for sure. She always kind of looked a bit different than the other girls in that one, in a good way. Her outfits were always vavavoom there too, so that was great. Maybe she's just really hot to teenagers, and then her appeal drops off after that.


Too much work for a character I don't care about. Would rather the Au-Ra, since there is only one bird girl in my heart. And there's no room there for an angsty, emo bird-girl who is nicknamed Twitter.


I mean, next time someone asks you to make a Twitter you know what to do.


This is why I think your a great artist as you interact with the fans especially in posts like this. It’s very interesting that you take the time to really get into the weeds and discuss it. It’s nice to see interactions like that… That and the fact you do great stuff. Heck even the still pics you posted gets the imagination roaring at the possibilities. Some are likely and some are unlikely but man great works have come out this year and I honestly think you are overly hard on yourself….( need to rephrase that)…. Anyways this post was a great read and have read it over like 4 times as it was just good to delve into those stats. Keep it up!


If Nora was copying Hope's animations she's taking it in the wrong hole. :P


Thanks, though some of the being 'hard on myself' is mostly just ego-checking. Too many positive comments can lead to a self-inflated self-worth and what not, so I have to balance it out with my own self-deprecation. Though some of it is, indeed, genuine. Some of the stuff I put out is pretty bad, personally.


Just gonna say that the 'finish' isn't all about the guy- it's also about the girl enjoying it, and *that's* what a lot of people like about it so much. There's also a lot of examples of finishes without fluids (coming deep inside / swallowing / etc) that still look pretty hot.