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I've improved Rukia by making her accurate to her actual looks. Beautiful.

Jokes aside, just a quick update in regards to the plans. Animations are well on their way to being done, so that should be no problem for the weekend release. Additionally, I'm gonna just do a DOA character poll for this week. Just easier on me than possibly having to rig up new characters if I did stuff from other series. The poll after might be all other stuff. Probably. I dunno yet.

As for the remaining animations of the project, they will start on the 19th. With 28 characters to get through, plus the A2 public release(which will be the character featured on the 19th), it'll be 29 characters. So, by starting on a Wednesday, it'll mimic the first half to a T... outside ending on April Fool's, anyway. This will give me the time to finish any characters unfinished, render everything, and hopefully start on some future stuff. I will probably make the four characters that lost in the past poll the first four releases after the anniversary stuff is done(though not necessarily in the order they came in the polls, since Marika will probably be the first one to get a release since I've already started on some stuff with her), just because the poll wasn't terribly fair due to the nature of it. One of those ideas that sounded good in my head, but kind of fell flat. It also gives me a goal, so that I can focus better. Having no clear goal, I've realized, makes me procrastinate way too much. I have ideas of what I want to do beyond them, but I haven't set myself a goal of what I want to do just yet, so hopefully in that time-span I can work on the ideas in my head more and finalize what I want to do beyond "I'd like to do this, I'd like to do that, but I could also do this and that and this and that" sort of thing. Indecision is a productivity killer, so I need to get myself to make decisions.

Anyway, that's kind of all I've got to say. Next post will be the poll and animations proper. Smell ya later!




Ah, ye old trusty DoA scape route. I also see you've vastly improved the Rukia model! Still missing the intense eyelashes and eyebrows but we getting there. And hey, since you've gotten this far... Why not make your own Alita Battle Angel model. You already nailed the eyes and the hair is pretty close.... Juuuust saying.... (´-ω-`) I need you to make the first girl of the second part be a total hitter... I...I need you to help me stop watching the Alphinaud animation instead of the other 36 amazing girls. Do you have someone good to kickstart it? Have you been posting more SoP? Were all the memes right and it's the best final fantasy game?


I dunno man, she's perfect as is. ( ♥ ͜ʖ ♥) I can't say it'll be a total hitter, but it's gonna be a character I like and think the animations are okay. I'm saving some of the 'big hitters' for later, since I don't want to blow my load early and all that. There aren't a ton of popular characters left, after all. I've played more and yeah, it's a good game. The best Final Fantasy? Probably not. But it is a lot of fun, and it's a good action game. I haven't fully grasped all the mechanics yet, but I've been having a blast trying out the different classes and what not. Also pretty hard, but I did pick hard mode. Fighting Tonberries has kicked my ass more than anything in Wo Long did.


What I remember from the demo I played... I remember getting a bit overwhelmed with the classes. Since they all use different armor and different weapons.... I don't Like having to manage the stats of multiple play styles, I've always been one to choose just one specific class and play style and go all the way through the game with just that. The game did have auto equip so it made it less tedious but I'm sure there are better ways to optimize your loadout than just auto equip. I did like how the game felt. But again.... haven't played a Nioh style game in years and I'm STILL burnt out X3. Gotta jump back in to the Nioh 2 DLCs to roast my feelings towards these games a little better. I'm still going through my 2nd playthrough of RE4R. Been doing a lot of challenges. Won't be getting an A because I'll go past the 8H mark. I've also been weirdly addicted to the Persona dancing games... Currently in P3. since I've played plenty rhythm games before, I got pretty good really fast.


Only weapons are class specific. Armor seems universal(except in the case of the companion characters). The only thing to note about Armor is that some have affinities for jobs, but that just gives you bonus stats and stuff that likely don't matter on your first playthrough. I use it more for the fact that having a job affinity on armor to a job you don't have equipped gives you XP for that job, so I can level up multiple jobs that I'm not even using. I've mostly stuck with the Lancer class, since the base skill is super useful(long range Lance throw), but I've switched up the other class to experiment. Honestly, Nioh 2 was so fun to me that I got my character to level 750, went through every difficulty, as well as the ascension dungeons or whatever they were called, and still wanted more. A good action game doesn't stop being fun to me(which is how I put 2k+ hours into DMC3) and I just want more... more enemies, more bosses, just more. Haven't played much more RE4, myself.


Yeah I was stuck on a Nioh 2 loop myself, but eventually I just get tired of going through the same boring, plain to go through, dungeon. And having to stop every time I got new shit to see if it's better or not. Nioh 2 's combat is hela fun. But the grind loop gets to me. I would have probably bought SoP immediately if it had a character creator though. You could still have the 'character' talk through yours like a Mass Effect Male Sheppard and Fem Sheppard situation. He might be pure meme. But the way he looks is so fucking bland X3


Maybe it's because I've played many Diablo-clones that require you to plan your build from the character creation screen, but Nioh felt super light in that regard. Pick a set you like, get the highest rarity of it, and then reroll the skills on it to your liking. And then grinding for the item you want isn't that bad(to me), since the game is fun. Far more than your typical Diablo-style games. That's most likely a SE decision since Jack is a specific story character. I imagine Team Ninja would have been more than happy to throw their character creator from Nioh 2 into it otherwise.


Who the hell approved his design X3. That game wasn't what I thought it would be when it was rumored, or when it was revealed. Didn't know a game based on FF1 would be such a random mess with phones, earphones and edgy music to walk out of after softly exclaiming "Bullshit". At the very least I thought it was going to be a FF that thought it was so cool for being so 'violent'. Because smashing red crystals is the most edgy and badass thing other games would never dare even try... Speaking of FF1.... After seeing what handicaps the FF Pixel remaster collection has on console.... My series playthrough senses are tingling.... if I get this the only mainline FF left for me to own would be 11, 13 and 14. 13 is the only one I count. I'm locked out of FF14 and 11 is nonexistent in my world.


The director, presumably. x) And I believe it's a Nomura design. So yeah. Honestly, I've barely been paying attention to the story. It just feels so disjointed and nonsensical. And not even in a 'so bad it's good' way, just 'okay?' way. Maybe it gets better, but I'm just playing for the gameplay tbqh. Surprised there hasn't been a re-release of XIII at this point. Probably in the next couple of years.


I hope, for as much as people trash on those games I really want to play them. Lightning Returns was my first FF and since I didn't have any expectations for what a 'good' FF is I actually loved that game. I also learned that game has dozens of costumes DLC. Makes sense with the whole changing clothes mechanics.


Beautiful. You even got the perfect anime nose down <3


The more I look at her, the more I see some Gollum resemblance... Tolkien was truly ahead of his time. He predicted anime proportions


The Rukia looks a bit like E.T. feels a bit wierd to see her interpretation like this sry. Maybe its because the front looking or ur not out lined shader style. I dont know. i cant realy friend with that pic qwq


What lazyP has done is crazy….this huge Pavlovian experiment he’s conducting is just damn amazing…very sinister dude! Can I have my altoid now?

Chanko Stew

I cant even think of 28 more FF characters that have a decent model lol.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

I strive for accuracy all the way like when some one asked for some kind of live action of an anime they would cast these hot actors to play the characters when in reality they should just stop acting like a pussy and cast an actual creature that has a big eyes, a nose little to none and resemble human on an uncanny level to play it. And but you just made my character when I first played Dark Souls 1.


Hey, it's not particularly related to this post, but I actually had some questions related to your works that I've been really curious about. The first one has to do with body models. Do you have individual body models for each chracter to try and as closely replicate the original bodies or do you simply use "stock" body models for each body type(which is a fair thing to do if you do, unique bodies are probably a massive handle). Another one was specifically related to your Rinoa model. It's hard to say since there have only been 2 animations with her, but I swear her face looks different in them than it does in Dissidia Nt, which is where I assume the model comes from. I don't know if it's the lighting or the animations themselves, but I honestly have always felt it resembled the original more than the NT model did


I typically just use one base model that I then adjust to be as close to the original body as I can. Simpler, easier, and works well enough. As for Rinoa, a lot of it does come down to lighting, facial animations, and general camera trickery. I talked about it in this post a long time ago, actually: https://lazyprocrast.fanbox.cc/posts/4160348 A little bit can change a lot, honestly.