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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/z4i1vY

So, allow me to explain the really awful hint for her. It was supposed to be "sheer boobs" in the fact that her outfit has a boob window with stockings underneath. Stockings are sheer in that they're transparent. Sheer boobs. I wrote shear because I didn't bother to check if it was spelled sheer or shear, and my mind assumed shear since it's typically really thin cloth or whatever that's see through, so in my mind that would be shear since it's been sheared down. But after quite a few people were talking about shear in a different sense, I decided to look it up and whoops. Then people took my 'extra hint' literally, despite me saying "even if boots aren't weren't I was talking about". I should have said, "even though" instead to remove doubt, but I was trying to be vague and went a little too far. My line of thinking was that boots are a clothing article, and the hint had to do with clothes. I almost said it outright, but at the same time... it's been a while since we had a wrong answer for hints, so I decided we needed some failure and since I started with failure to check my words, I rolled with it.

Anyway, Jihl. Remade the blowjob from my SFM days. More or less, anyway. Slightly awkward position, but I managed to get it looking mostly alright. Her hair is a nightmare to work with, since it's just big blocks of meshes and using cloth physics look kind of weird. You can sort of see that in the last shot. Nothing too interesting here, since I genuinely consider my last Jihl set to be really good and trying to follow that up with something better while also making hundreds of animations alongside it just wasn't gonna happen.

Hint - Would use you as a chair.




If her hair is one of the big problem, i like to see her in short hair in the future 🤣 Over the shoulders long will fit her, i think 🥳


I did not expect that one.


Day 28 out of >108 Finally type 0 makes an appearance. So many good grils in there. But oh boy, do I know who's not gonna be here..... Beginning log. She looks so good, so adorable. Still, the white shirt and blue shorts are really getting on mah nerves. The first half is almost over so it was bound to happen eventually. Could have gone with black and red, but no, white and blue. Expect more complaints about the color scheme of these shirt and shorts in the near future from now on. Should be fun. Anyways the blowjob, FUNNY. L.O.L. Hilarious, so comedic. Such wow. Didn't learned shit from our lessons though... she knows how to work the tip, I'll give her that much. A good thing to mention is that the similar poses have a """""unique"""""" aspect to them here. Like the next pose. So like... missionary, crossed legs, hand holding??? She should have had her flute in her mouth too. Keep adding layers. She's still looking really cute though. Continue--->


The reverse comes next. Props are being used, any little change in posture is welcomed one at this point in the project. Characters interacting with the environment is always a + for me. Laying down on stuff doesn't really count, since they can easily be moved around to any flat surface without changing the pose at all. Ok last one. Very simple as always, but I just love this position as I've stated before. Knees, calves, thighs all visible while spread. She looks so gorg', and her climax is great. Can't wait to see other Type 0 girls, and to sad we won't see 'her'. He can't help but spread his hate for the other 'her' into other 'her's lookalikes. So I'll set my expectations low. Ending log. Funny.. when I voted for this character in a poll and recommended the flute usage. I just wanted to see this innocent character have passionate segs. The innocence or depravity of the characters hasn't really mattered to me in this project. I've never thought about it. Not even with Lady Luna.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Sad no Marle I thought it was obvious but shout out to Deuce gotta be one of my favorite gender, kinda sad you didn't recreate the sucking part despite being called "SUCKER" but she's cute none or less. Well to be fair even if you had spelled that right people would still find it hard to get the right answer cause they are a few options they can go by. Shinra sure is suck at providing employee's care they can't even get one of their boss a chair.


Hint: Clearly Scarlet. <3


Also still hoping to see Cinque (Type-0) one day.


You nailed the dark motel vibes with Jihl, especially with the last clip. Also, Scarlet is the next character and I am starting to see an increase in milfs within the seriers lol.


Not about to spend time sticking the flute into poses where it doesn't make sense. Too much effort for something I need to work quickly on. As for 'her', ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The flute was a joke. And do you know who I'm talking about?


You gotta fill the other 32 characters with something. So I'm guessing all type 0 grils are in. You've been unbiased till now. So here's hoping.


She might be there, she might not be. I am most definitely running out of steam and when I have very little interest in a character that only makes working on them all the harder.


Dang left for last... well whatevs. I'll catch you later... I want to talk about sizes. PP sizes specifically. K, by


I see what you did there with the finger positions in the first animation. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Ok, THIS one should be Scarlet. 100%


When I first saw Jihl, she looked(still is) amazing. Thought to myself, "They put so much effort into her design, she's going to have a big role in the game!"... what a waste. Far worse treatment than Luna. There's one BIG pair I like on a woman... the eyes. Jihl's eyes are bold and beautiful, just like Aranea's. Come to think of it, they both have green eyes too. I may also be attracted to green eyes as well(Gentiana too lol). Glad you're giving these girls some spotlight they deserve. As for the hint, that's definitely Scarlet... unless there's another typo. 😏


I do agree with you on her eyes. I really like her eyes, and the hair covering the one and the glasses both manage to make them look more... seductive, I suppose. And yes, I remember the pre-release stuff with Jihl and figuring she'd be a major villain that would get a boss fight. Nope. Five minutes of screen time, about twenty of that in CG, and then ded. SMH.


Green eyes always does it for me and there's something really pretty about Jihl's shade of green As for chairs, yea I think everyone else has already got it. Just gonna toss Ultimecia out there because she seems to always be sitting lol


Ok, so... please explain. What the fuck is up with your dick sizes!? The ones you use for our headless hero... excuse me. Perhaps wtf is not the right term... "How do they work?" So here's why I ask. In this animation, Deuce is giving that D a good suck, and is a really filling suck. Looks pretty big and thick... barely fits. But then for the rest of the poses. It looks thin. So are you changing the size across the poses? Or is just a perspective/proximity thing? Since some of these poses feel really far away because of the image orientation.


They have a peridot shade of green, which is genuinely very pretty. There's something about the XIII eyes that I generally like, but I do think Jihl has the best eyes of the game.


You know how my lore talked about how he could stretch his neck to various lengths which is how his head popped off? Well, his whole body can sort of do that. So basically, yes, his D changes size depending on the pose and what not. To get that sort of 'recorder' hand position for Deuce, it needed to be bigger(albeit, that is the 'default' of the particular model I use. I usually shrink it for most other purposes).


Yea I'm not sure how to describe it better, but the eyes in XIII feels "crystallic" to me. It's like they all have these really pretty crystals for irises


May have been an intentional theme, since crystals were a pretty big part in the game after having been kind of absent from the mainline games for a while. Still, I find it funny I tend to prefer the XIII eyes over most of the modern FF games eyes. XV has the best of the modern games, but the others are all kind of... odd.


Yeah! The sharp/serious look of eyes are attractive to me. The hair covering her eye giving it a mysterious, seductive look is an icing on the cake.


So here. I know you aren't the funny type. But I just imagined a Dante like 'style change' but with dick sizes. Watching the switch/morphing live. We know you can actually anime the morphing through the ghost nightmare. I want to see headless-chan's dick bending with my own eyes. X3. I also don't know how much you care about 'penetration realism' would be interested in seeing you increase that D to colossal proportions of today's animations and apply it to your vanilla style. Hentai D meets vanilla girl. Though Luna got a whole DD inside... So I guess you don't really think about that X3


I can't tell if that 'I know you aren't the funny type' is sarcastic or not. Regardless, it's not like there are specific sizes I pick. I scale it based on the character, position, etc. So it's very variable. And yeah, I don't really care about realism, since if an area is not visible on screen it's 100% sure to be clipping and not necessarily hitting the right spot exactly. Just the general area.


I believe you should know that I've known you long enough for that to have been sarcastic. I'm disappointed! Ok, so you don't care about piercing the insides of a girl but at least you have "realistic" sizes. Unless you want to make a Mega D animation. I won't stop you. Don't know about vaginal, but you at least do the blowjobs right. You never go full devouring. And speaking of sizes. Today I've come to the conclusion that these shorties have a bigger impact on me when worn by short/thin/petite girls. So like Lady Luna, Ryne, Yeul, Gaia, etc... They just look better in those type of bodies. On the thick hotties, it doesn't ever surprise me. Because is just common sense that thick girl + short clothes = hot. Those are the type of clothes those type of characters would wear to begin with. The thickness has definitely benefited the apron more. So basically all of them thus far except Alyssa.


Sometimes I can be a bit dour and shoot down the 'funny ideas', so y'know. Though my sense of humor, I think, is different than your sense of humor. Considering the action is typically very front and center, gotta do more with the blowjobs. Huge Ds don't look right in a blowjob, unless it's just the tip like here. Think it more or less looks good on everyone, but there is a niceness to the petite look. Regardless, what outfit do you think I went for for our buff friend? Also, I did beat REmake4 last night. On its own, it's about 9/10, but as a remake I give it a 6/10.


I guess our humor magnets are opposite to each other. I might not like Big D penetration. But I do love the BJ. In fact did you see how thick the old Jihl BJ D was?? Why did you not keep it that way for old times sake? Ok so we half agree. But oh body, I hope you went with all 3. You kidding me...!? Tramp buff friend sounds very appealing. Have you greeted him with tramp Leon? Bro they all look very... interesting in my mind. Oh boy, I really want to see what you did with him X333. On its own is what matters. I never expect for the game to be better or worse than the OG. Just that RE4 was going to become once again the best RE game. And it seems a lot of people are saying that. I would probably give it an 8 as a remake so far. A 10/10 as a game, Ashley moaning aside.


It didn't look good. Too much mouth deformation. Characters were scaled differently in SFM, and there wasn't a ton I could do about that, so those issues were more muted. Well, you'll find out in a few days. I basically never give a game a 10/10. Wouldn't even give RE4 a 10/10, though it's close. Nothing is ever perfect, after all. And that is why I rarely, if ever, give my opinion on games. Because I can be very critical, especially if it's something I like. I'm more critical to something I like and enjoy than something I don't like. Regardless, I enjoyed REmake4, but some of the stuff cut does cut me. Some of it I get, but some of it I don't. And I do like some of the changes - all the Luis stuff they added is pretty great, honestly. But not everything was handled quite as well, personally. Also, don't like the way the Regenerators look. They don't look as intimidating, personally.


Dude... yesterday I decided to give the Marle animations a quick check after all the older ladies that you've given us in this project.... And I can't fucking believe it..... I actually thought they were.....good??? Do you realize what you've done? I mean I can't quite say I like or love them because they were meant as a joke and they were clearly made as fast as humanly possible... but fuck.... Please, I know I'm fucking around... but don't let our buff friend's animation actually be good.... I'll have to question you and myself.... But anyways... I'm jumping into RE4R myself. Slooow progress. And I want to sneak in a bit of P5R too. Oh and btw, how do you like the customization features? Do you like the alt costumes? I found red dye for Ashley yesterday. Kinda neat honestly, like the dyes in Nier Automata.


Funnily enough, crystals were still a huge part of XII despite its more political story. It was the main macguffin for several plot threads. XIII did go a little overboard on that regard though But as for eyes... XV was great but nothing that really wowed me I guess? I think eye lashes were really well done there though. Their other games since have been really inconsistent. XVI looks great and I do really enjoy the character designs, though nothing there immediately gets my neurons activated


They were made as a joke, but I didn't make the intentionally bad or anything. They weren't zero effort, or anything. Our buff friend's animations are very low effort, but if you end up liking them no shame in that my friend, no shame at all. ( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° ) Where are you, by the way? Still at the castle? They're alright, but I haven't used any of them myself since they typically look silly. Neat for that collectible sort of aspect, I suppose.


Yeah, I don't think XV has amazing eyes or anything, but compared to 7R, they're way better personally. Most of the eye textures look really... dull, I guess? And then SoP characters have soulless, creepy eyes, lol. Still can't say I'm interested in XVI, and the girls I've seen so far have been... okay, I guess. If anything, the actual Garuda is more interesting to me than the girl who becomes it(or whatever is going on with that - I haven't been keeping up). Then again, that might not be terribly surprising.


Umm.... so Leon met Ada... the spider plagas got introduced. And I'm currently going through the Castle Battlements, the walls. Haven't encountered the bugs or fought the Verdugo. I don't think I'll be beating the castle today. If there's another firing range I definitely won't finish it today X3. Costumes, just like mods. Kinda ruin the experience for me. So I have to be just fucking around to be using them. Basically be more focused on the GAME than the atmosphere/environment/immersion. So speed runs, hardcore runs, etc


I'm surprised that XVI is doing so little for you, outside of girls. The combat seems very DMC like and even straight up has DMC moves in it lol. Not sure how RPG mechanics will stack on top that, but since the combat designer also did Dragon's Dogma, I'm pretty intrigued


From what I've seen of it, it's just a lot of pretty animations and effects with not much to it. And that's the reason why I don't really comment on it and keep my mouth shut. I can very much be an action game snob, and I don't like to rain on people's parade if they're looking forward to it, but yeah. To me it just looks shallow, and I know a guy who worked on DMC and Dragon's Dogma is working on it, but I don't see any DMC in it outside some similarities in moves. It'll probably be a fun game, but I don't see a game that I'll get invested in the mechanics of like a DMC.


There is one, but you might not see it today. Depends on how quickly you go, I suppose. I am considering starting a Professional run with the classic mafia Leon. Glad they at least kept that costume, even if he looks a bit weird in it without the hair hanging over half his face.


Oh yea I see your point. I am admittedly not a huge fan of DMC because it gets so technical and almost borders on the sheer madness of arcade fighters, so I have a pretty shallow understanding of what really pulls most people into the series My experience with DMC games are mostly one and done so when I saw them playing FFXVI with pretty familiar combos from the outset, my mind immediately drifted to how I played DMC 5 lol


I'm almost done with the hedge maze. Surprised to see a Dark Souls moment with another Gigante. No I won't finish it today. And I'm not rushing, still taking the game's atmosphere in. I really want to replay it when I'm done, but I've been wanting to replay a lot of game's recently and I'm yet to get to them. Been wanting to replay Dead Space too. Used to be a time were I replayed a game the moment I finished it. You know...? When I got my PS3, my first and only game for a while was GTA4. I played and replayed that game 10 times in a row.... Jesus... have times changed. Now I'm buying game's and not even playing them... Yakuza Ishin is collecting digital dust as we speak.


If you're almost done with the hedge maze, you should be right at the next shooting gallery if my memory serves me right. That's what I was talking about. Replaying a game depends on a lot of things for me. I don't typically replay games at this point, just because I have too many games as is. And I've been doing that for years. My Steam backlog is too damn long.


Yeah, for me action games are one of those genres that I get really deep into the mechanics and technical aspects. DMC is the one I got most deep into in that regard, but as a whole the genre is one I get more invested in than most others. But a lot of them are pretty... shallow. Fun, sure, but not the type that I'll replay endlessly trying to get better at.


I mean, is it really a backlog?? How many of those do you actually want to play X3. Yes I'm at the shooting gallery. This is where I end my RE4R session for the day X3. Want to relax a bit with P5. I keep remembering more segments of the castle and I'm nowhere near done with it.


Finally some Type 0! Hope to see more!


Some I bought on whims, but there are some I'd definitely like to play at some point or another. There's a decent amount of the castle left, but probably less than you'd think.


Ok the previous hint was hard and tricky, but at least the animation was top notch. The hint for Deuce was quite on the nose tho, as a Type-0 fan I should've guessed. She looks quite adorable, the intro, first scene and the climax look spot on for her. The new hint tho, that's more than obvious, so I'll go with someone else because Yunalesca could use me as a chair if she wanted to.


I just watched Kingsglaive (Ai didn’t even know this existed until yesterday) and I must say….Your version of Luna Freya tops it for me man….


That's unfortunate. For me, I try to judge a game on what it tries to be rather than what I want it to be, because I feel I'd be unfair on the game. I'm actually avoiding news on Final Fantasy XVI, and I obviously haven't got my hands on it myself. But I am very interested in what Yoshi-P et al have planned for the game. Will it be as intensive and mechanically in depth as Devil May Cry V from an action game perspective? Probably not, but it'll hopefully nail whatever it's trying to do. And it's an Action RPG as well. The RPG elements may be the ones that are most emphasised and important. I haven't finished Dragon's Dogma yet - I've barely started. When I do I'll return with my findings on what FF XVI may be going for.


I do judge games based on what they are as opposed to what I want them to be. I'm sure whenever I get to play XVI, I'll enjoy it for what it is. But everything I've seen of it hasn't personally interested me, be it story, characters, or gameplay. I will be wholly honest, I felt exactly the same about XV from all the way back when it was called Versus. It ultimately wasn't anything special, and story was definitely a mess, yet I still enjoyed it for what it was. I've got nothing against people looking forward to XVI, and if you are looking forward to it that's great. I just have no interest in it personally.


That's fair. Can't say I have the same experience. I hope you are pleasantly surprised by XVI. Perhaps it is for the best Versus XIII wasn't something you had much investment in. You do not share our pain; of what could have been.