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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/MwtMl6

Sorry, Luna was unavailable for the shot so I got the next best thing. Can't tell the difference! Some people might find my comments like that a bit weird considering I like Luna a whole lot, but poking fun at everything is just what I do. Stuff I like is no exception. x)

I'm not super down on the Luna sets, nor am I super into them. They're just alright. It's mostly Luna herself carrying the animations for me. They're not all that special otherwise. Which is fine, I've done plenty of Luna stuff in the past so I wasn't setting out to one-up myself here. Trying to do that leads to frustration, and once I set aside the fact that I don't have anything particularly unique to make for her... they became a lot easier to make.

Hint - tfw no goth gf




There's another goth gf besides Lulu? ... Payne?




Zero idea who neon is but I love the way she sucks it here, and those black heels are killer! My wild Hope guess for tomorrow would be Edea.. but that’s just wishful thinking. Closest thing I can think of is Iris, she looks a little gothy.

Chanko Stew

So it is Neon, i honestly thought it would be Sophia or Sarah to keep the meme going. For the next i place my bet on Gaia.


Goth gf... Finally Gaia's turn?!


Day what now?? 20! 20 out of 108 4 days to RE4R. Nothing can top Saturday's animations, nothing. And even if, today's animation AND character, is not a good start. Beginning - this time really - HARSH log. *Sigh*.................... This character looks bad...? Yes, she doesn't look right. Allow me to explain. She is flat as hell and I'm not speaking about her baggage. This is peak bad character design. When an older queen looks better than a main party member, there are some serious problems... Gray eyes, gray hair, and gray skin? Really? Why not just make this whole animations monochrome? It'll probably look better, if she doesn't just dissappear from her lack of black. (""Neon""" I'm I right...!?)There is absolutely no balance in this character. The appeal of clear white eyes, is that is supposed to be the highlight. It goes better with characters with a lot of dark features. Skin, clothes, hair. If only the color scheme was the only problem. She's.... Ok, let's see... Continue----


Payne would be amazing, but I somehow doubt that it's her, hmmmm....


Next girl is Yunalesca!


Let's speak about her face. I'm really holding myself from calling her ugly. But she looks like she came out of the RE engine. Perhaps is her laugh lines... but is more than that. She looks... weird. Doesn't look young, doesn't look old... what is her appeal? The eyebrows, also gray, don't help with the way she (literally) looks. She's scary looking, angry?? There's something missing about this characters face that isn't on par with FF characters. Even side characters in previous animations looked more interesting. Let's mention a bit the actual animation shall we? Probably the only thing I'll talk about honestly... Our Leader's top notch facials didn't do her ANY favors. But I avoid calling her ugly, because at least in the final pose. She actually actually looks decent. But anyways enough about the character. Let's actually talk about the animation.... Uffff.............. ......, ...... Ending log. Happy for the """""""Neon""""""" guesser though.


Ok.. let's say something. I was maybe too harsh. Hope you're proud though. The blowjob animation is neat, the pose too. The split, though I like spread girls. POV angle for split isn't really appealing. I prefer the side profile look of the split, something like the Honoka animation. Really like seeing the actual curves of the leg. The reverse angle is also neat. And nothing to say about the finisher. But the way she SLAMS her leg at the end made it seem like she was REALLY crossing that leg with STRENGTH. Have you actually played this game? Or just watched the memes?


As the prophecy foretold... It's been a good run for the Neon dude 🥲 So, next one should be Gaia. Can't get more goth than that


I put Neon in B-tier, so I'm not exactly a fan of her myself. But she's been fairly requested, so I did my best to set aside my biases. That said, her eyes genuinely creep me out. We talked not too long ago about SoP, and I haven't played it yet. It is apparently coming to Steam finally, so I'll probably pick it up at some point and be able to give my opinion on it.


Let's go Neon!! She looks really really great, specially the first part and that glorious ending. For the next girl, I'd assume that it would be Gaia, no one is as goth as her, and maybe Payne or Sice could be candidates, but come on, Gaia is great and we need her. Although if it's Lumina for a double Serah content on this special...


It truly was Neon, well I'll be. Grats on probably the only 3D Neon piece, cause I can definitely say I've never seen any by this point. You're gonna debut these characters from SoP not only for yourself, but also for the smut scene in general probably. Anims are good. The BJ and the finish are probably my favorite parts. Gray eyes with gray hair is a lot of gray going on. Guess has to be Gaia, hope to see those massive DSL's put to good use. Also when we gonna get an animation with the cardboard cutout of Luna? That's a fine piece of board


I'll be honest, I've been putting off Sophia this entire time. For SOME reason... her hair has 1000+ bones. I assume for some sort of physics simulation, but my word... Just need to make a carboard cutout of my male model and then it'll be ready to be made.


my work here is done


Team Ninja flexing with Sophia's hair. Really making you work for having it look not awful. In comparison, how many bones were in Neon's hair? I'm betting a fraction of it. There's your next Luna set. You've done everything else with her, time to just have 2 cardboards bumping into each other for 4 poses, boom. Who has more character, Luna or the faceless male? Hmmmmm


78 bones. Which is a lot of bones for such short hair, but at least it's manageable. Hard to say but probably the headless man. x)


Ye man, what's wrong with her eyes?? Is it lack of eyelashes?? I believe even her eyeliner is gray.... There's just, way too much gray.... I've never heard anyone say anything about the gameplay. They just meme that is the best game cuz memes and meme memelord Jack.


That's such a massive difference lmao. Looking at Sophia's hair I'm not even sure where all the bones are. Like it's not even *that* long of hair. Wild. I mean your backstory about him took probably more time than it took Square to write up Luna's entire story. Is it ever a little strange to you that Luna is one of your favorites (is she your favorite overall?) FF character to work with, and she's given absolutely nothing in the game? Like I know the length of your Luna animations is definitely over her screen time by now, which is very funny to me.


Yeah, I don't get it either. It's a baffling design choice, but who am I to question Team Ninja's decisions? In terms of looks, she is. In terms of actual character, it'd probably be Aerith or Celes. But I do find it funny that at this point, there is more Luna from me than the game. x)


The games give her eyes more depth so they look a bit softer, but I couldn't get them to look like that with my limited Blender knowledge. She also has eyelashes, it's just they're gray so they look invisible, but making them black actually looks worse. I've heard a little bit about the gameplay, but I can't speak much about it since I haven't played it. From what I've seen of it, it looks fun at least.


I also noticed the pallet cleanser. I would say I'm disappointed. But hey eyes are visible, so you're safe. Not that I need the cleanser... I can't wait for that spice.


Good... then the mystery is back on the menu. (≖ ͜ʖ≖) Don't spoil That Special Day.


No spoilers, but character wise the palate cleanser isn't anyone outlandish. It is a palate cleanser, after all. The outlandishness will come with the spice.


The actual cardboard cutout! lmao


Team Ninja has given us so much over the years, I'll let them have this one. Even if it still perplexes me. I'd say by this point you've done more for the Luna fandom than anything SE has, which is sadly saying something. Celes is definitely one of my favorites too, but I'm also kind of biased cause I love FF6 in general. It's a crime we don't have a good Celes model of some kind...


I've certainly been told that many times throughout the years, lol. I could always use the model from this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgSu0njyVoo Now wouldn't that be something? x)


Neon is great plus the last pose made it really nice, amazing work!


The fucking cardboard made me laugh harder than I should.


Surprised no one's guessed Iris yet


I’m not ashamed….I’d rub one out to the cardboard…🥳 Anyways great stuff. Half of these characters I don’t remember….well to be fair…I only really played FF1, 6, 7, Tactics, XI, XII, XIII, XIV….🤷🏻‍♂️


Please Toobs, step on me. Uhh, I mean... *ahem* Goth gf? I can think of two. Hell, Lulu would've been a potential third, but that ship has already sailed, so... Hmm, I think I'm gonna go with Gaia. It's honestly a 50/50 this one, but I'm thinking Paine is more in the punk direction, so let's see where we land.


Lunafreya is a gift from God. You gave me Lunafreya, so You are God in my heart