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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/amQGVU

I've never played XIV, but I have seen images of Ryne like this, which has something to do with 'Minfilla' or whatever, so yeah. That's where the hint came from. I honestly completely forgot about Terra when I was coming up with the hint, so I'm sorry for the unintentional misdirection. In my defense, I was specifically asked about Ryne's Minfilla form when I teased her a while back, so my mind went to that instead of Terra's hair color discrepency. And Terra goes blond more often than not nowadays, so I wasn't really thinking about it being a 'sometimes' affair. That's just her default now.

As for the animations themselves... not my favorite by any means. Ryne kind of fell in the time where I was trying hard to make things different, and in doing so I feel I didn't make anything that great. Might just be me. I do like the blowjob, but again, I like blowjobs. Or at least the concept/idea of blowjobs. Still, they're not too bad. The finisher was a bit longer than most of the others, because I was originally gonna have her kind of relax and slide down onto the table, but man... trying to get that done in a reasonable amount of time while also having it not look like shit was too much for me. I took the lazy way out, I'm afraid... oh well, what can you do.

Hint - Knows how to work a pole.




I liked the ryne animation, but might also be due to my biases getting mixed in. The blowjob portion was really good and there just really isn't much ff14 animated stuff to begin with. As for today's release, she's from ff15 I think? It's been a while.. what's the omelette reference there? Next release should be aranea, I remember that quote lol.


Next could be Gentiana, based on your old animations with her working a pole


I love Ryne she def one of my favs so it was amazing seeing her animated you did awesome!


And I just played Comrades a few weeks ago... And there was only really one thought that entered my head when I saw her. And I blame you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) For the next one, I'm definitely thinking Fang.


On the reason why you've seen Ryne with blond hair before, there is another character in 14 named Minfilia that Ryne was pretending to be for some time. I honestly wish there was more of actual Minfilia out there. My guess for the next one is Yuna.


...Props to that one guy who got it. I guess I can see why you struggled with a hint that stuck out? As for the current one, the search range is hella broad. Pole could be referring to staves, but alot of FF girls use them, so nah? But I can't think of anyone else, so I'd say Aranea because surely FF Dragoons would totally slay at the club


Next one is Aranea. There's even an in-game joke about her knowing how to work poles in-game made by prompto in one of those banter-like dialogues while she's in your party. To which she answers "Yeah, not touching that one." ...I don't know why I remember that one specific thing so vividly though, don't even like XV as a game.

Chanko Stew

Aranea would make the most sense, but the thing that activates my almonds is that Lazy had previously shown a preview of her in the kitchen with the apron. So we would get two animations in the kitchen setting in a row, which i think is unlikely to happen.


Day 8 out of 108. Allergies strike once again... But we got ourselves a waifu that would do her best to heal my suffering. Beginning this lovely log. I was recently watching his previous works on this character. Uh... Monica is it? Hard to read the last name so I won't bother. First impressions. DAMN!!! SHE THHICKK!!!! Get a look at those thighs and ass!!!. Looks a bit unbalanced with the calves and knees. But damn. There's a sort of realistic cuteness to this character. No makeup, no glow up. Just a natural looking face. First thing the BJ. Very gente, very caring. An aspect that is carried all the way in this animation. She is clearly experienced, since she seem to go deeper than most girls. The unique selection. Standing doggies, one of the best. Her well rounded butt, and dear lord that face. So much love is conveyed. Next, the reverse. Mama mia... the posture. She could fashion a sword on her back and suddenly turn into the most badass chick. Perhaps a rifle... Continue-----


A good thing to note, that left leg clipping though... he clearly gave no fucks about it though, as is extremely obvious. However no amount of leg merging can sour this animation. It's too damn sweet. I mean look at that pose, her expressions, the soft bounce. She loves us... and we're here fucking girls in short shorts in the background... We don't deserve her tender love. Speaking of tender... the last pose. The happy ending. Uh, but first, HUGE shame though...! those abs of hers need highlight. But anyways. From all frontal ridings, this has got to be my favorite. The relaxed and gentle posture. She's relaxed and happy we finally got home.... no hopping, no harsh movement.... just a soft, smooth grind. It is already deep and she wants to feel it. What else is there to say? The way she looks, the way she ends. This is nothing but pure love. This, is a 10/10. Just the calm love I need. Does she happen to have Aerith's body? And what do I have to do to get a highlighted abs version?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

For real actually never thought about Ryne I was so sure it was Terra guess any can be a slip up. I won't jump the gun like last time but I'm 50/50 sure it's Aranea.


Oh, Monica!


Yea I was kinda wondering as well if it was Terra, because she does "at will" can change forms. Ryne's is quite different, cause I wouldn't say she "turns blonde "sometimes"". Oh well though, I do know you haven't played 14, so eh, it's fine~


Don't know if you make the next day pics the day the animation is posted or you do them after. But Monica's pic being based on the penultimate pose, but standing with hand on butt would be GOATed.


Definitely gonna say Aranea for the next one!


Buddy, that dialogue was with Gladio... so much for vivid memory lol


These hints are based on who they are from their game, not from nsfw content so I doubt it.


I really hate that "work a lance" joke for Aranea lol. It's so random and out of character too; English localization strikes again! Would you release a XV character back to back though? That's the trick I'm afraid of... Fang would be my other guess.


I mean, Lazy hasn't done a XV character so far for this series


In the Comrades DLC, she cooks meals for you at the end of each mission. That's kind of the only thing that's really noteworthy about her character, since she has basically zero presence in the actual game.


Yeah, there isn't much else to go on in regards to Monica, so I was struggling to come up with something that wouldn't immediately be assumed to be a more popular character. The struggles of a random NPC, basically. x)


Nah, different body. Monica's body might actually be my oldest model and rig still in use, since I want to say I made it in 2020 sometime. Most of the other characters I've updated over time. Had a few issues that came from that, as I've gotten better with through rigging hundreds of characters by this point, but I didn't want to start over from scratch here. All the previews are created ahead of time. I spent some time last weekend making them, and this weekend I'll be making the next week's. Just easier that way.


Oh right. Still thought Ryne was the last one. These posts are throwing me off 😮‍💨


It looks good nonetheless. HOWEVER!! Please look at her eyes onthe second pose. What do you think, fixable? This has got to be my favorite apron character so far. Yes only 2, but if we count the future Aranea one, she definitely still has the upper hand. I don't know what is about these characters that are getting me heated. Perhaps their maturity... or perhaps is the extreme side character aspect to them. Jessie's Mom just appears in a cutcene, and Monica here has like 5 minutes of in-game screen time/dialog. I love seeing character on the edge of just being NPCs getting some deserved love.


Yeah, that's fixable. A small thing I didn't notice, and partially due to the old way I used to rig my models resulting in that. I'll re-render it later and reupload. Rendering a certain character right now for the future. I do think the niche aspect does increase their appeal. Characters you don't normally get to see sort of thing.


If the hint is actually literal... it might be Lightning. I remember the opening scene in XIII-3 she swung around a pole for a brief second.


A person named LazyProcrastinator taking the lazy way out, shocking! So what you're saying is I was close with Ignis...damn. Shoulda honed in more of the cooking npc's I guess. I barely know Monica admittedly, but these anims are pretty good. I'll never get tired of the reverse cowgirl ones that's for sure, and she got a cake. Also how fitting that she's in an apron and in the kitchen, but I don't see any of her omelettes??? Aranea mega-hype. Both of your sets with her have been great. A little sad she won't have her armor for this one though :(


It's why I wanted to comment on it, since a lot of people were very close with Ignis, but I can't blame them for forgetting Monica. She's barely in the main game, and not many people played Comrades I don't think(I didn't lol).


Nice, clipping is one thing. But eye contact is kind of your thing and that isn't allowed to look wrong ;3. And yes, a quick example that came to mind. The blacksmith from Nioh 2. The blacksmith from MHR sunbreak even. And who ever did porn for that second handler in MHW? EXGA did a couple animations with the counter lady. Sometimes the best characters for porn aren't anywhere close to the main or side characters x3. NPC models must be very limited though. So that's probably why there isn't much NPC content. Weird to start a FFXV topic with this character. But man, I recently heard some FFXV music... and it gave me some desire to replay the game.... That game does some things so right and some not so good.


Wow, I can't believe I got Monica right, even if it was my third guess. Hope that still counts Regardless, I'm assuming a dragoon for next one so either Aranae or Fang.


Yeah, it counts. Almost missed that post, since it didn't show up in my notifications, but I caught it before I went to bed last night. x) Yeah, I'm gonna fix that later. Wasn't aware of the little bug.


Although in some of those cases, even the main or side characters are niche in that they get next to nothing. Nioh especially is shocking how little it gets for how nice they look and how good the models are. Guess the games are too hard for most people. x) FFXV is what I consider to be 'missed potential'. The world, characters and all that all have potential to be great, but it stumbled the entire way through. Still enjoyed it for what it was, though. And I'm not one to wistfully think "if only we got FFXIII: Versus" because I genuinely think that game would have remained vaporware.


I enjoyed my first time with vanilla FFXV, I had a lot of hype going in into the game. And I mostly avoided any sort of opinions on the game. It is hard to imagine XV without the Royal additions now. I liked the world, at least the way it looked. Graphics in that game can't be denied. Love me the feeling of passing time. The side quests in that game though, are the worst in any video game. Those are the worst part when replaying and that's why I don't bother doing them halfway through the game. When I gotta start going back to the other edge of the map, to pick up a shiny to get back, only to get out again only to get back again. And so on.


That is, unfortunately, how a lot of games do side-quests. The ol' fetch quest. A staple of RPGs for as long as they've been a thing, really. All I can say is that I'm pretty sure FFXV's side quests were just mildly annoying in comparison to some games I've played. I actually don't remember the worst side quests I've ever played, since I have assuredly blocked it out of my memory by this point, but there have been some god awful ones. Actually, the one I remember being one of the worst experiences ever is the Vampirism cure in Oblivion. It was a god awful fetch quest of a bunch of random ingredients, and 9 out of 10 times, the quest broke on the final part. So not only did you spend two-three hours fetching ingredients, the quest softlocks and refuses to progress so you're stuck as a vampire forever. I want to say it was only ever patched in the fan-made patch, but I could be wrong on that. And I still feel like that isn't the worst side-quest I've ever done in a video game.


Side quests only ever get extremely awful for me when you've done the same one for the 6th time. I believe there was a game I was playing recently where I beat an extremely boring quest, only to keep getting them and getting them. Can't remember what it was, but yes, open world RPG side quests are mostly horrible. There are exceptions like Witcher 3... Maaaaybe Cyberpunk. But only because there was some sort of narrative attached to them. And the mundaneness of them don't really bother me. Just the fact that they are boring to play. One thing I also didn't really like from XV was the dungeon. They last way to long, the music on them gets tiring. And most of them are fucking mazes. A cave? A maze. A castle? A maze. Ancient ruins? A maze. A platforming maze?? A maze. There is that one platforming dungeon that is hidden. That was the worst thing I've ever gone through... plus being extremely dark. Platforming.... in FFXV....


Yeah, side-quests are hit and miss in most games, not just open-world ones. Can't think of too many games where I go, "oh yeah, that game had a ton of fun side-quests". I didn't do a ton of the side content in XV. I remember getting lost in a couple dungeons and then I stopped going in them. Barely did any of the hunts, too. I just remember doing the one hunt with the big bird on the mountain, and that's kind of it. Also, I updated the video. Eyes are fixed.


Nice! One can't deny though, whether you like it or not. That the fishing in that game is top notch. So cozy. If I had the patience I had years past. I'd probably go for a full fish 100% there are a lot of them, but there are way to many conditions and places. And I end up overwhelmed.


Oh yeah, the fishing is pretty fun in XV. Better than an actual fishing game, at least. Those get too complex. x)


I honestly completely forgot she existed, and I know I for sure didn't play Comrades. There's no girls in the FFXV fishing game that we'll need to know for a future guess...right? How hard is it for you to not comment on guesses once they're made? That shit would eat me up inside, you're a stronger man than me


Nah, nothing of the sort. Probably. I think. It's excruciating, but I'm getting used to it. I think soon it won't even phase me.


God if there's a girl in that game and she's in this BDP I'm gonna be so mad. I gotta go look up a bunch of NPC's who have 3D models just in case. I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it. I NEEEEEEED ITTTTTT


Another unknown lady to me, but another MILF housewife looking girl starting off again with some great sucking action, I love how she holds it in place with both hands, and she has a slamming body, really happy to see her fully nude for the final shot.