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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/BNITB8

No, it isn't Aerith again. Gonna be having random images, often the previous character featured. But not always. We'll see how things go.

As for the actual Aerith animations last time... the blowjob was a pseudo-remake of the very original Aerith blowjob I did back in 2020. It's not exact, obviously, but it's where I got the idea. The standing one by the sink was supposed to be in the Aerith Valentine's animation pack... sort of. I had an animation that was similar, but it didn't come out that great so I scrapped it. Reused the idea here, just made it suck less. Other than that... the reverse cowgirl one was just me trying to come up with something 'different' in terms of reverse cowgirl while utilizing the environment. The cowgirl itself brings back handholding, because if there's one thing I always get requests for in terms of Aerith, it's handholding. Very lewd. But I'll oblige.

Hint - The next character has royal thickness.




Great timing, just woke up like 30 mins ago and I check fanbox to find new content.


Ya this is good. These posts are coming out the time I wake up


Royal thickness..ff4 Rosa comes to mind first but as I know, no model of her exists..? Serah from origins might be it


*Sigh* Day 2 out of 108.... Beginning log..... ..... Surprise...! It's Lulu...! We never saw it coming. First thing to note, she doesn't have a last name. They absolutely unnecessary for fantasy characters, and most of the time are extremely try hard. I'd like to point out the previous character's last name. Anyways, where to begin... The blowjob is average, passable perhaps. He finally decided to add any sort of smeared detail on the dick. Should be a standard honestly.... Did a pretty good job with it. Yet he still can't bother to make a similar effort, but white.... The way her necklace warps clearly entails that it's part of her body and not a separate piece. Perhaps it would have been easier to model a necklace of his own... they are just flat circles after all. The hair chopsticks seem to have the same effect. Of course he does a thigh job or pussy rub pose... Even though her thighs are nothing to die for. Her expression are nice I guess Continue---


The immorality of holding Aerith's hands is what makes it so exciting! Gonna have to go with Ashe for my guess. The "royal thickness" instantly makes me think of her thighs/ass.


„ *Sigh* Day 2 out of 108.... Beginning log.....“ Some kind of role play here?


The next riding animation has some nice aspects to it.... one of the rare occasions he actually shows the dick entering the vagina... Most of the times is obscured by the ass cheeks. Legs seem to look ok (another rare occurrence) along with expected high quality expressions. But I fail to understand her standing on a bed with heels still on. She is bound to bend her feet. Ah... the remake.... not much drastically different. I believe we call those remasters now a days... even though it was clearly made from ground up. Pose, movement and expression are adequate for his skills. This time, the male seemed to be the one cumming, unlike Aerith's premature climax... Is Lulu satisfied with this? Hopefully yes... I don't want to see her again. *sigh* second day done... ending log.... -but first... a question... Any chance some of these poses will get a portrait version in the future? Your favorite ones that is? Perhaps the last one in this?


Yes, I must log all my opinions... anything can happen in 4 months and I want a main character to find them. Perhaps I should write them on a note.... and leave them next to my body.


I'm considering Scarlet or Madam M...I'll go with Scarlet.


Wow! Lulu! Yes!!


Fleuret family is royal, so Luna Fleuret?


Can't think of any thick royal characters in FF... Is Princess Sarah really packing all that much? Gonna go with Gentiana. She serves the royal family and is sorta thick, I guess

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Ngl got me confused af when I saw Aerith. Anyway I could go with Jihl or Scarlet but since both of them aren't royalty so I can't be sure with that, Hmm Ultimecia maybe but my final guess gotta land for Queen even tho she's not that thick.


There is purple hair on the right in the first scene. Sorceress Edea?


Royal thickness, Garnet?


Oh hell yeah some Lulu content! Underrated FF lady right there <3


That hint has people massively fucked up. We're not going to get this one bros.


Pretty sure I've mentioned to you that I plan to do some vertical renders at some point down the line. Surprised you're even asking for them, though.


You're planning to do so many things, I've honestly lost count. Was there something about gay sex or som'??? Is that still a thing?


So like aside from the 4 months... FF stuff will drag all the way to the end if the year right? The individual versions, the 4k versions of many of them, the portrait versions of a lot of them. All while trying to do regular stuff after you're done. So you'll probably spread the extra versions across the year.


Got it. Forgot to note that this animation is actually smaller in size. What can cause such a big difference?


Also something I noticed that I forgot to do is add camera tilting for these animations, so the background is also more static so that probably contributes.


This is just my selfish wish, but i hope Jihl coming out at March 27, on my birthday 🤣🤣


I was going to say that I wished there was natural light coming in. But now I hope there are more vampires in this madness! Night time animations too. Love how they look with "stage lighting" for the characters. The abs in Aerith are still the best aspect of her animation. X3

LazyProcrastinator (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-03 01:45:12 HERE IS MY ENTIRE LETSPLAY PLAYLIST FOR DofD(ENJOY &amp; TY LEWD) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB6lIvnXp0U&amp;list=PL8xXoV2brzDaDofEnGZZxM0ksWL4O4W04" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB6lIvnXp0U&amp;list=PL8xXoV2brzDaDofEnGZZxM0ksWL4O4W04</a>
2023-03-02 22:22:34 Lights are varied depending on the character. Some characters require very... particular lighting to look right, imo. So there will be variance in the lights for pretty much every character.

Lights are varied depending on the character. Some characters require very... particular lighting to look right, imo. So there will be variance in the lights for pretty much every character.


Gotta make sure there is plenty of lighting for those darker ladies. (っ˘ω˘ς )

LazyProcrastinator (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-03 01:42:24 Everything I was expecting and more. &lt;3
2023-03-02 22:39:14 Well, the character I was thinking of was Neon from Strangers of Paradise with her gray eyes. If the lighting isn't right, they look super flat and creepy. But Fran and a particular cat-lady do need some nice mid-day lighting.

Well, the character I was thinking of was Neon from Strangers of Paradise with her gray eyes. If the lighting isn't right, they look super flat and creepy. But Fran and a particular cat-lady do need some nice mid-day lighting.


Might be to late already to wish this. But I do hope at least cat-lady is in a sweaty state. I need to see the dark side sweat.


The opening for PSP/DS FF4 had a HD CGI model of Rosa so that is an actual possibility


Rinoa? She was royalty ...kinda


Those are prerendered I think. Technically, a lot of the main heroines have cg lbs in FFBE.


Mmmmm Lulu. One of my favorites, always has been. Great to see the neuron activation outfit in action, it does indeed still activate the neurons. Love the lipstick smear on the BJ anim. Overall, great work, thumbs up emoji. As for the hint, bruh I don't know. I can barely think of any "thick" FF characters, especially royalty. And we have like 15 different answers so I don't think this one is gonna happen. I'd say Ashe I guess I GUESS. Watch it be like Faris or some shit


I'm surprised people like the lipstick smear, since I personally think it looks terrible. I'm awful with texture work. x) But yes, Lulu is great. Big titty goth gf material.


Maybe it's the novelty of us not having seen it really in your works. Also we are our own greatest critics after all, I think it looks good overall. Or maybe I'm just a complete sucker for dark lipstick... Which ties into loving Lulu as well. Square ahead of the game by designing a big tiddy goth gf before it became the desire of the internet. FFX remake with brand new models when?


Well, I definitely am my biggest critic. x) Give them another ten years and it might happen. Wouldn't surprise me, anyway. I know there's a rumor of a X-3 in the works, so...


You see it the most, that makes sense! Just have confidence :) Ugh, do we really need an X-3 though? Like don't get me wrong, X-2 gameplay-wise was actually pretty fun, and the dress sphere was a lot better than I was expecting. But the story...? Like X's story was already pretty bad, but yeesh. We'll have to see, though I would just prefer an actual remake of X. Actually remake 9 first please and thanks.


It would especially be pretty bad if it's based off the X-3 novel. I've heard some... weird things about that, lol. Honestly, any remake of the older games would be nice. Just for the models. Again, I want Celes so I can put her in a leotard since Square won't. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oh god, is that the novel where Tidus kicks a "blitzball" and it's actually a bomb and he dies? Please tell me it's not that one Mmmmm leotards, mmmm Celes. I would love an FF6 remake, and not one using the awful "graphics" that they did for the mobile version. Miss that game like you wouldn't believe


Yeah, that's the one lol. Honestly, while Tidus isn't the smartest bulb in the box... that's just so stupid I can't even. God, I wish I had access to the Brave Exvius CG models. A 6 remake with graphics like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqvCYJBu63c would be so nice. But It's Square, so if they were to announce it was in the making tomorrow, we'd see it in about another... ten? Fifteen years? Maybe? If we're lucky.


Nooooo. That one is so fucking stupid lmao. Why on earth does that one even exist. Kicking a bomb is the funniest but also dumbest thing. Okay thinking about it now I would love to see that play out in a game. Would be absolutely hilarious. Why on earth would they throw graphics like that on a mobile game comprised of just sprites? That just seems like they're teasing us with that. And what a shame that it's just CG so there's not even an option to really rip that. Thanks Square. What are they even doing game-wise right now, 16 and the next 7 Remake?


I'm just imagining some gmod tier video of him seeing the bomb, then zooming in on a super excited Tidus face, then him kicking it, it exploding repeatedly and then him ragdoll flying away while on fire. I dunno why either. I know mobile games are money printers often times, but man... the fact those models exist and yet their only use is a ten-fifteen second CG clip in a mobile game seems like such a waste. There's also KH4 in development(and it looks weird with the semi-realistic Sora), but that's probably not going to see the light of day for a while. They also just released Forspoken, but let's forgo speaking about that. They also released Octopath Traveller 2 a week ago, but upcoming... I can just think of FF7 and 16.


God, complete with the Gmod sound effects too? I can imagine it just as vividly as if it was 2015. That's about what that novel deserves really. Yeah the profit margin for mobile games like this has gotta be high just cause sprites in comparison are so easy, and they can just crank that shit out on a weekly basis or whatever their new gacha release schedule is. But it does seem so messed up to just stick these in an incredibly short animation. How depressing! Just giving us a taste and then revealing that there's nothing else beyond that... Oh right, forgot about KH4. I'm not sure how to feel about that, or really KH in general. And Flopspoken, oof. One of those games that just at no point ever looked appealing. I'm honestly not sure how to feel about FF16 either. Maybe it'll be good...?


Absolutely. The ragdoll slapping sound would be playing repeatedly as he smashes into multiple trees and flails about. And then there are the game's OCs that are also stuck there. Like Ibara: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nsZ2NAUZV7M That's where my Madam M Oni idea came from. x) I enjoyed KH1 and 2, but I got off Nomura's wild ride because it was getting too wild for me, lol. I figure FF16 will be decent, but I'm not interested personally. I'll eventually play it, but nothing about it really interests me.


Gotta have the Half-Life death noise when he finally finishes ragdolling too! What on earth is that doing stuck in a garbage mobile game. We are being robbed and we don’t even know. Well, now we know I guess. She’s lookin mighty tasty that’s for sure. Glad this game is good for something! 2 is where I got off as well, and I for sure did not play the 1000 side games to get the whole story. 1 and 2 were nice though. And I feel the same way about it. I remember seeing the trailer for it at the Game Awards and it was just like…eh? Nothing about it really excites me sadly :(


Perfect. I don't remember how I found out about that clip, but when I realized she was a CG in a mobile game my disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined. The trailers have been kind of... incoherent to me? The last one I watched, I remember seeing a bunch of summons and gameplay and cutscenes and I could barely tell what was going on in any of them. And the sometimes I didn't know if was gameplay or not.


That’s enough to take the wind out of anyone’s sails. And she’ll never be in a proper game too I bet. Hell I would take a gacha game on a PC or console just for the off-chance there might be models, but they’ll never do that… Yeah I get that they want to blend gameplay and cinematic stuff like that, but honestly at a certain point I don’t even know where the game itself actually is, or if it’ll even be fun. It’ll sure look nice I guess! But that seems to be the only thing game companies care about is looking nice. Will the smut we get from it be decent at least??


Yo lazy, I'm late to the comment party on this one, but just wanted to give you mad kudos for the Lulu animation. I thought you killed it on her facial expressions in particular. In the game, she comes off as really cold and standoffish at first, but as you play, you realize that Lulu is actually really tender towards the people she cares about. Felt like you portrayed that really well through her expressions in this scene. Warm and affectionate, but still a little bit of edge at times, exactly like it seems would be the case if she took someone to bed that she actually cared about. Neuron activation to full.


Lulu! Yes! One of the most underused girls considering just how sexy she is, your model has a great body and face. I love that she got her lipstick all over his cock, and the final position is outrageous, deep pounding of Lulus pussy in a great pov view - thank you so much, probably the best Lulu thing I have ever seen.