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By semi-conufsed, I mostly just mean I've been kind of brain mush the past few days. Not totally sure why. Well, I have my suspicions. I've been sleeping a little bit extra the past few days, and there's a sweet spot for me of about 8 hours and going over-or-under just leaves me like a zombie. But getting that perfect sweet spot is rare, and I tend to operate better with less sleep than more sleep, so it's a weird thing. Just rambling a bit so that my mind becomes a bit clearer, but who knows if it'll work.

Anyway, I finished up my weekend release, just need to do a few fixes and then render them out. Was long-debating what to do, since I had several ideas that I could get to, but wasn't sure which one I wanted to get to. But... I finally went with what my gut was saying, since it was the easiest thing for me to do, since one of the ones I was thinking would require a bit more work for me to get going.

You can probably tell what it is, based on this picture in particular. The post preview picture is a small 'bonus' that's getting thrown into the mix. I like how the two first ones came out, but this one... it's not bad, but I really needed to find an actual reference to try to gleam better keyframes instead of just doing it solely off my brain. It's also just somewhat hard to do with the rest of the animation going on, so yeah... semi-stilted.

Lastly, I'm gonna call the poll in a couple days because it isn't even close. It's a complete trouncing. It's close between the 2-5th place, but 1st place is so far ahead it's not even funny. I was honestly expecting it to be anyone's game, but I was completely and utterly wrong. I guess I both underestimated and overestimated my OCs. It's fine - just means I have a little extra time to start working on the animation, and I have a few ideas to test out. Also, here's another project character for the hell of it.




is that Marie Rose, Honoka & Nico ?


All 4 are DoA girls. I believe first is Marie Rose. Second is Honoka. Third is clearly Nico. Last is Kanna. Preview looking good.


Yep. It's my Halloween left-overs, basically. Though no FF characters, since I'm gonna be doing a huge FF pack essentially, so that's why Marie Rose got added into the mix.


Hair pulling. That's new. ( ͡° ͡°) So for how long have you been working on these?


Oh yeah, you're still rolling out animations of the losers of Halloween. Are you still gonna do em for the FF girls even after your FF hiatus begins?


Not sure - it certainly won't be immediately. I might just save them for this year's Halloween, since all the characters left over are gonna be in the Anniversary Pack.


Huh the good productivity indeed got carried on. Just asking though, but are Queen of Hearts Nyo and Snow White Aerith part of the "poll losers"? They're from the first poll so not sure if they count or not.


Nah, those weren't considered part of that poll on my end, so they're not included. Plus, Aerith technically got used already. Nyotengu will probably show up some other time.


Dang I totally forgot Aerith in the double BJ lol. Sorry for that. (・・;)


God, I wish I got 8 hours of sleep. I've been stuck at like 6-6:30 for like the last 3 months and I feel dead inside cause of it x_x Nice handlebars on the first preview I hope the poll trouncing is a good thing for a certain someone :)


Oof. I've been there, or worse at times. This past October/November when I was super busy, I was running on like 4-5 hours of sleep each night. I legitimately didn't feel like myself after a certain point. Been wanting to do the handlebars for a long time, but only now feel somewhat proficient enough to make them not look terrible. I'll just say... prepare your heart for the winner picture. x)


Also, just wanted to say but Cloud of Darkness looks even crazier in normal clothes than whatever the fuck she wore in dissidia


Yeah, the weird outfit kind of balances out the weirdness of her hair. Without the arm things and what not, the hair really stands out.


Yep, and that is really saying something, because I used to imagine those yellow tentacle things to her side being evils kidneys


Animation sure is tough. I remember around 3 years ago I was struggling to find a way to support you since I love supporting artists I love. It's nice I get to help you a little over here now.


It can be tough, but it's also really fun. At least to me. When I started, I didn't expect to stick with it for this long, but I just really enjoy animating so I've been continuing to do it.


Some of my weekdays are like that, hell even Saturdays unfathomably. I'm able to function with only 4-5, but man around like 3 pm the crash comes super hard. Why can't sleeping be easier? Handlebars is always such a nice animation idea, especially with someone with such built in ones like Marie. Excited to see how that one will turn out. Hair is a pain in the ass all around. My heart and body are ready. Unless you're trolling me, and my heart is about to die. Either way, I guess it's ready for that too :) / :(


You'd think the thing we spend a third of our life doing would be easy, but nope. Practice doesn't make perfect, I guess. :( Yeah, hair is a huge pain in the ass. Not the biggest one, but a big one all the same. ;)

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Danm you do hair pulling now? must have taken ages to pull it off, remember when you said you had a problem with doing ribbon pull on Ayane one, still amazed me that was just last year cause in my opinion hair's physics are even more of a pain than clothes.


Well, going from a tied up ribbon to an untied one via cloth physics, which is what I would have to do in regards to Ayane's OG outfit, is a quite a bit more difficult than this sort of thing. The tugged on part of hair is taut so it can be controlled via bones relatively simply, so it's not too difficult.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

So you're saying there still a chance to see the ribbon pull from you I could go with that. And I'm curious if you gonna release the other FF Halloween left over along with the anniversary too?

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Hey I just remember something now that you're releasing DOA Halloween what ever happened to that Nyotengu Red Queen does she also include in this bonus as well. (◔ д◔)


It feels like the older I get, the worse I get at sleeping. Like how does that even happen? You think with being more tired than before, sleep would be easier. But somehow nope! Hair one of those things that even video game developers still can't get right. Why hair gotta be so tough, and why characters keep getting such long hair that makes them tough to deal with? Don't scare me bro...


Late as fuck here... to tired to check the phone. Neat stuff for next release. I couldn't possibly guess who any of this characters are so I'm excited. But what I'm not excited about is not being able to see the black queen again. (-ω-、) I thought this poll would be fun but it ended up being boring. Clear winners are never fun in any type of competition. Hope the animation is worth it. Don't disappoint her fans. (´-ω-`)


Never would have expected a possibility of seeing Cloud of Darkness in a video... that should be interesting


It has nothing to do with this time, but I want to see Shiragiku again.


CLOUD OF DARKNESS??? Oh hell yeah, that's the good shit.


lol even cloud of darkness. this is the porn of Dissidia. Hell, this is an even more ambitious crossover than Dissidia already.


Those first two poses had me…damn…. Lol…at least you didn’t use the COD model from FFXIV….I’m betting the Dissidia models are just way better and easier to work with…the dissidia version looks way better ….


Yeah, not a fan of super one-sided polls either. But it is what it is, not much I can do about it. I'm gonna try to come up with some different ideas for polls in the future to hopefully result in some 'closer' battles, but we'll see how that goes I suppose.


Much like everything, sleep gets worse with age. ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ They want to show off their sweet new hair tech. Honestly, long hair isn't the worst thing to deal with, unless you're dealing with it from behind. x) >:)


The first two are definitely the ones that I'm most proud of for this set. I think the XIV version is just the Dissidia version but with downscaled geometry and textures.


Perhaps Round 2s for very, very, VERY one sided polls like this one where the results are clear once 24 hours have passed, could make them more fun. With perhaps the second round accompanied with a sample pose of the top 3 characters most requested poses. Once people see samples of the other character, decisions could change! I have said that seeing what could be, couldreally change who I pick. I said I was happy with anything winning... but it appears there wasn't anyone else other than that character on that poll x3. Perhaps my mind can see past illusions and I was able to see the others. While the simps here were mind controlled. Perhaps she IS possessed by a demon after all.


Maybe in the future, but not for this one. I'm quite a bit behind on my project at this point, so I don't have the time to spare. People just still really want a tomboy gf.


She's good bait to reveal that she has a D. You missed the chance. Also hope you're not crunching. Is bad for business. And you're sanity.


Well, I mean it wouldn't be totally out of place. x) Nah, I was taking it easy for a few days. I didn't really feel like doing much in Blender, which is kind of why the Minoto animation turned out how it did unfortunately. Also just my dislike of the body, but mostly just the general 'bleh' feeling. I will say... the quality of my project is gonna be all over the place. Some I'm super into and I really like how they've come out. Others I'm just like... 'hmmm...' That said, nothing I actively dislike as of yet. So at least there's that. But I've only got half the roster posed, so there's plenty of opportunity for complete failure.


I would take that surprise with open arms. Mostly to see only but A 3rd of everyone who voted for her die in agony. And only for that reason... of course... The good thing about this project is that you could get away with meh animations if they're connected to new/rare characters. As long as there isn't anything visually wrong, whatever seggsing is involved, it will be enough. So what I'm trying to say is... Tifa, Luna, Aerith, Iris and Gentiana better have the best fucking animations you've ever done! No pressure.


Of course. x) See, I have the opposite mind-set. Characters I've done a lot of have the most 'meh' animations of the bunch, since trying to one-up my best stuff is really hard. New characters... well, this is my best work with those characters regardless, since there's nothing else. x) But seriously, Aerith and Iris are just 'okay', Tifa and Gentiana have some decent stuff in there, but Luna... I haven't even fully posed her stuff, because I've got so much Luna that it's hard to actually do anything new with her, let alone something new and good.


Ah, so finally the Luna burnout hit. It's good that you're taking a break with FF because this will happen eventually with the others. A consumer might never get bored but the creator definitely will. I like the one pose we saw of Iris, vulgar as I described it. Older Tifa and Luna might not be interesting. But their younger selves definitely look tasty. And if indeed the newer characters are getting the most quality out of you. Then even more reason to venture to new horizons, you seem to have more fun with new fresh characters. Look it's the end... just do it.... Luna anal for a good send off. Perhaps even double penetration. Leave her for last and go nuts like that. She's your girl! Make her something nice before she grows of age. (-ω-、)


Some of it is just the self-imposed limitation of everything being POV. If I dropped that, I could definitely do a lot more, but I'm just being stubborn about it since I've got this far in the project doing POV-only. Plus, sometimes limiting myself can result in a lot more creativity. Other times, not so much. That said, I'm definitely going to do more non-POV stuff going forward. The most interesting animations in the upcoming pack are the non-POV stuff, imo. There actually is a tentative Luna anal animation that I posed. Just because I have done so much already that I needed something different.


Nice get on it. Anal from you is like seeing a naked girl for the first time, a fucking thrill. I also think your non-POV stuff can be the best. Don't get me wrong, Eye contact is amazing especially with Aerith. (´ ω `♡) But is great to be the spectator too sometimes. And you could always brake the 4th wall by making the look at the camera. Perfect bait for NTR and cock hold fans. Anyways, don't burn your brain too much. Play some games. I've had a blast playing Dead Space after a decade and going through P3. What was your waifu in that again??? Also... I'm about to buy P5... AGAIN... for a 3rd time... for PS5.... I waited for a discount though. Not spending 60 dollars on that game again.(-ω-、)


For me, it doesn't really matter if it's POV or non-POV - whatever shows off the girl the best for whatever position is ideal. I just know a lot of people who follow me really like POV, so I just kind of lean into it. I've been playing some games. I did finally play some Monster Hunter Rise after having it in my Steam Library for a bit to at least see how Minoto looks in game... which may have been why I was extra displeased with my model. x) Also been playing some Valheim again, because that game is super zen for me. And I also bought P5 again. PC this time. Mainly because I want to do a randomizer run, but I've been too lazy to figure out how to set that up. Mitsuru is my GOAT Persona Waifu for whatever reason. If we're talking top 3 from P3, it'd be Mitsuru, Aigis and Elizabeth.


After playing a good bit(4 full moons). I can definitely see Mitsuru's potential. She has intense Senpai aura, the group's mom. She gives me Niijima vibes from P5. Currently working on getting big brain to be able to segs her and if I can. I was looking what sort of material P3 had on the internet and it weirded me out to see the dancing game 3d models after just seeing static portraits for so long. P3 is definitely going faster for me since there isn't much to do than in P5. That, and I walked everywhere in P5 for RP X3. So once I start P4, I'll replay P3 on easy with the OC waifu. I have quite the Persona journey on my future. Would jump into SNT on switch but $60 plus no social aspect is a pass for now.


I thought men were supposed to age like wine why didn't the sleep turn into wine also ;_; Hair tech advancing faster than the ability to control said hair tech. And yeah, dealing with it from behind is definitely more difficult, since you can't hide it as well as you can from the front. On the subject of it, what is the thing that gives you the most struggles with during animating? Getting shit to loop correctly? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )


Which one is the last one you did, exactly? The love hotel one? It's been like ten years since I last played P3, so my memory is a bit muddled on the order of events. Either way, if I remember right you won't be getting big brain enough for Mitsuru's social link until quite late in the game. I remember grinding intelligence every chance I got, and it wasn't until like... October/November that I got smart enough. But I also wasn't looking at 'optimized guides' for grinding it, so I may have just sucked at studying. Yeah, P5 is the most dense in terms of content, and I'd probably say it's my favorite of the bunch, but I do really like the others. They're all good, really. SMT is good too, just different. Though I haven't played the new one, since the DLC cost kinda soured me. 10 bucks to fight the Demi-Fiend is not great. I remember when you could buy SMT3: Nocturne, featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series, and not have to pay extra for that opportunity. (◡︵◡)


It turned into a sour wine. x) Looping hair physics is definitely a big annoyance, but not the biggest. The biggest, for me, is not having the hair freak out like a Bethesda ragdoll stuck in a door when it comes into contact with an object and just slightly clips through the collision box. When you have to sit and wait twenty-thirty minutes for the physics to bake, and then it starts shooting all around the screen after that waiting process... not fun. ٩꒰ʘʚʘ๑꒱۶


If you mean moon, I did the one where you get the Futaba equivalent of this game and Mitsuru joins the party. Currently grinding unintentionally while finding the missing people and the side quest list. There's only 2 things worth doing at night at the moment. Study, or the arcade wich sometimes gives you bits of big brain. So I've actual hit a good heads-up on academics. I do have a social guide to try to increase them levels as much as possible. Even though I'm not really going for 100%. In P3P apparently there isn't a penalty for going harem so I'm seggsing everyone I can. Though I LOVED my punishment for going harem in P5R X33. Don't know if you've seen the Valentines day with all romanced girls x3.


Ah, okay, so you're pretty early in the game still. Think the next one is the one I was thinking of. I've seen it, though I didn't do it myself. Honestly never been super into the harem sort of thing, so never went for it personally. But yeah, in P3, you don't really have the option of not dating some of the girls iirc, so you just naturally become a harem protag.


I would never do it. But in these type of games it feels like a waste to not date everyone. You know if the game weren't that huge, people would replay with different waifus. I also joke about seggsing, but it is very clear what happens in some of those romance fade to black scenes... Scenes I hope we get to see envisioned by you soon!!! But for now please continue working on your segs game. (I'll let you know how many of the BDP animations make it into family segs simulator adds. X3)


I always go "next playthrough I'll date a different girl" but I always end up dating the same girl anyways. x) I'll hopefully get around to Persona this year sometime. Along with other things. x) I do wonder if they will. And I wonder which characters will, lol.


Would it be possible to make those particular poses in your trademark POV style?


Oh yeah, I get exactly what you mean. Everything looks good, you start the baking, one errant twitch, and it spasms like a girl just touched it's dick and it came and farted. Or fluids just disabling part way through cause shrug emoji. Blender works in mysterious ways. (⊃д⊂)


Hi I just want to latch on and say Mitsuru and Makoto best Persona waifus k bye


That's just physics simulations in general. If you know what you're doing and set them up just right, they'll be fantastic. Don't know what you're doing and just winging it(like me), then Oops! Everything went wrong. C'est la vie. (~‾⌣‾)~


Physics simulation: they can be your angle or yuor devil. Normally devil. ‘`,、(((ꏿwꏿ;)))


Even when they're your angle, they probably miscalculated the angle and are spiraling in a weird direction you didn't want. (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


Obtuse angles, my worst enemy. Why can't those angles just always be right? There's no guessing there. ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)


If your gonna do a scene with a girl with funny feet….Aegis will be the one lol… Combat robot sexy girl…..that’s one for the books I would say…🥹🥹🥹


The cheer nico comeback 🙌