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gofile - https://gofile.io/d/ORfW7k

porn3dx - https://porn3dx.com/post/34630

gofile(poll 1) - https://gofile.io/d/lwQDnt

gofile(poll 2) - https://gofile.io/d/UYBaFU

Just finishing up a project I started around Halloween time that I put on the back burner for a while now. There will be a couple other such projects finishing up before my Anniversary Project drops. I'll let you figure out what projects those are. I'll probably have a post before the end of the month detailing my Anniversary stuff in more detail. A tell-all, if you will. Sort of. There are some things I'm still very undecided on, and so I think bouncing some of the ideas around and getting people's input will help clear things up for me. Possibly. I might end up even more confused, who knows. I'm a very wishy-washy sort of person. Things have changed so many times now it's not even funny.




Thanks for saving our lives with the blessing of thicc thighs!


Bro.... you have to give up on outdoors anime... You were right! I don't like it! In an interest way I mean... Don't know her character so I can't connect, you know? But in a serious note, they are neat. The crossed legs one looks too similar to the thigh fucking one so it has the less impact. It has the small toe animation so it gets a half point. Expressions are great. Perhaps very similar expression in some of them? But still great. Still think that for anime animations, you should add some sort of texture to imply liquid on the D. Even if is just white or slightly darker than the color tone of the skin. So is not just flat.


I did reuse most of the facial animations from the thighjob one for the two cowgirl animations with some minor tweaking here or there. Laziness mostly, but I also really liked the way they came out and anything else I came up with didn't look as good to me. Also not the first time I've done as much. Doing anything to make the dick look wet just looks bad, imo. I tried, didn't like any of them.


I see... I'm just imagining 2D porn and how they draw the lewdness on the D. Ah, no problem, just a small detail. As much as I get a bit upset I can't enjoy these animations as much as anyone else. I do have to admit, you did a great job. Except the environment... yucky! Now... let's talk about serious maiden. The wyvern waifu! I think you owe us a preview of the full bod! I would like to see it before I give you any ideas. Or actually ideas of what NOT to do...


It's one of those things that doesn't really translate well from 2D to 3D. The movement makes things just look really... off. I'd have to actually animate that, and animating textures... is not really forte lol. Another day, perhaps. I think I said it before, but I'm not terribly happy with her body, but there wasn't much progress being made on that front and I wasn't about to start over from scratch because that's a bit too much effort then.


The real MVP is the strap on her thighs that is somehow managing to stay intact. The only thing that looks kind of off is the tree on the doggy animation. Just looks a little bit out of place compared to everything else cause of the style. Otherwise, these anims are pretty dang good.


Alright! So don't show her feet. You're actually very good at that, so you SHOULD be good. I did write in the poll that having her act like she does is good enough for me. Serious but shy/awkward. Pose doesn't matter. However, I would like for you to see EXGA animations (all extremely good and juicy. You can almost smell and taste those thick anims...) and NODU's animation of these characters. And basically do any pose that aren't in those animations. So that way, this one can fit nicely with all 8 of them X3. That plus not showing feet and your options should narrow down, making the choice very easy! So idk...... Ah...... Idk.


Well, beyond even the feet the proportions ended up kinda wonky due to not having a good reference since she's covered in really... baggy clothes. I already more or less have something in mind. There will be hand holding, because holding those three fingered hands would be interesting.


There are... three spaces... between our four fingers... Genius!!! Honestly for as lazy as you describe yourself. You seem to have a lot of motivation to make her have "accurate" proportions... I mean, people who watch EXGA animation clearly don't care X3. But I don't think they are that curvy... they probably have the average Luna body for example. I don't think Capcom made those characters with their dicks at their control. Just pretty looking maidens.


Well, I don't care that much about getting them 'accurate' proportions so much as them having good looking proportions. And they ended up kind of weird, imo, since I was working in the dark more or less and was trying to get the hands and legs right and so it just ended up weird.


Well let this animation serve as a test to see how things look. One last thing is like to point out about these animations. 1: Why are the toes visible in the crosslegs animation and brown on the others? Is it supposed to be full stockings? 2: Is the dick on that same animation ok?? Poor guy is gonna snap. Couldn't she moved a bit more to the left?? With that face though, pain was probably her objective. (´-ω-`)


1. I removed it for that one since it is officially a full on stocking, but I didn't want to model said stocking onto the feet in a proper way. I also figured you feet people would prefer sockless anyway. 2. Don't worry, he bends to the right naturally.


I always knew she had toes out but didn't know if it was on that feet. And yes sweet detail. I also noticed the nipples oddly absent on the standing doggy anim. Probably the angle but hey are pretty pointy on the other ones. Again nice work anyways. But next time... keep it indoors. Forget about touching grass. There's enough touching of something else happening already. (´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)(´-ω-`)


Yeah, it's on the other foot that her toes are out normally. That's due to smooth corrective stuff. Bit obtuse to explain, but I fixed it for the other ones and didn't notice until I was uploading for those and I didn't feel like re-rendering them with the fix.


Not really a fan of her, but eh. A wank is a wank.


Ryza is really great, I've been collecting all her figures.


Dude, I swear I somehow sensed Ryza would be the next pack for some reason. The ripples form her thighs are rhythmically synced to my brain waves or something

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Your anime model are very good cause they looks the less cursed compared to what the genshin porn looks like so I say that's a win and also you might wanna work on the outdoor a little cause that's sure looks cursed.


She's thicc and hot af holy


Can't believe you made a Ryza pack without feet


Lazy-sama! Would you please explain why you mostly position these sideways/crosslegs/togetherlegs cowgirl poses on the right side? Is it the composition??? Are you right handed??? Gentiana and Scarlet are the only one doing it from the left. Is this supposed to represent a part of your psyche???? What are you trying to communicate??? (・`ω´・) Please tell us Lazy-sama!!!


I'm gonna be taking today and tomorrow off, so this is the only reply you'll be getting for a while: I just pose things instinctively and my brain likely just defaults to the orientation it has done more often. By the time I consciously notice 'this is the same angle again' I'm too deep into animation that trying to flip it would be super annoying.


Love this!


Neeeeeeeeeeeed more Ryza! Love you btw.