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The future fast approaches... the new year... 2023. Not much to really say. 2022 was a weird year in that it felt really long in some places, but at the same time really short in others. Not sure how that works, but the mind is a strange thing indeed.

I mostly just want to thank everyone for all the support you've given me this year. It's been an interesting change, but overall enjoyable. I do enjoy these blog posty things, and not being limited to 120 characters means I can interact with people a lot easier than on Pixiv. So that's been a nice change. I hope that next year I can deliver more content for everyone that supports me, but I won't make any hard promises. Life is life, and life likes to throw curveballs at the worst of times, so I try to avoid making any hard promises that I can't be sure I'll be able to keep. Still, I would like to give something back to people, and I've got some ideas but I don't know how things will pan out.

As for my New Year pack, you might be able to tell what it is. It'll be the first in a series of 3 of me doing the characters featured in the Halloween poll. I did say I would get around to all 13 characters that didn't win, and Ithis will just be the first. I'll sprinkle the other two across the year when I can. January and February might be kind of skimpy on releases, since I'll be working on my Anniversary project. And that will have a lot of content. Like a lot, a lot. Even if I scrap some stuff, it will undoubtedly be massive. As for the New Year Pack, I'll only tease these two characters. I'll leave it up to you to guess who will accompany them. But seriously... I now want to do more Miyoshino. I probably won't, but man... Nioh 2 mom is hot.

Also, the first poll of the year will be these three. Kind of an anticlimactic bunch, but that's what I rolled so that's what we get. I don't really have any sort of "special event" planned for New Year as far as polls go. There won't really be that many "event" polls over all. Halloween and Christmas will be the big ones. Past that, I might do something fo Valentine's, probably have something trolly for April Fool's, but not a whole lot other than that. I will probably do some more themed polls next year, though.


Rather than wait until next update on my anniversary project, I'll just upload the 'unobscured' versions of the characters I teased(save for the one that I'm intentionally leaving a mystery).

And the backgrounds in these aren't anything I made, btw. I just searched for some promotional images of the respective games the characters come from and pick something that seemed appropriate to be put through a faux stained glass filter.

Anyway, until the weekend where ther New Year's animations will be posted.




will this pack has long animation?and one more question,does it has climax?


Nothing too long, no. There will be a climax for one of them, but I don't have a ton of time to do something for all of them.


Wow momijis boobs pushed together look incredible, the pose itself looks like it will be a banger. You always show and tease so many things at once, your mind must be rammed with ideas I love it. Who is the beautiful looking lady on Queens left? That outfit is very sexy. My biggest hype here is Vanille, of of the most underused hotties in all of final fantasy, really cool to see here in cute wedding outfit.


That’s 99.999% lightning standing behind Vanille, and behind tifa I can’t tell between any member of SOLDIER.


My mind is a chaotic entity that can go a mile a minute one day, then putter along the next. It's a weird thing. That's Nanami, one of the many OCs from Venus Vacation. One of the better ones, imo, though Tamaki is still my favorite. There will be quite a few underutilized waifus to be used in my anniversary project. Should be good.


>Nanami in list Now I know who to vote.


Wow... those New Year teases look fucking amazing!! Probably will end up being my favorite animations of the month. Till this day, your A2 x Danta animation is my favorite of the month, it was something fresh that hit me harder than I thought. Not even getting my hopes up for Momiji's animation to have an even nuder version... but as long as she doesn't have sandals... will be good enough for me. And oh boy... best mom looks amazing! Might give tekken a try this time... don't know how much she got before. So the panels are just game covers?? So the FF7 one is just Cloud? Buster Sword must be the thing that looks like hair. Hope those wedding dresses aren't giving you to much trouble ;3. We love to see those skirts on when it can add hotness. I honestly wish I could give you more love (´。$ ω $。`) ♡ but every time I plan to do it... scary shit happens in mah life and can't go through with it. So glad you decided to do this. And hope this lasts another year! (´ ω `♡)


That must be a lot of work. Happy New Year in advance!


I wanted Momiji to have the Shrine Maiden outfit on, but it was giving me too much grief. What about dangling, slightly flapping sandals? Nah, just promotional images. FF7 is Sephiroth from Advent Children. FFXIII is Lightning(admittedly the one used on the cover in some places). And the skirt is short enough to not give too much grief. I used this one once before with Marie Rose, and it wasn't that difficult to work with. Not compared to some skirts I've used. Always look out for yourself first. That's more important to me than anything.


Ah-oh- o-ok yeah that's good... hey uhh.. make those soles a bit dark and you got me. You once made Yuffie's sock a bit "dirty" on the soles. Intentional or not, it add a neat detail and makes "us" go wild (✧ω✧) And you know what I see when I see best mom tease?? I see... a lingerie version.... Hmm? At least the top part with maybe a boob showing?? To much?? At least a regular lingerie would suffice. She does have underwear under that top. (´-ω-`) So if you don't want to work hard on January. Would that be a good month for clothes variants remasters, extensions, nude version? That way you just have to render and some animation here and there?


I'll think about it. x) I might do a lingerie version if I've got the time. I'd have to rig it up, since this outfit just shows it as a texture. But I do love me some lingerie. I might do some more remasters in January, not sure though.


If you don't make it in time for the release, then you can add it later. Make the lingerie dark gold so it goes with her horns and complexion. ♡(。- ω -) Uhh... maybe purple for the nails AND eyes.


If I've got the time after finishing the final animation, I'll mess around with some things. See what sticks.


Only Momo (Momiji) ? I hope Helena's there too 😅


Man that Nanami teaser is going to be a favorite I’m going to predict!! The position, the pov, and the overall sexiness of the whole scene is instantly was blowing…😂😂😂 I haven’t felt this excited since you remastered that Marie Rose banger with the finish!! Once again thanks for the updates on here! Always nice to read about what you have planned out in detail. Even though your plans may or may not come into fruition at times, it’s cool that you interact with your supporters.


I'm glad that people actually enjoy or appreciate my blabber mouth posts. I feel like I can go on a bit too much at times. x)


I like the poll lineup, im skeptical this is gonna be only 2 sided poll between Queen and Nanami, but my vote is for Katarina. Man, she deserve some love, the Tekken fanbase criminally bury her idk for what reason.


I feel like Queen won't do quite as well as some FF characters, but I'm not sure on that. Type-0 isn't really popular among the FF titles, being a spin-off and all.


For me, it’s always cool to talk to creators and the like and just be able to interact especially if it’s a favorite. It’s not often you get to talk about your favorite “hobby” with someone else especially someone who helps create some great pieces with stuff that interests you as well.. Keep it it up!


Now I really want to see Aerith and Tifa in a gay wedding... and of course the wedding night.


Would love to see more of Nioh's girls but ah well beggars cannot be choosers lol


You can't just be teasing us with Miyoshino like that, Nioh has so many high quality ladies.


I do have plans for more than just Miyoshino at some point. Even have some of them rigged. Just haven't gotten around to them for various reasons, and I love Miyoshino too much that she always distracts me when it comes to Nioh gals. x)


Those 2 previews looking fire, especially the Miyoshino one. Interesting looking poll too, I'm just hoping that Tekken doesn't get completely dumpstered again like last time. Put up some kind of fight please. Also, thanks to you for the blog posting and the communication this last year. It's been a lot of fun! Definitely better than extremely short comment chains on Pixiv that's for sure. Here's looking forward to 2023 and what's to come! Kyrie outfit and her little dumb hat, neuron activation


I think Katarina will do a little better than last time, just due to the smaller pool. But we'll see. And thank you for participating. I'd definitely be posting less if people weren't commenting and keeping discussion going.


Like most I enjoy these behind the scenes rambling posts. It's nice to know what's going on and makes you human. Unlike some who just dump thier work and link thier subscription page; makes them look like bots.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

So Tifa gonna show up on this one too huh I don't know if how much you feel about her has changed but it's just demand and supply I guess, also Mayoshino making a comeback sure is something i've been looking forward this whole year so I'm gonna enjoy this for sure,and the wedding dress are so lovely did you make them yourself or is it an assets from the other game, cause the one that you actually made are very good too but my favorite gotta be Luna (DOA)​ pixels alien thingy and that one Nyotengu queen of hearts which I hope you would consider give it another chance but in general I would kill to see others characters who's not in hot pant wearing one especially Tifa and Aerith or Marie and Nyotengu.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

And I guess Opening Fanbox and Sub sure was a right decision before this I thought we would stuck on Pixiv spamming sticker till the end of time. And back then you didn't give us anyway to support you I started to think you were doing porn for charity or something. So getting to know and chatting with you here has been fun, especially when me and the other guys get to make a slander of others artists.


I can't believe that after all this time knowing this is a FF wife fest, that I never thought to ask... Gladio is in this thing righ??? RIGHT....!!!?? Cause let me tell ya.... there'll be CONTROVERSY if he isn't... Perhap wearing "the pink dress"?


not gonna lie, Fuku from Nioh is probably the most underrated video game babe second only to Nagi from Toukiden


You know he will actually end up doing a gay animation with buff Gladio and buff headless-chan... Or Noctis


MOMIJI! <3 That position looks so hot


Interesting, I thought the window was a form of your goofy censorship too. Didn't realize it was actually intended that way. And goddamn Kyrie looks good in that outfit. Don't usually care for crop tops but you somehow made it look good to me Also, thanks for the amazing couple of months. Good chunk of the fun of your gazillions of posts is really your blogs because you're a really fucking entertaining writer. If you ever quit this stuff and just want to continue making shitpost blogs, I'd still be a happy follower lol


All I know is that I WANT to see that Momiji pic in full, or if it's an animation then that! :3


I think some of it is just Kyrie contributing to the overall look. I can't take all the credit, there. x) Glad to know that my attempts at being entertaining actually were entertaining. It's a hard to know how well you're balancing of being entertaining without straying too hard into the try-hard territory, while also still being succinct enough to not drag on forever.


Will it ever be possible to see Ashe and Penelo? With Fran at least having I guess newer texture models due to her being in FFXIV it was possible but I’m guessing no on the other two…


Before I go insane refreshing this site... When are you planning to release the next pack? You waiting till the first? I'll be sad to not have some digital company if so. (-ω-、)


There's more than just the textures that they have some issues with, but I might try them at some point. I don't know how it'll pan out, though.


Gofile is being super slow, so it might be a bit longer than I'd like. Gonna upload the 1080p versions first, then post it, then the 4k versions will go up as they go up.


No rush, I was just worried you were going to wait for the 1st to upload these. I've got 3 more hours before I feel like I really should go to sleep. (。- ω -)