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Calling it just a bit early, since things haven't changed any over the past few days.

Shiragiku with the mildly surprising win. Zhang Chunhua squeaking out second. I actually had both of them as my assumed 3rd and 4th place characters. I was expecting Talim or Jade to win, if I'm being honset. Not all that surprised by it though. I know why you guys voted for Shiragiku. You can try to hide it, you can pretend it's not, but I know why.

I talked too much about her penis hair and you got all hot and bothered. I know how it is. No need to pretend. It's fine.

I kind of wish Medusa got zero votes just for the laughs, but what can you do. I also won't promise anything, but I might do Zhang Chunhua in addition to Shiragiku, just because I'm kind of interested in her. And also, at some point I need to have a pure Soul Calibur poll, since they've been having some issues. Will probably do that next year sometime.

And finally, one more little tease.

I'm probably gonna have a dedicated post next week about my anniversary project. Reveal a bit more about it.




Nice Shiragiku definitely a good one, goodjob everyone


Yay Shiragiku.ಥ‿ಥ Not really voting for the original version here though. And thanks, that second image effectively ruins the whole thing now lol.


There's obviously a Lightning mural on the wall and if I'm seeing properly... I also see her in the reflection of the mirror ball thing. Guess it's happening then... unless you're making us think that way according to your previous cryptic comments.


If the Jade guy knows about this he'll probably get salty and unfollow you at the point. And that two Flower and one Procrastinator that voted for Medusa, you have my respect.(・_・)ゞ


Either it's Serah or Vanille but I thought there was another figure next to her in the reflection. Maybe the mural made me expect it lol


You got master baited. ( ͡ ͡° ͜つ ͡͡° ) But it's Vanille. I didn't really try to hide this one compared to some of my others. It's got a distinctly orange color to it. x)


Was expecting you the pin the reason of her victory on idk, Nier or something, then bam, penis comparison outta nowhere Also is that another character in the window? I woulda guessed Ultimecia based on the colors, but the top half of the character seems to be missing lol


Surprising that the Dickhead won. Or not surprising because people secretly love dicks? Either way, Soul Calibur girls ain't doing as well as I would have assumed they would. Maybe I keep overestimating them? Okay you're either doing an art showcase or you're creating your own FMV (AMV?) of the 3D Final Fantasy's. There we go, I nailed it.


OH I see it now. Welp, all of her beggars are finally gonna have something to chew on, or not


My original guess was a music video too, but dunno how will that work, because one would have to be pretty careful with the music used. The other thing is that it seems to be taking place in church for marriage or something


Lazy is going to marry Lightning. I knew it!!! The signs were there all along.


I think Cassandra would have won her bout if it weren't 2B she went up against, but who knows. I regret to announce that it will not be a music video. Big sad. What I'm working on is bigger than and more insane than that.


Is this some sort of FF series prom party? These girls seem to be accompanied by dudes. I know both girls in that tease at least so I don't need to spend another hour guessing. Since you went and defiled Shiragiku's iconic physique...(jknotrealybutyes) I hope you have something interesting planned... not that I have ideas, never played the sexy ghost game. And look if you have a lot of AO models just make a pack dedicated to it so more people start to believe.


No prom party. And there's no dude in that shot. You're seeing things you want to see, my guy. x) I might just go with my original idea from last year. We'll see. Iris is the only one I like out of Ascendant One. I just included these other characters as options in a poll to be "fair", but since they're performing horribly, I might just remove them from future polls. Means less work for me. x)


I forgot Cassandra was in that poll. Really it was going to be 2B no matter what so I completely missed that lol *2* music videos? A whole album?! You're going to kill off Lightning in an anim so you never have to do one of her aren't you? This is actually her funeral.


Ok... then is some sort of award ceremony... the GOTYs Girl of the Year?? Those stained glass could not be glass at all. Could be screens! The quality of those images look more censored than an actual attempt at stained glass art... if it is I'm really sorry... In wich case... the only other crazy thing is... A funeral??? Both the characters in those teases are dead. Or you wich they were dead. Honestly, if we could get a wide view of the entire room your using, it's architecture. We could probably guess more clearly... I still don't know where the fuck this chicks are hanging and why...


She almost won, so there is that. Well, I mean, you might be able to compare it to a whole album. Maybe. lol, that'd be funny but no. Or am I? No, I'm not. But maybe...? Nah, too much work... or... I'll stop.


You know, someone suggested I do a Girl of the Year for my Anniversary, but that's not what this is. No award ceremony either. At this point, there isn't a whole lot of purpose to the environment or costume or anything like that other than what I felt like choosing for them on an arbitrary basis. At one point, there was a slight reason, but that's kind of fallen to the wayside since I didn't want to use the same costume for everyone. As for the room, it's just a box with a boxy altar and a cheapo stained glass window. It's like one step above my shitty theater. The stained glass only references the specific game the character comes from. Nothing more.


Dude, If nothing makes sense even for you. And things that were supposed to make sense don't anymore. Then how the hell are we going to know what this is... What sort of event would fit girls getting fucked??? In public even, for all to see and behold... maybe even rate?? This could still be a funeral. But having sex in a funeral is weird, to weird even for you. I'm hoping the dedicated post gives us at least a base idea. You haven't confirmed anything and weirdly not denied some stuff.


Well, I mean, all I'm teasing at this point is characters. Characters that will be featured in my anniversary 'project'. At the end of the day, it's just more of my smut. But there may be some twists along the way to my smut. And don't worry, I do plan to explain more as things are closer to being finalized.


Perhaps this entire thing is a facade... and this room will never be seen and is just being used as a marketing plot. What does Vanille and Lightning have anything to do with each other? There's a game connection... The one with Sephiroth was probably Tifa or Nayo? Head hurts... I need some answers to sleep well at night. I get wakened up every night by this glass demon blurring my sight. I try to see my phone and all I see is triangles... many, many triangles. And now I have a dickhead to think about... time to pop those ZzzQuils.... (# ̄ω ̄)


Oh no, he's starting to catch on! Joking aside, I call it my "big dumb project" for a reason. It's a dumb, hair brained idea that only I will probably find entertaining. Which, admittedly, is half of why I'm doing it. Either way, I'll probably 'release' it for supporters first just to see a smaller reaction sample size before unleashing it on everyone.


I'll accept anything this is at this point. Controversial, jokey, illegal, disrespectful... anything that can make this mind games worth it. I just want to know what it is. I know that at least I'M going to love it. As trolly as it might be, is still your anniversary animation. There's gotta be something there you're proud of/excited. Buried deep within the troll. We're all here at the point of "WHAT'S IN THE BOX!!!" mental state. And endless limbo where the end is where we started...................... (/ˍ・、)........


There will be some jokey stuff in there and there will probably be some controversial, but I don't think anything too bad. Disrespectful will depend on the person, I think. Nothing illegal, though. Unless I decide to scrap everything and just Rick Roll everyone. Then I'll get hit with the copyright hammer. There's a reason I'm teasing it so much, and it mostly comes down to how interested I am in the project. I think, at the end of it all, there will be a little something for everyone. Possibly.


Hope "Lightning" gets an opportunity to shine, one day... in the meantime, this seems like it COULD be Vanille (seeing as how Serah was already utilized this year... I may be wrong, of course) 🙏


Each girl is going to please a different kink/fetish. I see... And I must be the only man alive who actually likes hearing that song. So please by all means! I'll be your layer if someone sues you.


Not quite. ;) Dude, I unironically love Never Gonna Give You Up. It's why I don't mind being Rick Rolled, because I just end up listening to the song anyways.


The best kind of troll is the one that's supposed salt you but instead sugars you. I must always dance along. °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°


A whole album??? omg lazy is making a porn game :O Where you can kill Lightning :OOO


Confirmed it'll be an RPGMaker Hentai Game that plays animations of yours for the sex scenes. You're welcome everyone let's go home


Serah or Lightning = THE DREAM!


I think LP is going off the deep end but if it brings us great stuff…I’m down…the Halloween stuff was interesting so I’m willing to see what LP has come up with this mysterious project. My theory being LP wants us to think he hates Lightning but in actuality she’s the motivational factor…😂😂😂 I personally hated the Luna Frey character in game but after seeing LPs take on her….minds get changed…so it’s all his big long game plan or something… I don’t know what I’m talking about….🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Got plans for January? Feb seems to far T_______T


Lol. Was hoping for some Jade action. Alas, it wasn’t mean to be i guess.


I'll have stuff over January. And this will likely be at the end of February/beginning of March, so there will be stuff in Feb too.


I'll probably do something with her independent of a poll at some point. I mean, I did rig the model long before the polls were even a thing, so I've always had plans for it. Just haven't gotten around to it.


I don't think i voted yet, if I vote now I think i can give Zhang the win.


In terms of raw votes, yeah, but there'd still need to be some more to cross the point 19-point gap. I can count you though. And like I said, I might do something with Zhang anyway just as a bonus.


ah I confused the point gap with the raw votes nvm then.


I voted for Shiragiku, but I'm actually surprised that she won cause I didn't think she had a chance either compared to Jade. It's good to see though that she did. Kinda wanted to go different besides Jade cause Shira looks pretty aloof and has that pale-ish skin going for her too.