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I know I talked about it as a poll option, and I still intend to do that, but I needed something quick and easy for this release since I'm thinking of stuff to animate ahead of time, and didn't have anything I immediately wanted to do for this release. I could have skipped it, I suppose, but I decided to go for this instead. Two animations, the Kyrie one in the preview, and the one Marie Rose animation, since both had less work I needed to do in terms of animating than some of my older, shorter ones.




Great first attempt! Feels weird to see and extention of something you've seen for so many months as a loop. Can't think of many animators that extend their previous works and with a finisher. What can make an animation hard to extend? The pose?


Was the Kyrie one asked a lot? Never thought that needed an extension. And she got loaded on Halloween... still nice to see canon Kyrie get her fill. Was thinking about that Marie animation, been watching it a lot recently. But the old Marie one in her gym clothes would have been nice with your obsession with wetness and all that. Of course, I still prefer this one because... Well...You know... ღ˘⌣˘ღ)


Kyrie was an executive decision on my part, since it's honestly one of my personal favorite animations that I've done. There are several others of mine that I like that I feel could use more love, so those will get something at some point or another. I might also go back to that Marie animation at some point, but it depends on various things.


That Kyrie one is one of my favs from you, so glad that got the treatment. Looking forward to the Christmas poll!


I want Kyrie and Yuffie together animation.


I've actually thought to put the lovable(annoying) brats together in an animation. Maybe next year I'll get around to it.


That Kyrie animation is definitely the best of the Kyrie anims, and always has been one of my favorites. That butt jiggle and the full body shake, oof. If this is what we can expect with future remasters, I am all for em!


Hopefully I'll be able to keep a consistent quality for future remasters. These were fairly easy to do, so I think I should be fine... but there are some animations where I imagine things will give me trouble.


If you run into those animations, would you just skip them and do something else? That would probably be the easier and lazier choice. Or probably not even choose those options to begin with! Unless you want the challenge?


Didn't really know what to expect from the remasters but these turned out way better than what I had in mind. How much time and effort would you have to invest to remaster 20s loops? Does it take longer than making the original?


Largely depends on how into the animation I am. If I really like that particular animation, I'd definitely spend the time on it. Otherwise I might not even attempt.


It can take about the same amount of time, or a little more depending. The reason I largely don't do finishes/climaxes is because it doubles or triples the length I spend on a single animation, and I prefer to do a new animation than stick with the same one for days on end.


Considering that you like these animations well enough in the first place and they certainly need more love, the time spent is definitely worth it. So from what I can tell the first 20s is basically the same as the loops right? Is the physic re-baked or did you add any other details in the pre-existing frames?


For Marie, there are lighting differences due to Blender version and an add-on I was using at the time being broken by newer versions and not being updated. For Kyrie, I also had to rebake her hair physics, so things might not line up perfectly.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Ohh at first I kinda disappointed that the original aren't that old was expecting much older one to be remaster, but definitely changed my mind at the end especially Kyrie one has always been good so was curious how you would make it better but this one is an improvement for sure the jiggling is good and the subtle shake at the end are the best finally.


That makes sense. If you like it enough to suffer through the pain of remastering it, it could definitely be worth it, maybe. Do you have a lot of ones that you like, that you look at and just go "Aw man this is gonna really suck to do?"


There are a some, but not THAT many. Just a few. Now if I were to do everything, then there are definitely a lot more like that, lol.


Time to remake your entire catalogue woohoo! A one year process! Joke's aside though, thanks for the remasters fam. It's nice to see some of these older animations again.


If I wanted to be really lazy, I definitely could. x) It's kind of refreshing to revisit them. Pretty fun, overall.


Oh my sweet lawd!!! My turkey baster went full squirt with that Marie Rose ending!!! Lawdy lawdy!!! Lazy dude…that was extra special gravy on that….🥹🥹🥹🥹


Meh on the Marie, but the Kyrie was surprisingly good.

Makima x Denji

Kyrie one is so good that I hope you make more new animations with her.


No more new stuff, just remasters and sequels from here on out. We modern video games baby That's good to hear you had fun, that should be the main point after all! Fun for the whole family!


Its a banger even before the remaster 😂😂


Oh damn that climax from Kyrie! Also mating press is a situation every waifu should be in ;D As ever keep up the great work chief!


And i was about to asking if it is possible to no hat on her, but i just realize something 😂😂😂


Hi La Pro, would you mind adding more cum in your remasters?


@LazyProcrastinator need sound in this Kyrie video....


So happy to see Marie take a shot, I see so much porn that I cant really remember these. Marie is a top 5 desirable pussy for me, she would be insane to fuck in this position especially with her keeping eye contact like that, ... she has the cutest little nose. Love her legs thrown back like this ...beautiful.


none of his video has sounds. probably one reason why he's able to pump these out pretty fast? Guy's like audiodude add sound to it afterwards


if he don't add sound on his videos, honestly saying i don't even care about his videos anymore. waste of time then. he making good videos but without sound those videos are useless. sorry @LazyProcrastinator but this is the honest review i give you..


Just realized... Marie has insane core strength or going to suffer from severe lower back pain for being in that position. There's nothing supporting her lower back lol


Yeah, I don't really spend much time trying to think if something will work realistically. I just go for aesthetics and what's easiest to work with. Put too much consideration into something, and a lot of my stuff doesn't really work that well. Like the crossed-leg ones don't work that well realistically, but I really like the way it looks so I go for it regardless.


Like, in terms of volume? I've personally never been a fan of super high volumes of cum in animations and the like, so it's unlikely.


There is a hatless model out there that someone made. I just didn't want to go through the effort of setting it up.


Realistic of proportions is something you do right. No huge Ds, breast size appropriate to the character. And something I've noticed a lot from your blowjob animations. The D only goes as deep as the girl mouth would be -With the occasional singular deepthroat - Instead of the head piercing a lot of people do. I noticed how you made Aerith be fascinated at Luna getting it really deep inside on the recent coop BJ. Physics be dammed, I challenge you to make a zero gravity animation one day.


While not zero-G, there are those Tatsumaki animation of mine where they are being suspended in the air, so true zero-G isn't out of the realm of possibility.


Oh right, always forget about your animations of anime characters I've no attachment to. Then I challenge you to make underwater seggs!!! What you have to say about that!? Yeah, that's right... (▼^▼)*


Underwater depends on if it's totally underwater or if it's only half-way. If it's totally underwater, wouldn't be much different than a low/zero-G situation. But half-way? Water physics are the bane of my existence.


So that water effect you did on the ghost nightmare won't be seen again? I'd honestly take a pool or beach animation with that water effect even without physics. But I'm guessing since it was red and not transparent, that it was a very lazy and quick water effect.


That's not water physics. That's just a modifier to a flat plane that's called "Ocean". It's the same thing I use in my Nyotengu hot springs videos. It has no actual interactions with other models, because it's just straight up a flat plane being displaced in random locations and intervals to give the illusion of a flowing body of water.


Ah, honestly that could work for pool or (at least) close to the water beach environments. Like imagine the Lobelia animation you did but with that effect on the ground. No real movement happen were water physics would be needed. Again, only if it was possible to make it transparent. Otherwise, Succubus girl seggsing in a pool of blood is a great idea too.


Perhaps, but there is still some issues with that, notably a lack of wetness on the areas that get wet. There's methods to do weight painting based on contact with other models, but it's an annoying process to do and I've kind of forgotten how to even set that up.


K, water is a pain. To animate... but how about for images?


Lol, thanks for understanding, man. Your work is amazing as per usual.


I’ve rarely seen any good animations in which Marie gets a cum shot. Lazy made a great fantasy shot come true for me lol.


@LazyProcrastinator don't mind anything bro. I'm not your hater, I want your content to be good with sound. you make good videos but if you add sound, your videos will be perfect. Sorry bro to talk about you like that.


Yeah man….gushers are unrealistic…I’d understand if it was bukakke or something but one guy dumping a waterfall on 1 girl is a bit too much.


Not waterfalls, why would you go straight to the extreme lmao. But just some more volume. Right now the climax looks more like an anti-climax, those 2 drops are so underwhelming. Even pornstars (real human beings) are capable of more than 2 pathethic drops.


If this is what it means to make remastered animations, then you deserve a medal.

gaMerfUll (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-08 23:19:54 Ummm >, < I'll get good grades just tutor me lol
2022-11-28 15:06:52 So speaking about lazy ways to release animations. I know you've said that model swapping for existing animations is complicated because of the difference between the models. But if you have an animation of a character that shares the same "body type" of another. Would model swap be possible? Or is there still work you'd have to do to make it work?

So speaking about lazy ways to release animations. I know you've said that model swapping for existing animations is complicated because of the difference between the models. But if you have an animation of a character that shares the same "body type" of another. Would model swap be possible? Or is there still work you'd have to do to make it work?


Really love your Ayane works.Thank you


Depends. It's not really body type, so much as sharing a rig where the limbs and joints and all that are aligned properly. I'd also have to animate the faces, and also work with the hair, so it really isn't a simple copy-paste job.


Lmao! Sorry…I would agree with a little bit more volume…I’ve seen a lot of the animations that are just raging rivers and it’s so disappointing but yes a good portion of volume would make a difference…


So is making a second part for an animation and making it 2 times longer with new animations from scratch, is easier than replacing a model and accommodating some parts here and there to make it look right???? Don't know if I should call BS... Or praise you! Joking aside. Are the differences in how the models work, new ways and techniques you learn that you only implement in your recent models but don't go back to older ones to implement it on them? To many questions I know. Just want to learn how this works to know what to suggest and what not to. According to your skills and Lazyness. (。- ω -)b


It's kind of hard to explain without going into a long detailed explanation about how rigging works and what have you. I guess the best, simplest explanation is think of action figures. Each one has different types of articulation, the joints are in different spots, etc. You can get the same pose from two completely different action figures, but imagine taking the exact same pose, with the joints in the exact same spots, and then try to apply it to another figure. You'd have to squish it, stretch it, and just generally break the one action figure to be in the exact same "position" as the other. That's more or less how rigs work. Then you have animation keyframes on top, and so you have to go and correct the keyframes so that their spine isn't compressed, or their arms aren't flayed. You can have rigs be universal, but the way I do things, where everything is case-by-case, heights are different, etc. I don't really build them to be universal. Would require too much planning on my part.


Makes sense. A lot of animators that make alts of the same animation but different characters. Use the same body type for all their models. Same proportions and all that. Exga is good example. Thanks for explaining. I guess is better to extend something while, doing something new than going back through the same thing just to fix a ton of stuff. Only to make it look just like the original. But in your case you'd just end up changing so much, you'll just make a different animation but with the same idea. Like the DoA Cowgirl pack.


But I'm guessing that if you ever get to the twins from Nier or Monster Hunter, that those characters would have the same body but different heads right? The alt for those animations being the different sister. Unless you get creative and make both have different motions. For as lazy as you are. Even with those conditions I don't see you making 2 identical animation with different characters.


Considering they have different personalities, I would do different animations yeah. Doesn't feel right to give them the exact same motion when they're different characters, y'know?


I am Curious when the gym themed animation will be released🥹