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I've been thinking in regards to what I want to do with this poll, considering I've now got 15 characters in various costumes. I've somewhat figured out what I want to do.

Basically, I'm just gonna dump all fifteen characters in the poll, but instead of voting for only one character... it'll be 3 characters instead.

Top 3 out of the fifteen will each get an animation. It'll essentially be another set of costume type animations, ala the October 1st pack.

Might seem like a lot of work, but honestly I won't have a ton of animating to do in October. I only need one animation for October 15th and I'll be done, and it's already 50% complete. And I'll probably have it done by next weekend, anyway.

Which means the only other thing will be the final Halloween special, which will be relatively straightforward to do. Beyond that, I won't have much else to do in regards to animating, so making a set in the meantime will be fine.

There's still gonna be weighting involved for supporters. And there will be a supporter poll and a public poll, so a total of 6 animations and potentially 6 characters.

Some might ask "can he really make six animations in a week?" Answer is yes. Plus I'm probably gonna leave the poll up five days, which will give me nine days to work on it. Things usually slow to a crawl by the fifth day, so it'll work out.

Plus, this past weekend I did some serious animating. There will be some bonus content in the upcoming release, let me tell you hwat.

Also, for the characters that don't win, they will definitely see some content at some point. People seem to like these a lot more than I expected, so I'm not gonna let them just sit there like I usually would.




I can't recognize any costumes here lol. But among 15 characters in a poll... we only get to pick one? How can you do this to us?😭


Oh... I misinterpreted what you said in the post. Now I look like a complete moron. Pls forgive me.😢


I'm gonna smash that vote button on Gentiana and Tamaki so fast it might break the poll. And then probably Aranea cause I'm an absolute sucker for elegant dresses. 6 animations from you in one week is gonna be some golden stuff. Thanks Spooky Month for existing!


I read through the post in a hurry and thought that you are doing the top 3 but voting method is still the same. Again I apologize for not reading it closely again before commenting. Will there be a "theme" part in the poll this time as well? I know there's no actual themes going on for costumes and it might be too much works to do that for 6 animations so I suppose not?


Nah, no theme portion of the poll. There will be an appropriate setting going on for each, but it won't be anything strong like the previous. Window dressing at best.


Got it. Can a single account vote for a certain character over one time if there are 3 votes available? Not sure if this is even a thing for Google forms. Just asking for those crazy XX-simps, I ain't mad enough to spend three votes on a single character lol.


Have you thought about doing a super long animation? Like more than 3 or 4 minutes, just curious🤔


Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how I'm gonna do the supporter poll. It'll either be just three among the 15, but I was also thinking to split it up into three separate votes so I can weight things on a scaling system... but yeah, I don't know how difficult that will be. Will probably try some things out on my end over the next couple of days.


I don't really like super long animations personally. Prefer more self-contained, smaller animations. That said, of what I have done that are two+ minutes long, they start getting difficult to manage when they're that long and Blender itself starts to lag trying to process all that animation data, so it's not super feasible on a technical level.


theres that one time lazy went madlad and did a ff15 6mins animation


Splitting into three would come with the problem of how to. There are 4 characters for ff7 remake, 4 for ff15, 4 for doa and 3 for ff13. I think no matter how you split them there will always be people not happy with the result... but it is what it is. Still it all comes down to how you want to do it so take your time figuring this out. :)

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

I'll vote for the three FFXV girls on one poll for sure but the other poll I will do anything to make Yuffie win cause my fucking god she is so cute.


Well, I meant splitting into 3 separate votes of all 15 characters, so they can vote for the same character, or someone different. 1st would get full weighting, 2nd would be like half, then 3rd would be a 3rd or some such. But that would take more work on my part, so I'm probably not gonna do that. >_>


Wow my comments are so retarded I want to delete them now.😭 So in this case it's kinda tricky indeed... But I guess it's also ok not being able to vote on the same character, since there are so many in the pool to choose.


My guy, it's fine lol. I'm kinda scatter brained today so I'm not explaining things very well. Been a long, slightly frustrating day for me. I'm probably gonna go with whatever is easiest for me to tally, but I am gonna do some testing first. I'm not super familiar with Google Forms and its options, so there might be an easier way to do it.

Backzilla Primordial Shitposter

Now that's you mention it doesn't sound like a bad idea either. And what about the Mysterious A judging from the size could be Nayo but I can't be sure about it.


Won't be spoiling or giving hints on who the mystery character is. She'll remain a mystery so that people can be surprised. x)


Mine too, and we get some banger animations from you as well, which makes it even better! A bit off topic from spooky month, but have you heard the rumblings that Tumblr might allow NSFW content again? I know that's where you started off, but would you ever consider going back there if they allowed smut again, or is Pixiv pretty much good for you now? My guess is they will never allow explicit shit on that site again, but maybe we'll get some Female-presenting nipples.


Tumblr trying to save itself, eh? But nah, even if they went back to the way they were, I wouldn't hop back on. I've spent more time on Pixiv than Tumblr, so I don't really see the point. Maybe I'd log in to post something for giggles, but that'd be about it.


I'm probably the single dumbest fan of yours ever comng to existence... Damn I think I should stop comment or sending you dms now. Imagine what it take you to talk to me.


It's no problem, don't worry about it man. We all have the brainfart days, today being one of my own, so don't worry about it.


just vote for 3 grils of DOA🤤


I think more alt costumes in the future like this would be cool, all of these are really nice. Then again it might take away the special-ness of Halloween, I dunno.


I'll probably do stuff outside of Halloween, but it'd be used pretty sparingly, like once every couple of months at most. Halloween would remain where I get to let loose.


Oh man the thought of you doing Vanille is too exciting, the ladies of FF13 are criminally under rated, Vanille and Jihl are easy votes for me, Vanille looking super cute in this outfit, I think she has one of the most beautiful faces in the whole franchise.


Feels like way too little too late. How long ago was that purge anyways, like 5+ years? It's honestly probably longer, time feels distorted. Would be fun to see what is still there, but yeah I don't think I would ever go back to Tumblr. Pixiv has it's flaws, but it feels much cleaner than Tumblr ever did. And Twitter is a mess too.


Less, actually. It's going on 4 years, now. They nuked it at the end of the year I started posting stuff, so it was late 2018. Does feel longer, though. I definitely prefer the layout of Pixiv. Trying to find stuff on Tumblr felt like such a chore. I like having my Pixiv nice and clean with just my releases, while having my rambles and stuff here.


Godamn!!! Jihl, Yuffie and Vanille are definitely the best ones in here. Scarlet in a cheaper scarlet dress is unfortunately a miss for me. And damn you literally scooped that Luna animation right out of my head. That's 1 to 1 what I was envisioning for the more "bright" side, down to the expression. X3 Anyways... at least there's good news this week for me. Something to look forward to. (* ^ ω ^) Cause I'll be under a hurricane in a couple days... (。T ω T。) Hopefully I'll have power back before October 1 so I can enjoy the hotness that you'll start slapping at us, in the comfort of my A/C. When is the poll for these and the previous costumes?


You're the second person to mistake Aranea for Scarlet, lul. I should have made it a different color, but that's the color that's on her armor... I'm gonna try to spice it up at some point. I mad eit myself, hence why it's crappy. >_> Best of wishes to ya. The poll will be on the first. Public first, then supporter.


Oh my god was it really only 2018? It feels so much longer than that… But yeah finding stuff on tumblr really was a huge pain. If you didn’t catch something shortly after it was posted, you had to go digging. Much prefer the way other sites work. Fanbox is definitely nice in that it gives you a lot more communication. Pixiv comments aren’t really great at that, least not to my knowledge.


I would have commented a lot more on Pixiv if it wasn't something like 130 character limit. Very annoying. This is definitely much better for communication. More so than Tumblr, too.


Ah, still not interested in her. Can't really have a favorite on this poll though, there are clear winners but I want to be happy with whatever wins. I've been through worst, but still scary as fuck. But this time I have a better phone, a Switch, porn(your porn) and my cats are inside. Hopefully I can keep my cool. I probably fucked 10% of my hearing by blasting music all night as to not hear the world ending outside on my last hurricane experience. XD Let's hope I don't have to do that this time. Gotta say if Vanille wins something, she could use some sweatynes. To fit the still high temperatures and the farm girl ascetic. Unless is a love scene in a field of sunflowers in spring. Wich will probably still be pretty hot.


Vanilla will get some sweat, provided she wins. Very curious to see how it will all go down. (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)


Less curious about who's winning (probs FFXV girls) but more curious about who's gonna be dead last lol


Kanna would my first pick for last too because she's fairly obscure and her outfit is a lil out there. Can see her getting votes just for the goofiness of it all though lol 2nd last...maybe Kyrie...? I can honestly see a couple of characters getting 0 votes from the supporter's side lol


I mean honestly, she's definitely top 3 contender in my eyes. Those shorts though... a Doggy pose with the shorts just partially down. Hmmm, keep that outfit as much as possible. Oh and If Yuffie doesn't get anything. She fits really well for a new year's animation. If only you could animate firework on the background...


Yeah you don't really do animated backgrounds. I have ideas for Jihl but don't really think you'd do any of the. But I will ask something I've been wanting to. Is indoors car seggs possible for you. You've done seggs next to a car and on top. But inside....


Glad you don't like to force yourself to make it work. Aranea turned out lovely, amazing job! I see Jhil got the police uniform, suits her more(no pun intended).


Good Lord, what a stunning Jihl 🥰 idk, maybe the Top 3 will be 2 FF + 1 DOA. i believe Momiji, and sadly i dont see Jihl is up there 😢 But let's see


God these are beautiful….You capture the characters so stunningly.


Why does the David Lee Roth version of California Girls pop into my head when I see all the pinups you just posted!😘 That Farmer girl outfit…wow….


Oh I forgot to ask, do you have Aranea's Winter(Lady's Snowsuit) Outfit? You mentioned in her latest set that you had clipping issues with her Dragoon armor. So her Winter outfit might be easier to deal with? I know nothing of 3d modeling/animating so I'm most likely speaking out if my ass about it and I apologize. But I figure that's an option you can go for.


SHE is missing, and knowing your fanbase, I'm sure you know she'll obliterate everyone.


You are so great. you took care of us all .


My vote going to Cheer Nico for sure


I'll point out that the costume Jihl is wearing isn't the same costume I had on Aranea. The one on Aranea was a more formal looking uniform. The one Nyotengu uses in DOA5. I do have it, yeah. Clipping would probably be about the same, since most of the clipping problems come from the skirt thing, which the snow costume also has.


I mainly don't spend much time on the backgrounds, due to that not being the focal point. The girls themselves take priority, after all. But yes, indoor car works, provided I have a model(which I do). I did one ages ago in SFM with Cindy, I believe.


I was considering including her, but I don't actually have a model rigged up and I didn't feel like rigging one up. Some other time.


You never know. While some characters might be less popular, the costume fitting well could swing things in their favor. Same is true in inverse. Popular character but less interesting costume might not result in a super high vote. We'll see, though.


I think we are talking about different SHEs...cause you showed a teaser of the model, but didn't want to spoil. The one I guessed right...remember?


Gonna he honest, I know the DoA series but never looked into it. Fighting games aren't my cup of tea. Which is also why I like your content, I get introduced to characters I never knew of. Fresh new content all the time. I'll go check the police uniform Nyotengu uses.


Would love to see something inside a car. Cop Jihl made me think about it. And honestly that costume needs some sort of color to give it a bit of a highlight. Going with her color scheme, having white, or blue in some parts would be nice. Or an orange tie! I'm just tossing some ideas out there, but I'm honestly one of those boring people that always goes first to black or white clothes when customization is available. (# ̄ω ̄)....


Since the clothes are, by default, black... not sure I can do much customization without things looking extra flat regardless of texture.


Ah, yeah. That makes sense. I kinda take for granted that people will know these characters. I know them perhaps too well. >_>


I see, just checking if there was something you could do. I also envisioned Aranea having the furr of a dead animal around her neck like Martha's model. But that extremely extra. I'll end with this! Would you ever add controlled and neat looking pubes to Luna? Or is she too perfect to let anything grow down there? Maybe blond pubes aren't that good looking.... Other that that, if you ever feel like a character would have some amount of pubes, give it to them. In this case, Momiji would have them and Vanille would too. Don't know how much Yuffie cares about it though. You did gave her hair in the one pack you did. Sometimes, it's oddly appealing to look at... It grounds these girls in reality and makes them believable! I feel like I'm seeing real beings in front of my eyes! It's a very important detail! ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭..... Don't ever get to the level of lvl3toaster, wich goes all the way to the anus. (*ノωノ)


I could probably do some sort of fur coat. I'll toy around with it later or tomorrow. Blond, and other light colored pubes tend to look weird. At least in EEVEE, where they cast weird looking shadows and what not, and having no shadows also looks kind of weird. Limitation of the engine. I haven't done pubes for a while, because they are kind of a pain in the ass, not to mention most people seem to prefer without than with so I just take the easy way out and don't bother lol.


I do like when you add them though, even if is just a flat texture. In Japanese/Asian looking girls, pubes are extremely normal, and sometimes not seeing any is weird. This came to my mind with the little peak we get of Luna's silky smooth cooch in the preview. And wandered how would she look in her lazy days x3 Really want to see our lady Luna with glistening wet skin one day, via sweat or a nice time in the shower. ♡(。- ω -) I bet that silky smooth cooch will shine even more...


Its definitely going to be momiji with the shrine maiden outfit for me


My Aranea, you must to win... Of course, i know, you'll not, cause, you aren't sooo famous. Its why that poll sucks.. Anyway, Lazy your videos are good!! But polls are boring, still same winners.