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A little early for this(since it won't go up until the 15th), but I'm rolling this into a bit of a ramble. This upcoming poll is gonna be the first "themed" poll, wherein the characters are not randomly selected, but are selected based on a theme of some kind. This won't be a frequent thing, since I don't have a TON of ideas for themes(but I do have a few), but it'll pop up from time-to-time. This time it's "moms". Genuine moms, not just what get classified as "milfs" when they aren't actually mothers(Scarlet, for example). I had to pick some unique choices(at least unique for my usual repitoire) to fill it out. I mainly just didn't want to use Ifalna and Miyoshino, since I've already done stuff with them. Regardless, I have a feeling it will mainly between two of these, but we shall see.

As for my ramble, just kinda been procrastinating and not feeling like animating the past few days. Partially due to a lack of sleep and really bad allergies leaving me with some wonderful headaches, and partially just after the animation I talked about last time, I've just been feeling very lukewarm with everything I've made. Often happens. I'll get my groove back, but I'm just taking it slow. I actually already have the basic animation of Yuna and Zafina done, just haven't felt like finishing and extending it. I'll get around to it.

That said, I've been messing around with some things. Notably knocking Halloween ideas about in my head. I ended up updating the "witch Lulu" I used in 2020 - it's a bit more Lulu while keeping the witch theme I went with.

I mainly just got rid of the two main complications with her outfit - the belts(so many belts) and the sleeves. The fur thing can also be annoying with some major clipping, but I think solved that with some manual weighting. Kinda covered it up with actual particle fur, which kind of stands out and makes it so clipping is less noticeable lol. Not sure if I'll actually commit to something with Lulu, but like I've mentioned in one of my previous rambles, when I don't feel like animating I often rig up characters or the like. This time I haven't created any OCs, but I did make an "anime-character-but-not" like my Shuten-Douji.

Low effort, but it's alright I guess. Doesn't really fit the Halloween spirit, though, so it'll probably just sit there on my hard drive forever(or, at least, my backup hard drive). But yeah, I tend to do this sort of thing when I'm really not itching to animate.

Also, Ayane's costume 1 is what I'm gonna go with for my Ayane set - it's currently ahead by 18 points, so I'm gonna call it there. A wide enough margin to be considered comfortable.




The real mum role seems interesting XD


I wonder is there will be animation for nyo this time?


Missed opportunity to include Cooking Mama in there 🥺


Damn, slipped my mind. This is why I gotta ask for ideas more - the best ones always just slip out from under me.


Cloud's mom is the last on the right. Otherwise a lot of motherly whites, browns and blonde, can't tell who they are. I was just thinking that you're yet to animate ONLY the poll winer. It's always the winner and this other thing, the winner AND the 3 other ones, the winner aaand the looser. Greatly appreciate mind you but it is bound to give you a little bit of a burnout. Take it easy, don't feel bad about not animating second place or ties. Nice attempt with the anime character, if I think who I think that is. If you get too tired, would a month with no animation packs but just the weekly SINGULAR character on a poll sound good to you? That way you feel like you're giving us something, if that's your worry.


Going forward, it's definitely going to be just the winner that I animate. Already more or less mentioned that. That said, I am taking things pretty easy right now. Next normal release is definitely not going to be a 5-6 pack of 40s each, lol. Gonna be more my normal style of a couple 20s and maybe one 40s if I feel like it. Well, next month I've already kinda planned to do just one poll and one regular release. To both give myself a break, and also to work on the Halloween stuff. Going forward, I'll see how things go and decide as needed.


I've given her a lot of love before. Wanna give more love to the characters I haven't given as much attention to.


And if you feel like taking a complete break. Why not finish uploading the rest of your animations to gofile? ;3 Man, I'm already envisioning stuff for Cloud's mom.... dear god. But I'll have to hold off till we know what those other mothers in need of love are. Are we getting a tease for the poll anims??? (´・ᴗ・ ` )


Hi, I like your works very much. It would be better if there were dubbing.


Dang, witch Lulu looks great! Gotta say, I'm a little sad to see the belt dress gone... I always thought it was an absurd and silly and totally awesome costume. Between that and the fur, though, I'm sure it would be a total nightmare to animate her clothes. Where did her model come from, by the way? I didn't think there were any really good high res models out there. Hope we get to see her in action soon!


I got Cloud’s mom, but that’s it. I’m so awful at these guessing games! Either way, it should be a fun poll. Probably no huge heavy hitters considering the theme, but FF might win out again. Witch Lulu looks great. The one animation you did with her in the past was very good. Looking forward to Halloween already!


The model is from the HD Remaster versions. Higher quality in terms of textures, but slightly different looking compared to the original model.


Definitely possible for an FF win, but I have a feeling it'll be a toss up between her and someone else(left-most character). Could be wrong, though.


Then how about IP hints for this poll. I haven't seen anyone guess any other character other than the one. Hard competition already if you ask me.


There's a DOA character and an additional FF character(but not from 7). Beyond that, one is from something I've recently had as an avatar, and the other is kind of out of left field, at least for me. May give further hints, but we'll see.


I feel a storm that is approaching... Or is it just me? I knew I saw the middle one from somewhere.


Smells POWERfull... and it's coming with a lot of motivation. I'm guessing the first to the left to be, Miyako?


Alright, last attempt before I let anyone else take a turn at guessing. Is.... the second one from 13? Won't bother guessing the left field. I prefer the right fields. I'm also assuming these characters can reappear at a later poll? Lastly, what's your favorite style?? I'm a swordmaster kind of guy. Those extra attacks are crucial to make cool shit happen. (⌒ω⌒)


Yep. Moms are tough. They can, yeah. Favorite style is Royal Guard. Has been since 3. But I'm also a bit of a Triswogunroyatriswogunroya-style of guy. I'm actually fairly proficient at style-switching and have never really had any issues with it. I'm fairly unoriginal when it comes to actual combos, though.


Pretty sad that many of these moms die tragic deaths. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ They deserve a happier ending. Hopefully you'll give them what they deserve, some love! Let's see if anyone else can guess these characters. And kudos for scooping up very, very, VERY rare and bizarre characters. Just wow. And fuck... now I want to go through the entire series again.... Even 2... It hurts like hell... But I don't like skipping. 1 is also a bit of a slog, but it was the first after all.


Parents in fiction have a very high mortality rate. DMC is my favorite series of all time, and I got into it with DMC1 so I've got no problems going through it again and again since I must have replayed it hundreds and hundreds of times throughout the years... although I am aware the controls are a bit dated now. DMC2 on the other hand is the worst type of bad game in that it's just so... boring. Doesn't have comically funny cutscenes like RE1 or something, doesn't have comical glitching like an Elder Scrolls game... only good thing about it is the music, really.


I really try to actually play 2 properly with combos and stuff. But then I get tired and just spam guns and the one effective move till they die. I think it's time. Time to mess up my PS left joystick going through 5 games XD And when the DLCs for RE8 come out. It'll be time to replay the entire RE series too. I'll even try the OG RE1 since is on PS plus with rewind. Why not.


I've played DMC2 more than anyone rightly should, so I skip it at this point. I should do the same honestly. Been a year since I last played through the series lol.


I feel like I’ve guessed every single one of these polls wrong by this point, so whoever I pick will probably lose. Betting on an FF is probably the safest bet., although maybe a DOA (left most is from DOA right?) may surprise us. How many available moms are there anyways? It feels like most games with decent enough models have a big dearth of actual moms, but have plenty of “moms.”


When it comes to my polls, "Always bet on FF" might become a thing. There are a decent selection of moms in games(and, on the subject of Lulu, she becomes a mother in FFX-2), and there are probably more that I'm unaware of. That said, the FF7 remake has three mothers to pick from(Claudia, Ifalna, and Jessie's mom), or four if you count Elmyra(who I do count, personally). Although I did have the criteria of "mother of a playable character" when making the list. Wanted "of the protagonist" but then the list got even narrower and I'd have to knock a couple of the characters off this list that I wanted to include for varieties sake.


Our Capcom talk just made me realize. Mia from RE8 isn't in here right? Yo! Or Mother Miranda!? Or both??? Since you know.... If they aren't in here, are they of interest to you?


I briefly considered having Mia, but didn't really want to include Mia and Eva. Again, fourth from the left is gonna be a slightly "out-there" pick when it comes to me, but it shows that I've got a wider taste than one might assume.


OK so "Wide", there's a hint right there! Get searching people, we almost got him! ( ˙꒳​˙ )


Oh Wow, i have no idea who they are, but i guess that's Miyako, mom of Kokoro on most left side. and, i wonder Jessie's mom is there too, since i see someone making her model past few months ago, and maybe you use it. Since you making a minor character like that Granny who own Tifa's dorm for April fool, why not 🤣🤣


I’m trying to think, has an FF character ever lost a poll? I guess there was the Deuce and Luna tie, that’s probably the closest thing. Oh right, I forgot about Lulu becoming a mom. Lucky ass Wakka. Also I really didn’t know there was that many mom’s in the remake. I guess when I haven’t played it and 95% of the content from it is Tifa and Aerith, it would be easy to miss that. Speaking of, I really appreciate you using the lesser used characters from that series. The amount of Tifa and Aerith out there compared to everyone else is quite ridiculous


As of yet, no. But it's still a small sample size, so I haven't been sufficiently convinced on whether it'll reign supreme or not. That's just kind of how I am - I like to do lesser used characters in general lol. I'll do my occasional popular characters, but I don't want to oversaturate things with just one. Plus it gets kind of boring to do just one character repeatedly for me. I know a few people would love for me to just do "more of x character" but yeah. Just not me.


Yeah, that's Miyako. No Jessie's mom, but she is always a possible random selection going forward. Hell, I even have Marle in the list for shits and giggles.


I guess it’s still early yeah. Maybe after a couple months we will be able to tell with more confidence. Like I feel Nyo could have beaten a lot of characters, but Yuna was destined to win. That’s one of the things I like a lot about your work. Like, how many people are out here doing a Patty animation, or a set of Fatal Frame ones? Seeing the lesser used but still great characters getting a chance to shine is really a treat. Obviously there’s still the preferred characters that will show up more often, but even then they still feel rare to see.


I mean, shit, its not my first time seeing a grandma sucking dicks, but wasn't expecting it from my Pixiv Timeline 😂😂 But good Lord you give us some "neutralizer" with Nyotengu, and its different one, and great.


I honestly enjoyed every response I got. It stands as my most commented on post to date(and least favorites/liked), and most of it is just confusion, horror, or anger and I loved every second of it. Guess that makes me a sadist. It might also be why the Nyotengu one didn't do quite as well as some of my posts, but I don't really care lol.


Yeah, I've got my selection of characters that I tend to do more than others, but even most of those aren't quite ubiquitous when it comes to animations. I guess I'm a bit of a hipster with my character choices. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


back to this topic, its surprise me you didn't includes the moms from Tekken : Michelle, Nina, Jun, Kunimitsu (the First one), or Kazumi. but i do understand your previous poll there's two girl from Tekken.


Wow, didn't realize the remaster versions could look that good. Color me impressed. I'll never understand why they changed all the faces, though. It wasn't super dramatic, but a lot of them are like... 10% different than the original, just in terms of facial shape and the like. Weird choice. Although some people on nexusmods have gone through and reverted the textures back more towards the originals.


the battle of moms is gonna be legendary. i'd probably go with someone i haven't seen before


From what I understand, Square didn't have all the original data and basically had to fix or tweak a lot of things, which I think included the models of the characters.


If it has to be a battle, then it would have to be at least 2 or 3 of them trying to take control of a situation. Which one will succeed? lol xD