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yes this is a completely pointless post to highlight a pointless detail




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OH COME ON, The one who will be fit to pointing the gun when she F you up is Christie. But i understand the context here 😂😂😂 When will this package droped tho, August 1st ?


It's a meaningful meaningless content🤣🤣


God tier quality stuff Do the antennae glow too?👀


While he is being held up by a toy gun, this one is being held up by a magnum between his legs... XD I know you say it's pointless, but every time you post even a little thing like this, I get excited and enjoy the anticipation, so go ahead and do it!


What the Fck is this...? I can count the amount of polygons and triangles that gun has! This the kind of quality I pay for!!!!???? Ps1 graphics had more detail than this SHIT!!!!!!!! Σ(▼□▼メ) Now as we discussed.... does the heart glow when she gets an orgasm????????? Does she actually says "pew"???? Wonder who will (if ever) add sound to this if she does??????


Now I want every single part of her glowing in the animation. It’s only fair!


I could add so many polygons you wouldn't believe how wasteful it is! But I mainly left it blocky because it felt more toy-like. Her heart might glow. It might even change colors! She does say pew. Wouldn't be that outlandish for some people who add sound, I would imagine. The only thing that will really be a problem is that I imagine it to have one of those cheap toy "laser sounds" when you press the button. Between that and the little cow bells of the last release, I'm making things hard for the audio people lol.


Thank you BOSS Lazy. Do you entend to make Cinque/Seven/Cater<3/Rem From Type-0, thank you for responding :D


Most sound editors don't seem to pay much attention to those small details you put into animations, but one sound editor did add the "shhhh" in your Iris night visit animation tho.


And then there are the sound editors that added the annoying "The Ring girl" sound to the ghost girl....definitely left those without sound... We'll see who is the first to request a pew sound from one of the VO girls lol.


It's fine - I almost never expect anyone to really notice some of the smaller details of my animations. Especially when it can be annoying for adding sound, lol.


Are we getting a little tease for the other ones? As in... the last minute winner? 👀


Oh right, you make animations in an hour or two, so you can leave your homework till the last day xD. I better see a flute....or else... ( ` ω ´ ) And hey! Not my favorite thing... But do more anal every now and then. Frontal view to see the cute pssy is a nice idea.


From a sound guy's perspective, I love little details and interesting settings. Creating sound to match a unique scene is always the most fun part of what I do.


Honestly, adding small details is one of the most fun parts of animating as well. Makes things more interesting overall.


Hey now, I never left my homework til the last day. It was at least two-three days ahead of deadline. I might be lazy, but I also take precautions in case I hit a road block. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ Well, I've finished the three by now. Gonna start on Deuce over the weekend. Gonna try to incorporate the flute, but who knows if it'll cooperate.


I'm sure you'll give it better use to it than I ever did in the actual game xD. Nobody understood how to do actual damage with the damn thing at first.... (# ̄0 ̄)