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This is a sort of follow-up ramble to my previous ramble, but also just a general update. Since posting that ramble, I managed to somehow develop an ear infection. Fun. Nothing serious, and it is already getting better, but still very annoying due to a lack of proper sleep. I've always had tinnitus since I was a kid, to the point I don't even know what silence sounds like because silence to me is the ringing noise you get when an explosion goes off in a FPS game. But when the ear is blocked, it's extra loud. Hard to fall asleep when your ear is screaming in your, well, ear. And then the pressure is constantly waking me up when I do fall asleep, which then repeats the process.

Regardless, I'm not here for sympathy, just figured I'd mentioned it because the upcoming post might be late... ish. Also gonna follow up a bit on something that kind of struck me while reading comments from the last ramble. Effort can be... subjective. What one person can die trying to accomplish another person can do without breaking a sweat. Early on, I did struggle to animate and do certain things that I now do without even thinking about them. So, in a respect, I did put a lot of effort in to get this far, but nowadays it's kind of become second nature that I don't really put effort into animating anymore. It's a bit "by-the-books" for me, and unless I'm trying to do something I've never done before, I don't really have to expend much effort to animate. Unless I wanted to become a professional animator who actually uses things like the Graph Editor and what not, which I don't. But that's less "effort" and more just "tedium". Even when I started out, I always felt animating was more tedious than difficult. There are ways to make things less tedious, but it will always be a tedious process.

I would say that the most effort I put into my stuff is getting the girls to look good. Just as real life people will look best with certain lighting and from certain angles, so do 3D models. I'll use Rinoa as an example, since that was fairly recent and when I was rigging the model I was like... "man, she looks weird." This is what Rinoa looks like by default.

Kinda creepy, right? Even with a little bit of lighting, things don't improve terribly.

Even with some reflections in the eyes, some lighting to cast shadows, shading, etc, it's still kinda freaky. Wouldn't want to use this as a default face. But, with a little bit of posing, giving the face actual emotions beside a blank stare and you get something passable.

I would recommend, if you're wanting to start out with animation or just posing models for pictures, to focus first on lighting/shading/expressions to maximize the character to look good. The default expression is usually just as unnatural as a T-Pose. Another character that stands out to me is Aerith. Without proper shading and lighting, she looks like this.

Then, with a little bit of lighting and some proper shading...

Getting there. She honestly don't look too bad with this focal length and lighting, but depending on the angle she can look very strange if the face is left alone. But still, with some personality and a little bit of love put into it and you get...

Wait, no, sorry, wrong picture.

There we go. Very minimal posing, minimal facial movement, but overall she's looking a lot more like Aerith as opposed to the blank, wide-eyed stare of her default expression.

And yes, this whole post was just a lead up to that. I felt a little bit like trolling.




I feel you with your tinnitus... Around the time Bloodborne came to PS plus. And I played my first FS game...with headphones....at almost full sound... was around the time I started noticing ringing in my ear. Fromsoftware have terrible sound design don't @ me! I couldn't sleep for weeks with constant nerves problems...panic attacks. Couldn't sleep without listening to something. Now the ringing is actually relaxing sometimes. Expect when my ears get fucked up like what happend to you. Bothers me a little. Anyways... the way you go out of your way to improve these character models is why I love your stuff. A LOT of other animators content just look like your first examples.... bland as Fck. Lighting and expression does a lot and you do a REALLY good job. Nothing groundbreaking or extremely realistic, but pleasant to the eyes. (☆ω☆) "Art direction vs. Realistic graphics" kind of thing. I bet people would love to see your process in video form if you ever feel like it.


This is definitely one of the better troll post you've made lol. Some animators don't seem to care about face expression by a whole lot, or just use the default face sometime in animations which make them look weird as heck. But that never happening in your animations really shows that a little effort put into adjusting the lighting and facial expression can immediately bring it to the next level. Btw is it just me or aerith's breast size looks kinda sus?


I too have suffered from tinnitus since childhood. I can't leave my music player at bedtime. I know this may be a thoughtless thing to say, but let's both keep up the good work...! (When you say "a post that will likely be delayed," do you mean the DOA pack that will be posted this week? (By "late post" do you mean the DOA pack that will be posted this week, or the video of the character in the thumbnail that will be posted in the future?)


There's a lot I'd criticize FromSoft for, but I'm not sure sound design would be one lol. Then again, I've always had tinnitus, so maybe I just don't realize how bad it actually is. I've never had a panic attack thankfully - I'd probably have one if the ringing stopped, though. I've always leaned into the "art direction" side of things compared to "realistic graphics". There are a lot of games from the 90s or early 00s that look better today than games from the late 00s and early 10s just because their art direction holds up compared to the "realistic" look the latter went for.


I think a lot of people just load up an HDR and call it a day. Natural light is great and all, but even well lit scenes need to have their own lighting work done on them to bring out the character and make them "pop". They do look a bit large, but they're not. Pretty sure it's a trick of the camera, since they're on the edge of the camera with a 30mm focal length, so they're a bit distorted.


I usually have an oscillating fan running when I'm sleeping. White noise is easier to fall asleep to than music, for me. It'll be the DOA pack that's coming this week. It won't be super delayed, but it might come a bit late just because I haven't been animating as much as I'd like due to pain and what not.


Any update on the poll? Since it's closing soon. If you're going to make a dedicated post doing some other rambles with the poll result then please ignore my impatient ass and stupid question.


A fan works well too! I sometimes put on ASMR (mainly H stuff) in addition to my favorite music as a distraction and wait to fall asleep...! As for the video, I guess it's more like a few hours late than a few days late...? When was it originally scheduled to be posted? I am sorry that I seem to be rushing you.... I know I've made a mess of things, but please don't take it too hard...!


Fromsoftware sound design is a lot of screeching sound. And most of the time it distorts the Fck out with screaming enemies, attacks, and music. I learned to have those games at medium volume or on speakers...The hard way. Now I will like to ask if you're willing to add a little detail I've been thinking to your animations. WETNESS! No I'm not talking about sweat, wet body, full body oil or sticky strings. I mean the small detail some animators add to their models. And that's wet genitalia. Basically the section that is being sucked, or entering the puss' or ass being noticeably more shiny/oily. You sometimes do a very good job animating/showing detailed vaginal with some of your poses/angles. But it is a little disconnecting that the penis goes in and out looking dry. Some animators that do this are Pewposterous, Hydrafxx, juicyneko. Just a little recommendation and asking if it's too much of a hassle. If I accidentally asked you to build a rocket plz forgive me. (。T ω T。)


There is a lot of screeching, but - at least with Bloodborne - it fit really well. Gave things a horrifying and otherworldly feeling. I didn't finish that game(Elden Ring being the only FromSoft game I've finished), but the visual and sound design of that game is probably top 3 in video games to me. Just a shame I don't like the general FromSoft formula and gameplay. I do try to make things look wet, but a lot of it comes down to lighting. Since I don't use Cycles, which has ray-traced reflections and what not, it can be difficult to get that area to look glossy without everything looking glossy.


I've been releasing things early weekend the past few releases, but this one will probably be late weekend if not a weekday. Still need to finish things up animation-wise, and haven't had a lot of motivation to do it while feeling sick.


Would the glossy look you sometimes add to the girls lips work? Doesn't need to be over the top. Just noticeably more shiny than the rest. And yes I've seen at least in your recent animation that the pp is a bit shiny. Just asking if you could do more. At least for BJ if it's to difficult. That definitely should look a bit more wet. You don't make a lot of BJ... Even though you make a freaking great job with them let me tell you. More BJ plz! Is the Sice tease an extra animation in a future regular pack? Or IS part of the next big pack after DoA milking fest? And yeah FS sounds are cool but they lack bassy, quality sound. The Demon Souls remake has a lot of it. To give an example of what I mean.


Is the timing similar to the first half of this year? I'm surprised it happened sooner than I thought...! I know I'm repeating myself, but take it easy! Even if it takes a little time, I'll wait!


I have applied the glossy look of the lips to that area - it's just the light there is usually dim and there aren't a lot of reflections so it doesn't come across as very glossy compared to the face which I usually try to keep lit well. Sice will be her own pack. Don't know if it'll be "big" though.


Well, judging by the expression on the image. I'm guessing you're going the "Edgy character that is too embarrassed to show the fact that she is enjoying herself and can't really hide it so she looks uncomfortable AF" take on her. If that's the case, good. Also a good fit for Baiken whenever you get to her. (* ^ ω ^)


I noticed some of your models have somewhat detailed skin texture and some do not. The two character model above are such examples Is the texture something you mainly only apply to models you see yourself working with more often? Im curious if it's something that's high effort to implement


I try to match the texture quality of the original textures, at least to an extent. I'm not very good with textures in general, so I'm not terribly good with that for the most part, but I do attempt at least. Dissidia NT models have very smooth looking face textures, but the FF7:R models tend to have more detailed textures.


Well, the expression in the post was just a five minute thrown together thing. But I do plan to go for that sort of vibe. It's tsundere, almost.


Make sure that in the last animation of the pack she is defeated and broken. Turning "angry sex" into your trademark Happy Sex. (*´▽`*)


That's interesting, but makes complete sense now that I noticed that most of your past works containing PS3 / early PS4 era models tend to have smoother textures I had previously always assumed you gradually worked on the textures the more you use a model, because the differences between your early Luna, Iris & Aerith models with the present ones are pretty stark. And in their cases, they look even better than their in-game models lol


Speaking of FF girl, do you remember Ashe of XII ? OMG dude even im totally forget about her, someone in twitter using her as pfp and it the first time since 2008 i see her. Like we discuss before, FF fanbase blessed with dozens of gorgeous woman, but they just overdoing Tifa 😑


I've gone through several body models and texture changes for most of the characters throughout the years. For a while, it felt like I was changing them every couple of months, but I've mostly settled into models/textures that I'm happy with and haven't changed them for quite a while.


Ashe is pretty nice, though the one I like most from XII is Fran. XII is also one of the few PS2 games that has models that are of relatively nice quality - probably because it was late-gen so they could push the hardware a bit better. On the last point, yeah. I think the only one that might come close to Tifa is Yuna, at least in terms of content throughout the years.


Ever thought of what to do when the poll ended up being a tie? Do both or save one of the two for another time?


I just realized.. I have literally never seen animations of Yuna and Rikku AT ALL. Makes me wonder why. Kinda sad about Cindy tho... started fine, had potential, but her works only lasted few months, most of them were really simple, except yours and those from Pew. And people quitted animating her. (Most of the world liked her... I dont get it). Also, kinda strange all her models were full covered tho, never saw an animation of her uncovered, guess her uncovered model was a mess to create or animate). FFXV wasn't my thing but I liked most of the chars specially Cindy and Luna. Still surprised Yuna and Rikku never were a thing. Judging by how famous they were. I wonder why...


PS2 models is the simplest answer. There was stuff done with SFM, but it's harder to get them to look good in something like Blender. Dissidia NT Yuna is kind of... off compared to her original look, so it's not very popular. Main reason Cindy keeps her clothes on is because she's bald under her hat, and so keeping her with clothes justifies keeping her hat on.


That Cindy thing actually sounds amusing... lol. Was just wondering about if those things were about Blender issues since I am not sure how rigging works when it comes to that. So far when I have tried designing I have only managed with the originals models I have found but dont know how to deal with other versions of the same model. Wad wondering how that worked. Didnt know the ps2 part tho. But makes sense. I have heard that trying to convert/recreate a SFM model into Blender is a pain. But I kinda agree with you and the others... FF7 is good but people are overdoing them so much that it's starting to get kinda old and burnt out. Specially Tifa. Wouldnt be bad if people give some love to other games. 😂


If there are issues, 99.99% of the time it's not Blender's fault lol. It's an insanely powerful tool that can do just about anything you'd want it to, but actually doing something will require you to know how to do it. For my own animations, I could have easily removed her clothes, but I tend to like some clothing on as opposed to full nudity. Just spices things up. Converting an SFM model into Blender isn't that difficult, just tedious. Mostly with textures, funnily enough. Still, it is usually just low quality textures looking really apparent in something like Blender as opposed to SFM where textures are often pretty low-res. Yeah, it's why I don't do too much Aerith right now. 2020 was the year of Aerith for me, but I've slowed down. Some people want me to be Aerith all the time, but I'd like to expand outward and give love to more characters that don't get it.


It's pretty nice reading these little rambles you post on here. Seeing how even though you have the model, you still gotta fix it so it doesn't look weird. Gives a bit more perspective into the preparation process of animations. It is quite interesting to see. Honestly does intrigue me on trying out animation just reading your insights on the subject.


Animation is fairly approachable. It's certainly not easy starting out, but at the very least you can start simple. Don't even really need to animate at first - getting used to posing and what not is probably more important when starting out.