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Just a couple more glimpses at the DOA set I'm working on. I may or may not split it into two releases. More time to work on them, and gives me some leeway to work on them more.

Still, I am enjoying working on them, so that's a positive. I was originally going to include Ayane, but she's going to be a separate thing. I was already leaning away from the "beach" theme for her - I want to do more ninja stuff like I did before. Just not sure if I should go for the same costume I did last time, or do something else. She's got a ton of them, after all.

The Fang animation + new poll will be posted tomorrow. The poll after this one will be rather interesting. I roll them ahead of time in case I need to rig some stuff, and there are two heavy-hitters featured. Should be interesting.


Why did Capcom do this.




Is Helena on your doa plan?


The Wyverian twins creep me the hell out because of those hands lol. Dunno why it bothers me as much as it does. I don't think I even realized Wyverians were missing a finger until Rise


It thankfully doesn't creep me out, but it's kind of awkward and weird to work with. And don't even get me started on the digitigrade legs.


Sheesh, did Capcom actually model it that way beneath the pants? I'm just imagining you trying to make a pretty standard pack out of the twins lol. The few NSFW animations I've seen of them tend to not go all the way down


It's not really modeled down there, but they stand on their toes, and there's a small protrusion on the legs implying digitigrade legs. I could just ignore that, but I'm kind of OCD about those little details.


Will you be the first animator to bother to show their legs and feet without their foot wear??? No one ever shows them, for obvious reasons xD Just don't blow your head of trying too hard👍 You're to lazy for this kind of effort. After all....ヽ( ̄ω ̄(。。 )ゝ


If you decide to include enough doa girls in the set you can make it a compilation thing like the gymming with iris and luna/gentiana threesome one, that might be interesting. Though if your plan is to make this the next release then there might be too much to work on in too little time, so anyway......


From top to bottom, Kasumi, Fiona, and Tsukushi...? It's like a harem when you see them all dressed the same and having H! Also, it's a bit detailed, but you can see them sucking their fingers and doing various actions, so each video is longer than I thought...? (more than 20 seconds...?). Also, I'd be fine if you don't have any, but do you have any nude versions of each character?


I could show the legs and feet, but... they're kind of mangled. I tried my best, but there's a limit to my ability to modify meshes. I'm not the best at 3d modeling, even if I know a tiny bit.


It could be possible, but I don't think it's really suited for a compilation since they're just variants on the same pose with different characters. Wouldn't flow as smoothly as those two.


Correct on all three characters. Video length will vary, but some will have "finishes". I'd like all of them to have them, but it depends on how much time I have(and how much effort I am willing to put into these). I will be trying to render nude versions.


Whenever you want to show more updates on these models please do👍. Are you only concentrated on the twins? Or are there more MHR models you have planned?


Well if you think that so then it's probably not a good idea. There're might be spoilers answering this question, so don't do it if it ruins some surprises or sth you don't want to announce just yet: Are you rigging the twins for the poll or just because you decided to get around to them?


If you figure out how to work with the models, maybe you can do a pseudo meme set out of them by creating a footjob animation. Or perhaps toejob in this case xD


cool I don't have to wait for you on v to see what you're up to


Shitposting on /v/ is fun, but summoning attempts got a little too overt for me. Felt a bit too much like shilling.