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No real goal in this ramble, it'll be a genuine ramble of whatever the hell comes to mind. First and foremost, just wanted to thank everyone for the support thus far. It's appreciated, and very humbling that as many people are willing to support me monetarily. I've always been really bad at expressing gratitude, and just myself in general, so all I can really say is thank you.

I'll also mention that the polls and stuff might be a bit sporadic going forward. Not because of a lack of wanting to do them, but because I was looking at the calander and posting them on the weekends like I had originally planned might land a post on the very end of the month. While not a problem on SubscribeStar(at least with the settings I have), Fanbox charges people at the beginning of each month and I can't change that, so I'm gonna avoid posting anything that is supporter only at the end of the month to avoid possibly double charging new supporters. Mainly just gonna do it right at the start of the month and right in the middle.

As for the current poll going on, it's not quite going the way I expected it to, but also sort of. All I'll say of it for now is that I'll probably have to do some polls that do not feature DOA or FF at some point, lol. I might do a few themed polls at some point too, where the characters aren't random but selected based on some hair brained idea of mine. One idea I had was the "Battle of the Moms", where it'd feature five different video game moms, because why the hell not. And actual moms, not a "mature lady that people call a MILF" like Scarlet or something. I've more or less got the five selected - I was gonna have Miyoshino and Ifalna in there, but since I've already done those two I figured I'd feature only those I haven't done. Also because I kinda want to do another Miyoshino set, but shhh you didn't hear that.

Anyways, might notice that one of those OCs I mentioned before is in the preview. I've sorta started on a mini-set with her, but I've been procrastinating heavily. Same with all my animations, but still. Right now I need to finish my Nayo set, but been procrastinating on that too(right now I'm blaming seasonal allergies more anything - kinda hard to do anything when your head feels like a balloon). Not sure when these will be a thing - might sneak them in as a bonus somewhere as opposed to a dedicated set, but we'll see.

Also curious to know if this is easier or harder to guess than the pixels. Might try to switch things up as things go, just for fun.




Hope Miyako from DOA is on that mommy list...


At this point making a poll with just numbers sounds like a good idea XD. You just do wonders with FF and DoA, I can't blame everyone for choosing them. You working on random stuff when I think you're doing others is what I like about you. I'm always surprised with what you release. Hope the "BoM" idea goes through! So, do you make your own models? Or do you modify them with parts of others? Have you ever had interest in changing the regular models? Other than hair length. Like....skin color. Is that hard to do? Some animators have like a tanned variant or a dark skin variant. Would love to see your most common girls like Iris, Luna, Nyo, Aerith with a different color palette of skin or hair.


Yep, she is. There aren't a ton of video game moms that can make the cut, honestly. Well, there probably are, but not necessarily ones I would want to do, lol.


There's a generic body you can get on smutba.se that I use for pretty much all the models. Had a lot of shape keys that can adjust the body, and I do my own sculpting/proportional editing of the body to get it the way I want. Hair/skin color is relatively easy to adjust, I mainly just don't do it because I'm a stickler with the characters looking as they do in the game - or at least as close as I can get it. Characters like Luna and Aerith tend to take a lot to get looking just right, so messing with hair/skin color would probably break it. Not to mention that would just be another variant I would have to render, and I like to minimize rendering as much as possible.


Guessing based on silhoettes rather than pixels is probably much harder save for few exceptions where a character's hair or pose REALLY sticks out Also, is the silhoette you have here based on an OC?


speaking of milfs, did cloud's mom ever get a model? i cant remember at all..


Yeah, that's more or less how I feel about it. I'll probably stick with pixels for the most part. Nope - she's a character from a game. Will be on the list for the next round of polling, so an early guessing game lol.


Maybe just for fun you could mess around with skin colors for Halloween. You know like the characters is on a costume or cosplaying. And I also feel the same way. I'm always conflicted with changes to characters. I kind of like it but something doesn't feel right... Iris look hot with long hair...but when I look the OG it just looks right. Had you have any interest in changing anything about Luna? All I've seen you give her is a nurse outfit in SFM and her lingerie. Have you thought of loose hair Luna? Or is she just perfect? (*♡∀♡)


Is it Lobelia from DOAXVV?


Maybe I'll try something around Halloween. It is kind of the time when I can get a bit more creative with themes. As for Luna, loose hair Luna is like a letter grade or two down from tied hair Luna for me. It's not bad, but it doesn't do it for me the same way as the tied hair does. I did briefly consider doing a "Red Riding Hood" sort of thing with Luna, but never went through with it.


Talking about Red Riding Hood, you once did a "beast" animation with Marie Rose. I presume that's something you'll never do again? One of the rarest things you've done that's for sure.


Never say never, but it's pretty unlikely. Not my go-to type of content, and it'd probably be shocking for a good number of people who follow me and are unaware of that particular old clip lol.


Hope for more POVs and nude version.


I know most people are going to prefer known characters from existing properties, but I just wanted to let you know how much I've liked some of the OC's you've posted on here. This one and the short-hair one from the 6/23 post in particular are very nice.


Do you take inspiration/ideas from any source when making the OCs? Or you simply create them based on your own preference?


Mostly comes down to my preferences, but they can be based off a "type" that I'll see somewhere else and there isn't an existing model that matches it quite the way I imagine so I just tweak something close until it's the way I want it.


What's the name of the oc?


Doesn't actually have one(I'm not very creative with naming characters), but I call her a "Hostess", since that's kind of what she looks like.