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I pretty much already spilled the beans that Nayo is the next release, so might as well be forthcoming about that. I really like Nayo for some reason. Most people just seem to view her as a Tifa clone, but she really doesn't look that close. At least to me. I actually started before there were any FF7 announcements, and to be honest I didn't even realize there was an FF7 announcement until the day after or so. Don't keep up with game news much these days. I'll be honest, the thing that got me most excited about the news is that we'll get an HD Cissnei model. Wasn't expecting that. Didn't really care about anything else. As far as actual video game news goes, the game I'm most excited for is Dragon's Dogma 2 - been waiting for that to get announced for a while, and even if it was just a shirt reveal, I'm looking forward to it. Not so much the inevitable articles making comparisons to Elden Ring, but it's going to happen so I've made my peace.

I also mentioned I'd do a bit of trolling with previews. You might be able to tell what these heavily pixelated messes are if you squint. at some point, I kind of want to do a guessing game and see if people can actually correctly guess the character based on an obtuse picture. Maybe not, though.

I also didn't mention it because it slipped my mind at the time, but cowgirl was the most suggested position/pose in the previous poll. Is it because that's just kind of my go-to thing? Or is it because people really like cowgirl? I don't know.




Nayo is super cute. On that note, do you think you could upload your preview pictures uncensored?


Dont know much about Nayo, but never knew Tifa comparisons exist. Is it because of the red eyes? Dragon's Dogma 2 is gonna be hype considering how fantastic Capcom has been for the past few years. I just hope they take a more daring stab at the world design. My main issue with DD1 was its ultra vanilla western rpg setting lol As for positions, yeah... I think that style is basically your trademark haha. I tried putting something else but eh, I love the way you handle any position because you always make sure that the character's face is visible at all times, which is all that really matters for this sort of content imo


I've seen a few people who seem to think that Nayo has the same face as Tifa, just with glasses, but she really doesn't. There's a passing similarity, but that's kind of true of all the characters in FF7 - it's just part of the style the game has. I do also hope that the game will have a bit more flair than the original Dragon's Dogma, although there was a charm to its very by-the-books Dungeons and Dragons aesthetic that I kind of liked. Still, I hope it's more Dark Arisen or beyond than base Dragon's Dogma.


To be honest, I don't really like TIFa. Nayo is my type. Maybe I'm tired of watching too much? But the missionary and cowgirls will definitely be the best positions and have the best creampie scene!


Ahh yes, now I remember that silly face comparison thing. Saw it a while back and found it kinda funny because honestly, if you look at all the CG renders of Nomura designed characters, they have pretty similar faces


The pixelated previews are a fun idea, but I think your poll results kinda gave away the answers 😅 Would be a great fit for your own random anims in the future though


After all, the cowgirl position, where you can see most of what you want to see, must be very popular! (Cute and sexy face, swaying breasts, and the insertion part) What about the second place? Normal position after all...? (Sorry if it's too much trouble to look it up... just a guess will do...) And as for the image in question, is the bottom image Rinoa...? I have no idea what the top image is! It looks like part of her hair is dyed blue....


As far as I can tell, the upper half of Nayo and Tifa's faces look totally different like the eye socket and the eyebrows but the similarity is still there since that's the aesthetics they are going for. I guess one can say that every character in ff7 remake looks kind of alike one way or another.


So the pixelated images aren't Nayo? You saying that people compare her to Tifa has me worried... that one of these is short hair Tiffa. I'll hunt you down if you commit such a crime O_o... If the Cowgirl position is for Rinoa, it would be a little to similar to your last and only Rinoa anim, but I trust you. Who are your truly favorite FF7 girls? Would love to see a celebration of all of them together in one animation if you know what I'm saying... (o´∀`o) All the group animations you've done are all really good! Would love to see what you can do with FF7. And hey, been a long time since you've done a purely girl on girl animation. I know lesbian seggs isn't really diverse. But still... To many dcks being stuck on them these days.... Would love to see what you can do.


No short-haired Tifa, although some of those edits last year weren't bad. As for the Rinoa one, I felt the same, but there's enough differences that I think it's fine. Chalk it up to laziness and not wanting to think of an alternative. Favorite FF7 girls? Uh... only one that stands out to me is Aerith. I like the rest well enough, but can't say I have a standout one that I'd put above the rest besides Aerith. As for full on yuri, been meaning to do something just haven't settled on an idea. As far as girl-on-girl goes, for whatever reason my mind always goes to Nyotengu and Kanna, but I also wouldn't mind doing some others... just don't have the motivation for it.


I can take Aerith animations from you for all eternity. But would love to at least see one more pack with Yuffie. Or at least 2-3 anims like you did with Kyrie and Nayo. Now for something I wanted to ask since your greatest troll.... Did you happen to find any other interesting model in your search for Marle? Like.... Clouds mom????? Your Ifalna animation was great and a very rare character. Just imagine a good 1-2 animations with FF7 moms. (´ ω `♡) E-even though they're dead.....


I do plan to do more Yuffie at some point, I just am not forcing it. My last pack was... rushed, and that kind of burned me out on Yuffie so next time I want to do her proper justice as opposed to trying to get it out before my holiday, lol. I have Cloud's mom, yes. I'll probably do one at some point, although I did have a silly idea of doing a "Battle of the Moms" poll at some point. And it's fine - I do Aerith and Lunafreya aplenty already.


Hey... alternate timeliness are now a thing. We can dream♡(。- ω -)..... Battle of the Moms is a great idea, But the poll should be who gets the most animations in a pack. Would be a shame to leave either of them out. Or a list of set posses and the poll is who gets which pose. Anyway good to know something is on your mind! I'll keep it on the back of my head to patiently wait for it.


I can kind of see why blowjobs come in second place! I get so excited watching that pretty, beautiful face contort erotically as she sucks cock...! (Huh? (Is it just me?) And then the cowgirl position! What a huge difference! Will this bias show up in future position surveys? As for myself, I love riding and normal position, so I'd like to see more of them!XD