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Pan wanted to have a little fun. He thought the best way to do that was to go into the city and spend the day being a superhero. But to do that he had to first remove it's current hero from the equation. It would only be for a day so he was sure Superman wouldn't mind. Jon was confused who this green clad boy was or why he had ambushed him. He just knew one minute he was landing in an alleyway to change and the next he was being tied up. In the blink of an eye, his costume changed. The of them had switched clothes some how and now the brat was saying he'd be a better Superman. He was starting to get on Jon's nerves. Fed up with being treated like a child, Jon decided to stop holding back and show the punk what's it mean to be superman. One scuffle later and Pan found himself the one tied up in the middle of alley, huffing in annoyance while Superman gave him a lecture on identity theft. He should have stayed on Neverland.



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